Nono from another world

Chapter 403 Instant Kill

Chapter 403 Instant Kill
It turned out that the reason why this jungle was so quiet was that all the wild beasts were suppressed by the man-eating monitor lizard's breath and did not dare to approach at will.But now smelling the smell of blood, these bloodthirsty beasts no longer cared about the man-eating monitor lizard, and came to Nuonuo's location like crazy.

The situation was urgent, and the few people didn't have time to check the situation of the two landed sergeants, so they could only take advantage of the distance to stay away from the crazy man-eating monitor lizard.

The moment he landed, Charles rushed under the man-eating monitor lizard, and fiercely killed the man-eating monitor lizard with the sword in his hand.However, what made him instantly cold was that his sword only cut off a few white shadows on the hard skin of the man-eating monitor lizard.


At this moment, the huge soles of the feet trampled down, Charles' face turned cold, he subconsciously curled up into a ball, and rolled out on the spot.


At the same time, a loud noise came from beside his ear, directly causing his periosteum to bleed.Looking up, it turned out that a war horse was directly stepped into the sole of the foot by the man-eating monitor lizard. Due to the great force, half of the horse's body fell into the soil, and the ground jumped violently.

Nuonuo's hands trembled uncontrollably.

Things had completely exceeded her imagination, and in just a few seconds, they had already lost two war horses and two sergeants.

If this continues, they are likely to be completely wiped out!

This strong sense of oppression made her unable to control her body's instinctive reaction at all.

But even so, Nuonuo started to move.

With every step of her pedaling, lumps of dirt kept beating on the ground, and she was carrying a wave of dust all over her body.He rushed to the man-eating monitor lizard.


The man-eating monitor lizard's tail slammed towards Nuonuo's body with a terrifying sound of piercing through the air, trying to fly her away.

However, in the face of the terrifying long tail of the man-eating monitor lizard, Nuonuo not only did not retreat, but went in the direction of the giant tail.

Seeing that she was about to be picked up by the man-eating monitor lizard, Nuonuo jumped up suddenly, and she threw the dark red sword in her hand with all her strength, turning into a dark red shooting star, which just pierced into the The back of a man-eating monitor lizard.

After a short pause, Nuonuo held the hilt of the big sword in her hand, and she jumped directly on the back of the man-eating monitor lizard. A wound of forty or fifty centimeters in length.


The ogre giant let out a roar, and swung its whole body desperately, trying to throw Nuonuo off its back.

However, it couldn't throw it away. Just when it was about to exert its strength, the man-eating monitor lizard suddenly found that its limbs went limp, and its whole body couldn't help but fell forward.

It turned out that Nuonuo had already activated the boulder in his arms by taking advantage of the chaotic situation when the big sword was inserted into the body of the man-eating monitor lizard.

Feeling the majestic life energy in the man-eating monitor lizard, Yuanshi will naturally not be rude, and it sucked away one-third of the man-eating monitor lizard's life energy in almost an instant.

Seeing that the man-eating monitor lizard could not stand still, Nuonuo swung his sword again and stabbed hard into the wound just now.

This time, before the man-eating monitor lizard went mad again from eating pain, Nuonuo leaned back and fell down.But the moment she fell down, her feet were like springs, and she kicked hard on the left half of the man-eating monitor lizard, which was already a little sluggish due to injuries.


In the next second, the man-eating monitor lizard fell to the ground, with a lot of blood pouring out of its mouth.

Seeing this situation, before landing, Nuonuo pulled out the big sword from the back of the man-eating monitor lizard, and then exhausted all his strength, and handed out the big sword in his hand with both hands.

The big sword pierced the man-eating monitor lizard's neck.

However, to Nuonuo's surprise, the sword suddenly slowed down after moving forward for a while, and it was only a few inches in the flesh, making it difficult to move forward.

Nuonuo snorted, and suddenly let go of the hand holding the hilt, and then took another step forward, slapping the end of the hilt heavily with his hand.

