Nono from another world

Chapter 349 The Eternal Wheel

Chapter 349 Eternal Reincarnation

According to the theory, they would never return by going the wrong way, and Nuonuo really couldn't think of other reasons except for the obstructed view.Of course, if you are a little superstitious, you can also call this weird situation a ghost hitting the wall.

Qing'er was a little guilty, looked at the gap just now, and said: "When we left, did we turn back unknowingly? It's impossible, you said before, I never went out at all , has been standing in place. Could it be that we also stood in place just now?"

Nuonuo nodded: "That's true just now, but the feeling of squeezing just now is definitely not a fake. And if we go back, it's impossible for the two of us to not notice it? After all, in my memory , that gap is indeed straight, and there is no fork in the road."

"Then is there really something blocking our sight?" Qing'er expressed doubts.

"When I was in the west, I met a glutton. The mucus on its body has the effect of affecting people's sight, so this is not impossible."

Nono said.

"You mean, this place also has the same thing as Taotie?" Qing'er was stunned, if that's the case, then they just need to kill that thing, and they can go out!
Nuonuo nodded, but she still wasn't sure about it, and said, "It's not necessarily true. There is only one way to confirm whether we have really turned back, and that is to go back and see."

After Qing'er nodded in agreement, Nuonuo couldn't wait to walk into the tomb passage, and Qing'er quickly followed.

Because they walked through it once, it was determined that there was no danger, so the two walked very fast this time.Nuonuo rushed to the front, staring at the roads on both sides, making sure that there was no fork in the road, and the two of them did not turn their heads inexplicably.

This time, the two of them walked for less than 10 minutes. When they felt that the end was coming, Nuonuo couldn't help but raise his heart.But in the end, after she saw those bones, her heart suddenly became cold, and cold sweat broke out all over her body.

With 100% concentration, and on the premise that there was no fork in the road or turning back, Nuonuo and the others walked straight all the way, and unexpectedly returned to the original place.

Nuonuo herself is fine, but she is worried that Qing'er will have a nervous breakdown because of this, but she still underestimated Qing'er's ability to bear it.

Qing'er was much calmer than she imagined, she wiped the sweat off her face and asked, "What should we do now, should we walk again?"

Nuonuo thought for a while, nodded and said, "Well, let's walk a little slower this time, and have a good feel for any changes."

So Nuonuo and Qing'er walked into the slit again. This time they walked for at least half an hour, but before they reached the end, Nuonuo and the others knew that they had failed, because there were still mountains of piles ahead. bones, and they felt nothing.

Nuonuo felt that there was no way to go on like this. After returning to the previous position, Nuonuo told Qing'er not to go any more, take a good rest first, and carefully discuss what to do next.

Since they walked so many times and still didn't find the same thing, it can only show that there is indeed something in this gap that can affect them.

Nuonuo thought for a while, his stomach started to growl, and he said to Qing'er: "Let's eat something first."

When Nuonuo said this, Qing'er also felt a little hungry.Fortunately, there are still a lot of dead branches in this place. The two lit a fire, dealt with the dead beast just a little bit, and then put it directly on the fire to roast. After a while, a piece of meat The incense spread out.

After eating, the two of them began to feel warm all over, and their spirits recovered a little.After Qing'er helped Nuonuo deal with the injury, the two began to think about it.

The two first ruled out the less likely possibility, thinking that the vision may be more likely to be affected, but how to prevent themselves from being affected is a problem.

"Otherwise, try walking with your eyes closed?" Nuonuo suggested, since vision is affected, as long as you close your eyes, there shouldn't be any major problems.

Qing'er also thought of this, nodded quickly and said: "You can try it."

So the two walked again with their eyes closed, but the result was still disappointing.

Just when the two were a little desperate, Nuonuo suddenly made an expression of enlightenment, and said to Qing'er: "I see!"

Hearing what Nuonuo said, Qing'er was taken aback immediately, thinking that Nuonuo's way of thinking was very different from others, maybe she really thought of something crucial.

Thinking of this, Qing'er asked: "What do you think?"

Nuonuo was surprisingly serious, and said sternly: "Actually, it's not the key point. It's just that I thought of a possibility just now. Since there is no other passage through this slit, and there is no problem, but we have been unable to get out. Where is the problem? It can only be our own fault!"

Hearing this, Qing'er couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and said: "You mean, the reason why we can't go out is because of our own problems?"

"Although I don't know what the problem is, but after thinking about it, it's not impossible. For example, there is some kind of hallucinating gas here. I have heard of similar situations before, saying that someone swallowed it by mistake. After eating a certain kind of food, he lost all senses after eating, and kept turning in circles, but he didn't notice it."

Qing'er suddenly fell into deep thought, frowned and began to think about Nuonuo's words.

If this is the case, then things are even more difficult, because they can't stop breathing, and most importantly, they don't know what caused them to hallucinate.

The most important thing is, if they were poisoned as Nuonuo said, then at least there should be a poisoning reaction, right?For example, discomfort or something, but apart from some pain all over their bodies, the two of them have very clear minds, and they don't seem to be poisoned at all.

In this way, isn't this colorless and odorless poison very troublesome?
Nuonuo and Qing'er began to think about their own problems and stopped talking.Later, for some reason, the more they thought about it, the more sleepy they became, and in the end they fell asleep directly.

This sleep was not very peaceful, Nuonuo only slept for about an hour or two, when he heard movement in front of him, he turned over immediately, and at the same time put the long sword in his hand across his chest.However, after a closer look, it turned out that Qing'er had woken up a long time ago, and was walking back and forth in front of the slit, with many beads of sweat on his face, obviously trying several times.But looking at her face, it was obvious that the result was still the same, and there was no progress.

Nuonuo rubbed her eyes and asked Qing'er what she was doing. Qing'er said that she had no idea after thinking about it for a long time, so she decided to try again.Since the possibility of vision being affected has not been completely ruled out, she tried to walk with her eyes closed to see if she could get out.

However, after several attempts, the result was the same. No matter whether she was blindfolded or closed, she felt that she was walking in a straight line and did not turn around, but in the end she returned to this place.Because she walked with her eyes closed, Qing'er walked with great difficulty, and her face was flushed strangely.

In desperation, Qing'er had no choice but to go back to Nuonuo, and Nuonuo asked her to rest for a while, trying blindly like this, not only could not find a solution, but would be a waste of her own strength.

Qing'er nodded to show that she knew, and she should really keep calm at this time.The two started discussing again, bringing up new ideas from time to time, and then denying them. At the beginning, the two were quite energetic, but they talked less and less, and several hours passed without knowing it.It's just a pity that there is no concept of time when staying here, and the two of them can only judge how long time has passed by relying on their hunger.

Finally, Qing'er sighed, thought for a while and said to Nuonuo: "No, we are just wasting time if we go on like this, how about we write down all the possibilities and try to verify them one by one? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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