Nono from another world

Chapter 289 On the Main Peak

Chapter 289 On the Main Peak

Under this main peak should be the mine vein. As soon as people walk up, they can feel an invisible coercion. For weaker practitioners, even just climbing the mountain, they will feel a heavy pressure. Originally The strength can't be exerted at all.

In fact, crystal veins were originally very beneficial to practitioners, but there is a saying that "too much is too much", no matter how powerful a person is, there is no way to stay in a place with a particularly abundant spiritual power for a long time.After a long time, the person's body became a little overwhelmed.This is also the reason why these weaker practitioners feel uncomfortable.

At this moment, the sun had just risen, and hundreds of people had gathered in an open space in front of the main peak, among them were practitioners from all over the world, and some who came to watch martial arts.

This open space is as large as a ten-mile radius, as flat as a stone, and it was repaired by the investigation bureau in advance.At this time, the open space has been trimmed into areas, and each area is separated by a magic circle formed by crystals. In this way, even if there is any danger, the crystal circle can immediately play a role to prevent the spread of the situation.

There were a total of 130 people who passed the first level before, and they were divided into ten groups, with thirteen people in each group, and only seven people in each group, that is to say, only seventy people entered the next level.

For most people, as long as they can achieve more than seventy results, it is already something to be proud of.

And those who are eliminated will not have no chance, and they can participate in the two competitions of the trial ground and the team battle in the future, and strive for a ranking again.In other words, as long as anyone who has passed the first level can get a ranking that satisfies him.

After the rules are announced, there will be a draw.The Bureau of Investigation is very efficient in this regard, and in just half an hour, the grouping has been determined.

Nuonuo was assigned to the seventh group. Together with her were three young practitioners from Xie Luo Kingdom. Two of them were unknown to Nuonuo, but the other was Shire, whom she was more familiar with.In addition, there are seven people from the Bureau of Investigation, and two people from another small country called Ling Luo.

Because it was a lottery, the strength gap among the people in the seventh group was not particularly equal, but what made Nuonuo a little depressed was that, except for her, a person from Lingluo Country, and four people from the Investigation Bureau who were B-level investigators , and the rest are A-level or A-level strength.

In this way, there were seven A-level investigators in their group. This kind of luck is really not ordinary.

There are two investigators who are not strong enough in psychology. After knowing this, they quit the competition before the competition started.As a result, there are only four B-level investigators remaining.

Nuonuo suddenly felt that the pressure on her body had increased a bit.

But even so, she still didn't show any panicked look, but carefully looked at the playing field in front of her.

Soon, the group stage began.The first two matches were basically nothing to watch. Both were B-level investigators vs. A-level investigators. There is no doubt that the winner must be the A-level investigator.After all, cultivators like Nuonuo who leapfrog and kill people are one of the few, and most people can't do it at all.

After a while, the third round of competition was on the sixth group field. On the stage stood Shire from Xie Luoguo, and an A-level investigator who was traveling with Nuonuo, Zhou Wu from the Violet branch. .

Being able to come to this point and stand out from the crowd of practitioners, this investigator of the Violet Branch is naturally not a weak person.But after seeing Zhou Wu, Charles just smiled contemptuously, flicked the long sword in his hand, and said, "You will be defeated within ten strokes."

"I want to see if you can still say this after you lose!" Zhou Wu is also a person with high self-confidence. When Charles said this, he immediately became angry. Both sides are at the A-level level. The other party dared to look down on him like this, it was really rampant!

As soon as the match started, Zhou Wu bullied himself and poured all the spiritual energy in his body into his right hand, preparing to end the battle in the shortest possible time.

However, what made his face change was that facing his full blow, Charles didn't dodge or evade, and directly went up to him, taking his sword easily.Then before Zhou Wu could react, Xia Er unleashed four more swords, forcing Zhou Wu to the edge of the competition arena.

Then there were two more swords, Zhou Wu didn't see anything clearly, the weapon in his hand was lifted by a sword, and then he felt a pain in his chest, and he flew out directly like this, hitting the magic circle heavily above.

"The third match, Shire wins!" After confirming that Zhou Wu no longer had the strength to fight back, the referee immediately announced loudly. good.Take this Shire as an example, he is very likely to be in the top fifty.

Defeating Zhou Wu within ten strokes made Charles proud. He turned his head and glanced at Nuonuo, with a hint of provocation in his eyes, and said with a smile, "You're coming too."

Nuonuo smiled and didn't speak, but turned her head and looked at the schedule, and found that she would meet Charles in six games, which meant that the bet between them would start soon.

I don't know what there is in that Tianchi, Nuonuo is really looking forward to it.

"Fifth match, Nuonuo vs. Xiao Rong."

This is Nuonuo's first match today. His opponent, Xiao Rong, is a member of the White Wolf branch, and he has a relationship with Nuonuo, but the other party doesn't seem to be very interested in her. After hearing her name , just snorted coldly, and said nothing.

In addition, Xiao Rong's performance in the last martial arts competition was also very good. It is said that his ranking was one hundred.This one hundred ranking doesn't sound very good, but I heard that when he got this ranking, he was still at the peak of B rank. Now that a few years have passed, his strength may have improved a lot.


Several senior officials of the investigation bureau stood on the high platform, watching the game below from a distance. At this time, someone noticed Nuo Nuo in the crowd, and couldn't help saying: "That little girl is the one who messed up our investigation bureau this time." The upside-down Nuonuo?"

"Yes." The person in the blue robe next to him nodded and said.

"Interesting, didn't the people below do anything?" The person who spoke just now sneered, obviously dissatisfied with the treatment of the people below.

"I have this idea, but now that Nuonuo is very famous, and she just held a fashion show, and was summoned by Her Royal Highness, if she does something to her at this time, I'm afraid the outside world will say that we are from the Investigation Bureau." Bad words."

"Stupid, what's wrong with this?" The man snorted coldly, and said with some disdain, "You need me to teach you such a simple thing? Isn't she able to kill A-level investigators by leaps and bounds? Didn't she complete it smoothly? Did you set up a Transcendent A Grade mission? Next time, if there is such a thing, can you just send her there?"

"But... Ke Nuonuo is a member of our investigation bureau after all. Although we already have a branch of geniuses like Han Ye and the Empire, Nuonuo was able to kill an A-level as a logistics trainee. Investigator, it's really not easy, given time, she might become an S-rank investigator, if we attack her, won't it hurt our own interests?" The man who was scolded as a "stupid" said hesitantly .

"So what? No matter how powerful a disobedient dog is, what's the use? There are many geniuses, and there is no shortage of her. Now she is only a B-level investigator, and she has already dared to talk to the investigation bureau. Done right, then when she grows up, will she still put us in her eyes?"

The man tapped on the table lightly, and said impatiently, with a hint of extreme dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"This..." The man in blue wanted to say something else, but seeing the other party's complexion, he finally nodded weakly and said, "Your subordinate understands, I will arrange it."

"It's good to know." The man stopped talking and just watched the match from a distance. Although he looked down on Nuonuo and felt that the other party was able to get to where he is today, it was all due to luck, but he still wanted to see how she fought. .

(End of this chapter)

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