After exhausting all her strength, Nuonuo's right hand had become like a heavy hammer. With a soft "chi", the big sword in her hand finally pierced deeply, and countless blood flowed down the blade rapidly. sprayed out.

The man-eating monitor lizard let out a loud roar, and shook its body violently. Nuonuo was thrown out together with the big sword.


A huge foot stepped hard on the ground, and a cloud of dust just fell on Nuo Nuo who had just landed and was about to jump out.

Nuonuo took a deep breath, stood in front of Charles and the others, slightly raised his head and looked at the man-eating monitor lizard.

She had only heard some things about the man-eating monitor lizard from Charles before, and she had never fought with the man-eating monitor lizard before. She didn't know that the man-eating monitor lizard had such a strong defense ability.

Just from the sting just now, she could already feel that the flesh on this man-eating monitor lizard was extremely tough, almost equivalent to several sets of soft armor she was wearing.

?? At this time, although the wound on the man-eating monitor lizard's neck kept spurting blood, Nuonuo knew very well that such a wound would not affect the foundation of this huge monster at all. In addition, its skin and flesh were extremely tough, her body Even if the big sword could penetrate, it would consume a lot of her body and spiritual energy for every point of movement. He couldn't even drag the sword, and couldn't cause a bigger wound to the man-eating monitor lizard in an instant.

For her, the only way for them to leave here is to find a way to kill this man-eating monitor lizard as soon as possible.

Otherwise, even if they were able to walk, they would be quickly overtaken by other beasts because of the obstruction of the man-eating monitor lizard.

Pain in the neck, the man-eating monitor lizard let out a shrill roar again, and its huge head drenched in blood bit the standing Nuo Nuo again.

Nuonuo noticed that the blue-yellow eyes of the man-eating monitor lizard were full of cruelty and hatred. It seemed that it would never give up until it killed itself.

"Hope this is the last time you stand up."

Seeing the huge head getting closer and closer to him, Nuonuo, who became more and more calm, muttered to himself.

Then, her feet slammed on the ground, and her whole body suddenly flew up. With the sound of "Kaz", when the man-eating monitor lizard had two rows of teeth that could tear people to pieces, He Long, Nuonuo held The big sword stabbed out with all its strength again, and immediately, a red and white light followed the big sword and pierced into the huge blue-yellow eyeball on the right side of the man-eating monitor lizard.


At the moment when the blue-yellow eyeball burst and black, red and white mucus sprayed out, Nuonuo leaned over again and squeezed hard with his right hand at the same time.

Now, no matter how tough the flesh on the man-eating monitor lizard was, it couldn't withstand Nuonuo's great sword.

Under this heavy blow, the sharp tip of the sword finally penetrated unhindered, piercing the cavity behind the man-eating monitor lizard's eyes until the end.

But Nuonuo didn't feel well either. The impact of this blow made her palm crack, but she just let out a muffled grunt and didn't make any other movements. Her body was still tense, ready to explode at any time. Make the next move.

The man-eating monitor lizard lifted its front feet off the ground and stood up almost immediately. Its huge body suddenly looked even more terrifying, and it looked extremely shocking.

Amidst the extremely painful roar, the man-eating monitor lizard shook its head violently, and after a while, it threw Nuonuo far away.

Nuonuo tightly held the sword in her hand, allowing her body to roll in the air, until she was about to fall to the ground, she curled up slightly, and then she stood firmly on a slightly sloping hillside.

Nuonuo looked up again at the man-eating monitor lizard in front of him.

The man-eating monitor lizard, which was basically covered in scars, roared, and took a step towards Nuonuo's position, but before it stepped out of the second step, its whole body began to twitch non-stop Getting up, after barely moving forward for a few meters, the man-eating monitor lizard finally fell down sideways amidst a mournful cry, and hit the ground hard, making a huge crashing sound.

Several times, this man-eating monitor lizard struggled to get up, but it still couldn't gather strength, and couldn't stand up at all.

(End of this chapter)

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