Nono from another world

Chapter 297 What happened?

Chapter 297 What happened?
Coupled with the smog on the competition arena, the man couldn't see clearly what happened in that short moment just now, so he stretched out his neck in an attempt to take a closer look, but after a lot of hard work, he still couldn't see anything. Find.

In desperation, the man finally sat back in his original position, and said to the people around him: "This Nuonuo is getting more and more interesting. The intelligence officer's evaluation of her is not wrong. There must be some secrets about her."

As for what the secret is, he can only make a judgment by personally inquiring about it.

Thinking of this, the man's mouth curved slightly.If there is really any secret in Nuonuo, it will be an indispensable benefit for him.


The group stage continued to be played tepidly, and there was basically no duel worth watching, because there were generally more than one competitions with vastly different strengths.Among the people at the same level as Nuonuo, although there are people who can leapfrog to fight, at most they can face people who have just been promoted to A-level. If they go higher, they will only be defeated.

The more so, the more everyone became interested in Nuonuo, wanting to know how strong she is.

After such a few rounds of competition, finally came a very interesting game.This game is also the first duel between seeded players since so many games.

The two contestants are Quinn from the Black Snake Branch and Shire from Xie Luo Country.

Both of them are at the A-level level, and their strengths are not much different, but the aura they give off is completely different.

Maybe because of the loss to Nuonuo, Charles is relatively calm and restrained.But Quinn is different, he is still like a sharp sword, showing his sharp edge, very murderous, like a hedgehog, covered with sharp thorns all over his body.

Because it was the first time the seeded contestants faced off, there were many more spectators than before. Even people like Yun Ting, Feng Lei, and the woman in white came to watch this match. One can imagine the importance of this match.

In addition, there are other people from the Black Snake branch.Nuonuo remembered the "Qing'er" mentioned by Alice before, and couldn't help taking a few more glances, and soon found the person she was looking for in the crowd.

The reason why he recognized this woman as Qing'er at a glance was because of her unique temperament.

Qing'er was dressed in black, her hair was tied into a high ponytail, and she looked a little tired, presumably because of too much physical exertion.She is not thin, but her breasts are not plump enough, her facial features are correct, but she is not particularly stunning.

But from the moment she appeared, even Nuonuo, who was used to seeing blood, couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

It was not because of the appearance of the woman in black, nor because of her A-level investigator status, but because of the chilling aura exuded from her.

This woman must have experienced many life and death battles!Otherwise, she would definitely not have the kind of murderous aura that only people from the frontier can have.

So even though this woman's appearance is not amazing, and even her skin is a little rough, giving people a very cold impression, but because of the chilling aura on her body, Nuonuo is very sure that this woman is definitely The woman named "Qing'er" also knew very well that this woman in black was definitely a difficult opponent.

Just thinking about it, the game has already started.

The one who took the lead was none other than Quinn, who was as sharp as a sword.

As soon as the battle started, he used his strongest ultimate move, and he knew very well that Ciel was the strongest opponent he had encountered since the start of the match.

For a moment, Charles only felt that the surrounding scenery was spinning, and the next moment he came to the vast desert. At a glance, there was nothing but yellow sand.

"Illusion?" Charles smiled slightly, without any panic.

Although there are very few people who can use illusion, and he has only encountered it once, in his opinion, as long as he keeps his heart clear, illusion of this level is nothing at all.

The corner of his mouth curved, and Charles took off his long sword from behind, ready to wait for work, as long as Quinn dared to come over, he would use the long sword in his hand to finish him off.

However, at this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the originally calm desert, and at the same time, there was a shrill ghost sound.Charles frowned slightly, suddenly having a bad premonition in his heart.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something approaching behind him, before he had time to think about it, Charles immediately turned around, but what surprised him was that there was nothing but yellow sand behind him.

what happened?Delusion?

Charles frowned slightly, thinking that he was worrying too much, but at this moment, a chill suddenly rose from his feet. A loud noise came from under his feet, and then he flew upside down and smashed heavily on the magic circle.

Charles frowned, knowing that he was careless, and quickly put the sword across his chest, ready to deal with the sudden attack.

But what made him a little depressed was that he couldn't hear any other sounds except for the shrill ghost scream and the sound of the wind.

Just when he didn't know how to react, another chill came from behind him.This time, Xia Er learned to be smart. While avoiding the chill behind him, he rolled a few times on the spot to avoid any accidents again, but the expected attack did not appear.

What's going on, did Quinn hide?
Just as Charles was thinking, a black shadow suddenly appeared from above his head...


There was another loud bang, and this time Charles' complexion became even paler.

Quinn stood in front of Charles with a long knife in his hand, and said with a sneer, "You are not my opponent."

"It's just a mere illusion, I still don't believe I can't break it! Look at the trick!"

Xia Er let out a violent shout, and shook the long sword in his hand vigorously. The spiritual energy in his body was stimulated to the extreme, and he slashed across with the sword!
When Quinn saw this, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he also began to wave the long knife in his hand.But unlike the long sword in Shire's hand, the long knife in his hand became bigger and bigger as he swung it continuously, until it almost covered the entire blue sky in the end.


A knife and a sword collided with each other forcefully, and the floor under Charles' feet instantly shattered into powder. He couldn't help but groaned suddenly, his right leg sank slightly, and the condensed spiritual energy all over his body was also scattered in an instant. Pale and pale, it was obvious that he had suffered serious injuries.

"Quinn wins!"

The referee announced the end of the battle at the right time, and at the same time couldn't help but look at Quinn more, obviously also a little surprised.After all, the difference in cultivation between the two is not too much, and even if Quinn wants to win, he will inevitably pay a high price.But the fact is exactly the opposite. Not only was Quinn not injured, but he was also unscathed, and the battle ended in just ten minutes.

Of course, the most shocking thing is not this, but the magical method that Quinn used.Although in Shire's view, Quinn was hiding behind the yellow sand, but in the sight of the audience, Quinn did not move his position from the beginning to the end, but just folded his arms and kept his eyes fixed on him. with Charles.

Normally, the audience would definitely regard Quinn as crazy, but people who can appear in this place obviously would not do such a sick move, so everyone watched patiently.As a result, it didn't take long for everyone to realize that there seemed to be something wrong with Charles, who had been searching for something, with a tense expression, as if he had encountered something terrible.

While Charles was looking around, Quinn, who had been doing nothing all this time, pulled out the long knife in his hand and jumped directly in front of Charles. After doing this a few times, he easily defeated the opponent. The process was so easy.

This made the surrounding audience a little more jealous of Quinn, and even began to think in their hearts, what should they do if they met Quinn.

At the same time, Quinn's odds have also increased a lot, and some people have even mentioned him as a champion, obviously considering him as a difficult opponent.

However, Quinn didn't seem interested in this, and disappeared after the game, without even saying hello to the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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