Nono from another world

Chapter 272 Really!

Chapter 272 Really!

After several people chatted for a few more words, Nuonuo led them into the small stand on the west side from the staff aisle on the side. This place is far away from the stage, and there are only [-] seats, which are specially for the relatives and friends of the designer. Reserved by friends.


Under the arrangement of Othello, Camille sat down in a box with an excellent location, and then asked the middle-aged woman beside her, "Have you found her yet? Are you sure she will come?"

Although investigators have already found information about the woman who appeared at the auction, until now Camille still doesn't believe in the news that the Ninth Princess is back, and he is even less willing to believe that Helen will appear in the imperial capital.

The middle-aged woman glanced around and made sure that there was no sign of Helen before replying: "Please read in the newspaper that Princess Nine has worshiped Saussure as a teacher. Today is the opening of the fashion show that Saussure is in charge of. It stands to reason that she It should come."

"But, at this point, why hasn't she appeared yet?" Camille frowned. To be honest, she couldn't tell what she was thinking right now.

Speaking of which, there is no sisterhood between her and Helen. She has been living with her father since she was a child, while Helen and her mother live in a remote palace in the imperial city. Apart from the face, he didn't say a few words, and if he had to say something, Helen was not even as close to him as she was to the maid.

However, when she heard that Helen had left the palace, she still couldn't bear it, and felt that Helen was indeed a little pitiful as a princess.

But this kind of sympathy has changed from the moment she knew that Helen had returned, and now she was more worried about whether Helen had some ulterior motives when she came back.

After all, her father's health has deteriorated day by day, and the eldest prince colluded with the third and fourth princes again. It is very difficult for her to win the throne. If Helen intervenes again at this time, her troubles will be even worse. too much.

Unless...unless she can win Helen over and make her use her.

You know, although Helen doesn't have much power, according to the investigators' investigation, she has also bought a lot of property outside these years, and her net worth has far exceeded that of some big nobles.With her financial support, her chances of ascending to the throne would be even greater.

So, that's one of the reasons why Camille came here.

"Your Highness, don't worry." The middle-aged woman patted Camille's shoulder lightly. It was obviously out of order for her to do so, but Camille didn't say anything. Obviously, the relationship between the two is unusual, "Princess Helen Since she chose to appear in front of people with great fanfare, she will definitely not hide again. The reason why she didn't show up today may be because she has other plans."

"Aunt Alia, what do you think Helen wants to do when she comes back?" Camille frowned and asked worriedly.

Aliya looked at Camille with pity, and knowing that she had been exhausted for the throne recently, she comforted her: "I guess it might have something to do with the second prince."

"Second brother?" Camille was stunned for a while, as if he didn't think about it, but then he seemed to remember something, and said suddenly, "I remembered, I heard that Helen and the second brother have a very good relationship since childhood , the life and death of the second elder brother is uncertain in this accident, it is understandable for her to come back and take a look."

"However... even if the second brother comes back, it will be a long time later." Speaking of this, Camille glanced thoughtfully into the distance, as if he knew something.



A sole of a foot stepped deeply into the silt of a swamp, but he could no longer pull it out. Then, the scarred investigator fell into the swamp without a sound, and was never seen again. any movement.

I don't know if it's because the area is too wide, but Lena and other investigators have been going around in the Black Forest, and haven't found any news about the second prince's whereabouts so far.

In addition, there are visible and invisible dangers everywhere in this black forest. Even if they are already considered a very strong team, it is very difficult to walk in such a place.

Just ten minutes ago, they went through another fierce battle. At this time, even including the investigator who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, there were only fifteen people left in the entire team.

Reina was at the front of the line.

She was wearing a black robe, and her movements were much slower than before.

Under the black robe is a cloak. The black cloak covers Lena's cold face, making it difficult for others to see the expression on her face, but her slightly red pupils are full of indescribable anxiety. .

After the investigator behind her fell down due to serious injuries, the whole team stopped suddenly.

In desperation, an S-level investigator with the same tired expression had no choice but to wave his hand and let people set up camp on the spot.

Soon, several simple tents were set up, and some investigators with lower ranks fell asleep immediately, and seized the time to start recovering their strength.And Lena and the others gathered in front of the swamp to discuss what to do next.

However, after discussing and discussing, everyone still didn't have a clue, which made everyone feel desperate. At the same time, they were even more worried about the safety of the second prince, and wondered how the innovator passed through the black forest.

At this time, someone said: "I remember that the person who found the trace of the innovator said that they were chasing the beast that had been injured all the time, but when they arrived at the place where the beast fell, they found that there was nothing but blood. After that, there was nothing, not even the dying beast."

"What's the point of saying this at this time?" Another S-level investigator immediately snorted and said disapprovingly when he heard this.

The investigator who was interrupted didn't care, and just continued: "That's the problem, don't you find it strange, if the innovator wants to tell us that he passed through the Black Forest, why not use other methods , but chose to take that beast away?”

"In addition, according to several soldiers at the time, they saw some blood stains going along the direction of the bushes at the place where the beast disappeared, but they disappeared quickly. That is to say, the beast was seriously injured. It persisted for a while, so why did it suddenly disappear?"

"Stanley, what exactly do you want to say?" The man was a little unhappy. Their situation is extremely bad now, so naturally they don't have much time to listen to people talking about these things.

"What I mean is, since the beast escaped without dying, could it be because of the innovator? Maybe he used some means to help the beast heal its wounds." Stanley hesitated After a while, he said somewhat uncertainly.

Hearing what Stanley said, the man who interrupted him before was even more speechless. He felt that Stanley hadn't put forward any constructive suggestions other than a lot of nonsense, but just when he was about to say something Ye Kongming, the team leader who hadn't spoken all this time, suddenly said, "You mean, the reason why innovators can walk freely in this black forest is because they have a special ability that can be used in the forest. Treat people who are already on the verge of death in the shortest possible time?"

As soon as Ye Kongming said this, everyone involuntarily widened their eyes, feeling shocked and inexplicable.If this is the case, wouldn't the innovators be nearly invincible?
Just imagine, both sides were seriously injured during the battle, but at this time the innovator used some means to revive himself with full blood, so besides certain death, is there any other way for them to go?

For a moment, everyone was speechless and felt a deep sense of frustration.

Seeing that everyone was a little depressed, Lena couldn't help but said: "This is just a guess. If the innovator is really so powerful, how could it be possible that he is still hiding in Wuliang Mountain?"

"What the head of the Polar Branch said makes sense." Ye Kongming nodded, "It's useless to think about it now. It's important for us to find the whereabouts of the second prince first. By the way, has the news from here been sent back?"

"It has been sent back, but there is no news from the branch yet." An S-level investigator replied.

(End of this chapter)

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