Nono from another world

Chapter 259 Desperate

Chapter 259 Desperate

Watching Nuonuo disappear from the door, Rose and Ciro's faces suddenly turned pale, ignoring Saussure's bad mood, they shook him and said, "Mr. Saussure, it's not good! Nuonuo went to find Mrs. Othello with the blueprint!"

Saussure was still immersed in deep self-blame and disappointment, but when he heard this, he immediately came back to his senses, and asked a little stammeringly, "What... what?!"

The two talked about what happened just now. After Saussure heard it, he felt his feet were a little weak, but he managed to support his body and ran two steps forward. He said while running, "Hurry up... Hurry up and stop her, something big will happen if this continues!"


While the three of Saussure were looking for Nuonuo, Nuonuo had already walked through the garden and came to a two-story building quietly.

The house was dead silent, and there was no sound at all. This time is the time when people are most likely to feel tired and sleepy. Even soldiers who have received strict training will be slightly less alert and responsive than usual.What's more, now that the sun was shining, most people would choose to stay in a cooler place, so Nuonuo walked through the garden with little effort.

Nuonuo's face was calm, she naturally knew that if she did this carelessly, there would be devastating consequences, but time was running out, and she didn't have time to go around and ask for help.

After looking around, Nuonuo tied up his clothes a little more, and carefully wiped the sweat off his face.The footsteps of "tapping" in the distance were gradually approaching, Nuonuo put his finger on his pulse, silently counting the time.

Ten, nine, eight, four, three...

time up!
Nuonuo turned around calmly, stooped and walked towards the window.

At the same time, there was a loud bang, and it suddenly occurred to me that a huge splash of water suddenly shot out from the fountain not far away. The patrolling guards were startled, and they rushed to the place where the water pipe burst before they had time to think about it. .

The opportunity never came again, just when a few patrolling guards ran to the fountain to check the cause of the explosion, Nuonuo's eyes lit up suddenly, his body was like a civet cat, and he jumped four or five meters from the ground, and then lightly With a light grasp, the whole person swung into an open window.

It took only a second for Nuonuo to leave the ground and enter the house. Due to the cover of the water splash, several guards did not find anything abnormal at all.

Nuonuo didn't even look at the guards, and quickly scanned the room. After finding that there was no one there, she calmed down and observed the room carefully.

This room seemed to be a cloakroom, and as far as the eye could see, it was all exquisitely crafted dresses and accessories.

Nuonuo glanced casually, found a fairly everyday dress, changed out of some wet clothes, washed up, wrapped her eye-catching red hair in a scarf, and casually smudged her face After countless small pits, she picked up the file bag, turned and walked out.

Affected by the explosion of the fountain pipe just now, most of the people in the room either went out to watch the fun, or helped clean up so as not to disturb the countess, and there were only a few maids left in the room.

With Nuonuo's skills, he easily bypassed them.It's just that this house is too big, and Nuo Nuo turned around several times but couldn't find the countess. Seeing the time passing by, Nuo Nuo couldn't help feeling anxious.

After walking for about 2 minutes, all the first floors have been checked, and now only the second floor has not been visited. However, as soon as he turned the corner, Nuonuo saw two armed guards with long guns at the end of the corridor.

When the guards saw Nuonuo's strange face, they immediately became vigilant. The leading guard raised his black spear and shouted, "Stop, who are you?"

Nuonuo walked over without squinting, with her back straight, holding a thick stack of drawings in her hand, and said softly as she walked: "I am the maid in charge of receiving Mr. Saussure, and the husband said that some drawings need to be handed over. Show it to the countess, so as not to cause any problems, so let me come over."

The guard froze for a moment, then frowned suspiciously, and said, "The countess is taking a bath now, and she has clearly ordered that no one should disturb her."

"If the Countess can't finalize these drawings, what should I do if Her Royal Highness the Princess arrives later, if she is not satisfied? The two of you must not be able to bear the consequences, right?" Nuonuo frowned, writing her eyes up and down. The guard looked at the guards, and said in a deep voice: "I just handed over the blueprint to the countess, and the countess probably won't blame you for it. But if you delay the countess' time to check the blueprints, when the time comes If something happens, you're afraid..."

The two guards were startled when they heard this. The countess's temper is well known, if they really delay the countess' time, then they will really be overwhelmed and walk away if there is any problem.

Thinking of this, the two said in a deep voice: "Then go and come back quickly, don't waste too long time."

Nuonuo frowned lightly when he heard this, and Dianlei said, "Thank you two little brothers, I'll be right back."

After that, Nuonuo turned around and walked forward.

The two guards stood on the spot, feeling a little uneasy. After a while, the guard in the lead said, "Have you seen that maid just now?"

"I don't have much impression, but it shouldn't be a problem. There are so many people outside, it's impossible for someone to get in." Another guard said hesitantly.

"I hope so." The leading guard said softly, always feeling a little uneasy, but he didn't dare to rush into the bathroom, so he had to listen carefully to the movement with his ears up.

After turning a corner, Nuonuo leaned against the wall and let out a long breath.After a rough estimate, 5 minutes had passed and there was not much time left. Nuonuo took a deep breath, stood up straight, and continued to move forward.

Since he already had the experience of searching on the first floor, Nuonuo quickly found the guard where the bathroom was located. Looking at the milky white door, Nuonuo's mouth slightly curled up.

Well, she finally found Othello.

Unscrewing the handle easily, Nuonuo walked in sideways.As soon as she entered, she was greeted by a cloud of water mist, and smelling the fragrance of flowers floating in the bathroom, Nuonuo knew that she had gone to the right place.

It's just that due to the influence of these water vapors, although it is broad daylight, Nuonuo can't see anything clearly except for a vague figure.

After taking a deep breath and concentrating all his attention, Nuonuo walked cautiously towards the bathroom.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden movement in the bathtub, Nuonuo reacted quickly, and quickly moved aside, clinging to the door of the bathroom, her white palm quickly touched the doorknob behind her.

At the same time, a woman stood up from the bathtub. Due to the occlusion of water vapor, Nuo Nuo could only see some important parts of her body, such as the snow-white lump on her chest, and those long white legs .

People couldn't help but take a second look.

"Is it you, Pearl?" Othello seemed to have noticed the movement in the bathroom, but because she was still relatively confident in her own security measures, she didn't realize that someone had broken in, and thought it was her maid who had returned.

Nuonuo froze for a moment, not knowing how to answer for a while.But she knew that if she didn't speak at this time, it would arouse Othello's suspicion, and her current position was more than one meter away from Othello. Once Othello called out, she was not fully sure that she could stop her quickly.

Thinking of this, Nuonuo replied in a low voice: "It's me, madam."

Hearing this, Othello didn't notice anything wrong, so he lay back in the bathtub and said lazily, "Why did you come back right after you went out? But it's okay, just come over and give me a massage. My shoulders are always sore."

Nuonuo was stunned for a moment, his eyes fell on Othello's beautiful back involuntarily, he felt a little flustered in his heart, and he didn't know whether he was nervous or excited.

Reining in his emotions, Nuonuo lowered his head and agreed, "Yes."

Carefully walking around to the side of the bathtub, Nuo Nuo finally got a clear view of Othello's appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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