Nono from another world

Chapter 36 What kind of experience is it to look good?

Chapter 36 What kind of experience is it to look good?
"What are you trying to do? Stop!" Claire shouted from behind.

Nuonuo heard her voice, but she didn't mean to stop at all.On the contrary, she immediately activated the crystal on the big sword, gathered the absorbed spiritual energy on her arm, and slashed down towards the mountain wall at the fastest speed she could achieve.

Claire's face suddenly changed.Originally, she didn't intend to make a move, because she never thought that Nuonuo would dare to ignore her warning.On the contrary, he shot more quickly.

"Looking for a fight!" Claire showed disdain, and Nuonuo's speed was nothing in front of her.

As Claire's body suddenly leaned forward, she rushed over like an arrow leaving the string. The speed was so fast that it even brought out an afterimage.

While rushing forward, she wiped her waist with her hand, and a soft whip immediately slid down from her waist like a flexible long snake.

The soft whip was lightly flicked by her, and immediately stabbed straight at Nuonuo, so fast that it even made a sound like an arrow passing by.

Just listening to the momentum, the lethality of this soft whip is absolutely terrifying, and it will kill or injure people when it touches people.

Of course, Claire didn't intend to seriously injure or kill Nuonuo, that would be very troublesome.But taking the opportunity to give Nuonuo a little bit of trouble, there is no problem.

Claire aimed at Nuonuo's shoulder, and once hit, it was impossible for Nuonuo to hold the sword again.In this dangerous place full of unknowns, losing combat power is equivalent to being dead. Even if she does not die, she will become a drag on Nim and the others, and may even kill more people because of her alone.

Anyway, no matter what the situation is, Claire is very happy to see it.The more miserable these people were, the more amusing she found them.

Although Nuonuo didn't turn his head, he heard the voice.And the moment Claire shot, she felt a chill, and the pores on her smooth skin seemed to be shrinking.

After becoming a crystal adaptor, Nuonuo felt that her instinctive reaction to danger became more acute.

In fact, ordinary people would feel chills all over when they sensed danger, or their heartbeat would speed up, stop beating, and their hairs would stand on end. But facing an attack as fast as Claire's, they died before they could react in time.

Nuonuo is now stronger than ordinary people. She can react to being attacked, but she also knows clearly that she cannot completely avoid it.

That being the case, Nuonuo simply refused to avoid it.The big sword she held high still slashed down fiercely!

The sharp eyes caught Nuonuo's reaction, and Claire was even more angry and sneered.

Sure enough, he is a country bumpkin from another world. He really doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth!Did she think that she would show mercy?Maybe when I'm in a good mood, and it's also interesting to see how other people react when they're terrified.But this kind of "kindness" will never be used on Nuonuo.

"In that case..." Claire shook the hand holding the soft whip. She originally wanted to hurt Nono's shoulder, but now...


Claire suddenly felt a vibration from the end of the soft whip, and the whole soft whip deviated from the direction immediately.Claire retracted her arms in time, and the soft whip flew back around.

Claire took a look at the top of the soft whip, her eyes became cold.On the top, there was actually a faint trace of scorched black marks.

Although the special material of the soft whip is made of crystals, the burnt black can be removed with a little wiping, but the important thing is that her attack was blocked by someone...

And when she raised her head to look at the past, she suddenly discovered that the three of them shot at the same time just now.

Nim, Miyou and Rukia, the three members of the polar branch are all staring at her.It was Nim who really attacked her soft whip just now.

Claire was a little jealous of Nim before, but now she clenched her little fist even more.

And at this time, Nuonuo's great sword slashed fiercely on the mountain wall with an unstoppable momentum.


Clumps of crystals on the mountain wall immediately turned into fragments and powder, falling down one after another.These fragments and powder still exude a faint light, which shines freely in the dimness, against the figure of Nuonuo holding the sword, and the long hair blown by the airflow, flying behind his head.

This scene had a special sense of beauty, and even Nuonuo himself couldn't help feeling emotional when he saw the reflection on the blade.

What is it like to look good?It's just that I'm afraid to surprise myself every minute...

Thinking of this, Nuonuo suddenly realized that probably because she used to be a modern nerd, her thinking always seemed to escape. Often in some very serious and formal situations, such as when Claire was full of murderous spirit at this moment, her mind was full of thoughts. Thinking of strange things.

It's like just now...

Nuonuo shook his head quickly, throwing all these messy thoughts out of his head.

Claire stared at these three shots to stop her, and Nuonuo who had already cut through the mountain wall, first gritted her teeth lightly, and then laughed: "You guys look really serious, I'm just trying to stop her, and , I'm doing it for the good of everyone, but you guys are so ignorant of people's hearts that you still attack me."

"Is this the so-called angry laugh? It's been a long time." Nuonuo muttered.

She thought her voice was weak enough, but she was caught by Nim, the robot girl beside her, and next, Nim's reply came from Nuonuo's wireless headset.

"Looking at the facts, she was indeed laughing out of anger. But what does it mean to see you soon?" Nim said.

"You actually analyzed it!" Nuonuo was startled.

"Yes, because I heard you raised a question." Nim said.To be honest, Nuonuo really felt a little dumbfounded when he heard Nim talk about this kind of topic to himself in such a serious manner.

"But what you brought up is a very important matter. As angry as Claire is, he should want to kill us so much." Nim's face was expressionless, and his lips did not move.

"...It's really important." Nuonuo nodded.

"But now that the mountain wall has been moved, it's useless to say anything." Claire sneered, turned her cold gaze away from Nim's face, and turned to Nuonuo.

Her murderous aura has no effect on the machine girl at all, she will kill Nim, but Nim has no reaction to her.So in fact, after staring at it with a sneer for 2 minutes, Claire herself felt a little bored.

But after looking at Nuonuo, Claire became even more furious anyway, almost unable to suppress her anger, and squeezed the hand holding the soft whip tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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