Nono from another world

Chapter 345 Battle!

Chapter 345 Battle!
Qing'er held her breath, her pair of brown pupils changed several expressions in an instant.

From the panic when the bloodthirsty human-faced monster approached at the beginning, to the surprise after Nuonuo shot two arrows, to the tension and shock when the milky white light shot into the afterimage at the end.

The Yingliu sword technique was passed on to Nuonuo by her, and as one of the most powerful investigators among the younger generation, her strength far exceeds that of ordinary A-level investigators, so she can fully perceive Nuonuo's strength. The power of a sword, and the power of a bloodthirsty human-faced demon.

In her perception, the moment Nuonuo and the bloodthirsty human-faced monster made a move, the surrounding elements of heaven and earth changed drastically, just like a sea rolling wantonly, and she and Nuonuo were part of this sea. The duckweed in the water can't resist the attack of the waves at all.

However, even so, Nuonuo still did not take a step back. In her perception, the milky white sword light was like a real flying sword. While being obstructed by the sea, it suddenly accelerated its speed, with fierce sword intent It pierced into the deep sea in an instant, but at the same time, the violent waves also slapped on Nuo Nuo's body.

But the sword intent that went deep into the waves did not hit the bloodthirsty human-faced demon, and the opponent kept dodging at a speed beyond her imagination.

From her perception, the bloodthirsty human-faced demon's body seemed to have melted into the deep sea, and she couldn't even catch the figure of the other party.

Naturally, Nuonuo's speed was not slow either. Although her speed was not as exaggerated as the bloodthirsty human-faced monster, she easily escaped the other party's attack.

In the first contest, one man and one beast achieved a balance of power!

Although Qing'er could clearly feel that the bloodthirsty human-faced monster had reserved some strength and did not use all its strength, Nuonuo's strength also exceeded her expectations.This gave her a little more confidence, and she felt that if she and Nuonuo cooperated, she should be very sure of winning.

Thinking of this, Qing'er gradually calmed down.

At this moment, in her perception, the sea was broken by the milky white sword light.

The sword light shot by Nuonuo hit the bloodthirsty human-faced monster hiding in the afterimage without any mistakes, and locked the real position of the opponent.

It was too late to be surprised, or even to think about how Nuonuo did it. In Qing'er's perception, the milky white sword light had already fallen on the face of the bloodthirsty human-faced monster.

Feeling the fierce offensive in this sword light, even the bloodthirsty human-faced demon who doesn't know the pain can't help but pause slightly, there is a hint of doubt in his eyes, obviously he doesn't understand Nuo How Nok found it.

But before it had time to think about it, the milky white sword light had already arrived in front of its eyes, which made the bloodthirsty human-faced monster even more confused and puzzled. It couldn't understand at all how Nuo Nuo's sword locked its position just now.

But even though his heart was full of doubts, the bloodthirsty human-faced monster still didn't take Nuo Nuo's attack seriously.

Facing the fierce sword light, it didn't even close its eyes.It's just that Qing'er noticed that a layer of almost transparent substance quickly condensed on its pair of white, pupilless eyeballs, which looked like a thin film from a distance.

The milky white sword light slammed into this nearly transparent film like this, and at the same time, a deafening sound resounded through the entire rift valley.

The white sword light, like a real long sword, began to quickly disintegrate from the hilt, turning into countless white light spots, and then flew around suddenly, bringing a gust of wind.

Qing'er couldn't help but exclaimed, and at the same time held the short knife in his hand, ready to take over Nuonuo's attack.

However, at this moment, the transparent film covering the face of the Bloodthirsty Human-Mask Demon suddenly rippled, and then exploded suddenly, turning into a ball of powder.

A sharp pain suddenly hit, and the bloodthirsty human-faced monster couldn't help but let out a miserable scream.

Looking closely, the face of the bloodthirsty human-faced monster does not have any depressions, but a tiny red dot appeared between its white eyeballs, and this red dot continued to expand until it turned into a red dot in the end. The pupils of the eyes are average.

Qing'er was not sure that Nuonuo's sword had hit the target until she heard this angry and miserable cry.But the more this happened, the more Qing'er felt incomprehensible, how did Nuonuo find the real location of the bloodthirsty human-faced demon just now?
In terms of strength, she is clearly a whole level higher than Nuonuo, but even so, she dare not say that she can clearly perceive the specific location of the bloodthirsty human-faced demon.

Ke Nuonuo not only did it, but even hurt the other party!This is really incredible!

But this is not the time to think about these things. After the blow, Nuonuo's face was already a little pale, and she had to act immediately to take over from Nuonuo's attack!
Thinking of this, the spiritual energy in Qing'er's body began to surge out frantically, and all of it was poured into the dagger in her hand.

Countless sword lights with red light flew out from the short knife in her hand. From a distance, it was like red flowers blooming around her.

When her whole body was almost surrounded by red flowers, Qing'er moved!Her speed was no slower than Nuonuo's at all, even after she shot with all her strength, she was a little faster, almost in the blink of an eye, she appeared in front of Nuonuo.

The moment she started to act, the "safflower" beside her began to entangle with each other, and finally turned into a huge red sickle, accelerating from top to bottom, towards the bloodthirsty man not far away Cut off the face demon.

Due to the high speed, a group of sonic shocks visible to the naked eye even erupted in the air!

This is the real Yingliu swordsmanship, which is completely different from the one used by Nuonuo. The momentum alone is much higher than that of Nuonuo!

Feeling the horror of this blow, the bloodthirsty human-faced monster let out a long and sharp howl.

Its cultivation base and psychic power are much higher than Qing'er's, but Qing'er's blow still makes it feel terrified, it can't understand, just two small humans, why can they do this?
At the same time as it let out a sharp whistling sound, a white light came out from its body, and began to condense rapidly, finally turning into a strange shield.

However, before the white shield was fully formed, Jian Guang had already slashed at the bloodthirsty human-faced demon.


With a light sound, the white shield suddenly shattered into countless white light spots.

The weakened sword light continued to pierce without stopping, piercing through the right side of the bloodthirsty human-faced demon.

The bloodthirsty human-faced monster's body shook suddenly, and at the same time, it staggered forward and stepped forward. Looking carefully, there were cracks like spider webs on the ground under its feet, and it began to spread out from it.

However, before the two of them were happy, a white light suddenly appeared in the shattered shield, and the light went straight towards Qing'er.

Although she didn't feel the powerful energy contained in this light, Qing'er couldn't help but her eyelids twitched, and almost subconsciously jumped back, narrowly dodging the blow.

At the same time, the place she was standing just now was instantly covered by ice and snow, and then immediately disintegrated, turning into countless powders.

Qing'er's face suddenly became white, without a trace of blood.

Nuonuo frowned, her complexion suddenly became serious, and before her strength recovered, she took a step forward.

A layer of psionic energy flowed out of her body, and suddenly all of it merged into the long sword in her hand.

A milky white sword light appeared in the rift again.

Without using the cobblestone, this was already Nuonuo's full blow.

Her previous attack only left a red dot on the bloodthirsty human-faced monster's eyes, instead of directly exploding its eyeballs, which shows that the bloodthirsty human-faced monster's defense ability is stronger than she imagined.

But as long as it is injured, it means that it is not invincible, and it also has its own destiny, so Nuo Nuo must take advantage of the victory and pursue it, even if he is seriously injured for this.


The power contained in the sword light has penetrated into the bloodthirsty human-faced monster's body through the wound, hurting some of its meridians, which made it unable to control the balance of its body.

(End of this chapter)

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