Nono from another world

Chapter 40 The signal is connected again

Chapter 40 The signal is connected again
"Hold on! Let's see how long you can last!" Claire thought unhappily.

At this moment, Nim suddenly stopped, and the antennas in her ears protruded again.

At the same time, Nuonuo's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to press the wireless earphone, trying to make himself hear the sound inside more clearly.

"Hello?" Liuli's voice came intermittently from inside, and Nim called out hastily.But Liuli still seemed unable to hear her voice, and after "Hello" twice, she stopped talking.

It's just that there are still bursts of electric current and some other breathing sounds from the earphones.

This shows that Liuli is indeed with the other trapped people!

Rukia became excited all of a sudden, and shouted nervously into the earphone: "Sister! Sister! Alice! It's me, I'm Rukia!"

There was no response from the radio.

Miyou comforted: "Lukia, don't worry so much, it's useless if you worry like this."

Rukia nodded, but the expression of excitement and disappointment was still on her face.

The more she knew about the weirdness of this place, the more she worried about Alice, and she couldn't control her mood at all.

Originally, she had a little confidence in rescuing Alice because of Claire and the others, but now she finds that Claire's character is very scary.Rukia herself felt that it was impossible to expect such a person to rescue Alice.

Thinking of what Nuonuo said before, Claire and the others never thought of rescuing Alice and the others, Rukia felt angry and chilled.

My sister and those members of the Yinyue branch were abandoned just like that...

Thinking of this, Rukia wanted to argue with Claire.But thinking of what Nuonuo said, she still gave up.

Just as Nuonuo said in front of Hyena Howson, although they are not as strong as Claire and the others, for their companions, no matter how strong Claire and the others are, they are not as strong as Nuonuo and the others.

If you are strong but abandon it, no matter how strong your strength is, it is useless to your companions.And Nuonuo and the others are weak, but they will go all out to rescue them.

Of course, for Nuonuo, she actually has no concept of rescuing teammates.On the one hand, she wanted to become an investigator as soon as possible, and on the other hand, she wanted to repay Liuli, otherwise she would not be happy.

"Don't worry, I may have a way to find them." Nim said suddenly.

She said that in the process of continuing to receive the signal, she can clearly feel the strength of the signal. As long as the signal is getting stronger and stronger, it means that they are getting closer to Liuli.

And as the distance gets closer, Liuli may hear their voices, and it will be easier to find them then.

As Nim said, he immediately began to adjust their path according to the direction of the strength of the signal, and continued to adjust.

After walking a certain distance, the voice from the wireless headset really became clearer.

At this time, there was a sudden conversation sound from the radio earphone, it sounded like someone was talking to Liu Li nearby, a little closer.

Hearing it was a female voice, Nuonuo cast her questioning eyes on Rukia, but she saw that Rukia shook her head in disappointment.

It seemed that the person who spoke was not Alice.

And Nim said "Hello" twice, but there was no response from the other end, which meant that they still couldn't hear Nim's voice.

The female voice was a little weak, and sounded very anxious: "Liu Li, have you contacted your people?"

"Not yet." Liuli's voice was still slightly exhausted.

"Not yet..." The female voice repeated a few times, her tone visibly becoming more irritable, "Did they not come at all? You have been asking for help on the walkie-talkie all day and night! We have been abandoned, and you must be too." Abandoned. Even if they come, what if they can't hear us? Even the signal will be affected in this place. Let's figure out a way by ourselves and get out of this ghost place! Otherwise, we will really die in Here it is!"

"If there is a way, I don't need you to tell me, I've already hacked up this place and left." Liuli said lightly.

Nuonuo was taken aback when she heard this, what's up with this little girl Liuli's domineering voice?Cut it all down here... This is actually an understatement.

But even such a domineering Liuli has such a pessimistic attitude, which shows that the situation they are facing is indeed very dangerous, and Liuli can't do anything.

"Where is Sister Yue, why didn't you hear Sister Yue's voice?" Miyou was also very nervous. She was the youngest on the flying ship of the Polar Branch. She was very dependent on these sisters, and also on Yue.

Nuonuo has also been very worried about Yue. She was rescued by Liuli at the beginning, but it was Yue who took her out of the mine and put her in the hotel to take care of her.

But Yue's voice never appeared, and they could only be anxious.

Rukia has also been listening attentively, expecting Alice's voice to appear, so she can feel relieved.

"But we can't wait to die!" The female voice was obviously a little hysterical. Trapped in such a ghostly place, I felt that I was getting closer and closer to death. This kind of reaction is also natural, even among the investigators. Exceptions.

"Think about it, I really can't hold on like this. The emergency food we carried has already been eaten, and there are still dead people! There are corpses staying with us. I really want to have enough!" The voice of the female voice Higher and higher, more and more emotional.

She sounded like she had already moved close to Liuli, and shouted, "Please, think of a way! We can only rely on you now! Aren't you here to save us? Then take us out."

"Why is she like this? Since Sister Liuli said no, it must be very dangerous. Isn't this forcing Sister Liuli to risk her life?" Mi You muttered in a low voice.

Nuonuo also had a gloomy face. Although it is easy for people to lose their minds while waiting to die, forcing others to take risks like this still makes people feel that she should step aside and clear her mind.

"I don't know what elder sister Liuli will say." Miyou was really anxious to death, but no matter how anxious she was, there was no way for Liuli to hear her words.

"Okay? Promise me! Liuli, you promise me! If this continues, everyone will die! And in this kind of place, die silently. Do you know that we will starve first, and then we will understand To feel that scratching feeling, and then some of us will be so hungry that we may even eat people! That kind of scene, I really think I'm going crazy."

The mood of the female voice was getting worse and worse, she was almost yelling.

(End of this chapter)

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