Nono from another world

Chapter 412 What Are You?

Chapter 412 What Are You?
"Order?" Reina repeated thoughtfully, as if she had thought of something, but then she came back to her senses and said, "It's just a slight injury. It's because we were too careless to say it. The trap of the wind, this is how you got trapped here. By the way, how did you find this place?"

"It's a long story, we captured the innovator named Feng." Nim said softly.

"What, you caught the wind?" Lena was a little surprised, but more of a disbelief. After all, the strength of the wind has surpassed most ordinary S-ranks, and it is not so easy to be caught.

"It's true." Nuonuo replied aloud, "But now is not the time to talk about this, we have to leave immediately, can you still move?"

After hearing Nuonuo's words, Lena realized that the aura on Nuonuo's body had changed.But she knew that she was not surprised at this time, so she nodded and said, "No problem..."

"That's good." After saying this, Nuonuo didn't say much, and said directly to everyone: "Get ready, we'll set off right away."

Normally, everyone would not listen to her orders, but after the Battle of Lota Canyon, everyone's attitude towards her changed, and many of them even regarded her as an equal existence to James.

"Huh!" James just snorted coldly, and didn't say much, obviously acknowledging Nuonuo's status.

When several S-level investigators saw this scene, they were a little surprised. They didn't know who this red-haired girl was, and she could have such great energy.

Moreover, the red-haired girl looked downcast, as if she didn't realize how terrifying those giant beasts were outside, which dissatisfied these proud S-level investigators, who felt that she was a little ignorant.

Immediately, another person came forward and questioned unceremoniously: "Get out? You said it lightly, do you know the horror of those giant beasts? Besides, this place is not as easy to get out as you imagined. The fog is lingering all year round, and there are countless monsters inside. If you are not careful, you will be doomed. Forgive us for acting rashly. Besides, who are you, are you qualified to call the shots? Even if you want to withdraw, you will not be able to recover. You should be in command!"

Hearing this, Nuonuo frowned immediately, if it wasn't for Leina, she wouldn't bother to come to this poor place and talk to these people.These people are so good, instead of being grateful, they even questioned her ability.

Moreover, it seems that these people are not very friendly to Leina, and have been keeping a distance from her intentionally or unintentionally.Seeing that Leina was in low spirits, with injuries on her body, while the others seemed to be clean and fine except for being tired, Nuonuo's brows frowned even tighter.

Thinking of this, Nuonuo snorted coldly, and said coldly: "How do you get out? Of course you have to get out! You are all S-ranks anyway, why are you so timid and fearful? It really insults the reputation of S-ranks!"


As soon as Nuonuo said this, it immediately aroused the public outrage of several S-level investigators.

Although it is embarrassing for them to come to this point, which one of them is not an all-powerful and high-ranking big shot?No matter how much you don't watch it, it's not the turn of a grade A junior to scold you like that!

"You what you? If you are really capable, how could you be besieged here by the wind design, and still fail to save the other party's life?" Nuonuo sneered, not hiding his contempt at all.

In her opinion, although these S-level investigators are powerful, they are just a group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. Otherwise, they would have escaped by themselves, why would they stay here and wait for rescue?

Nuonuo's words can be regarded as hitting a few people's pain points. Although S-level investigators are rare, they are not absent. The Bureau of Investigation can catch more than a dozen.

And among these people, there are not only amazingly talented people, but also people who have spent years or even decades to barely upgrade to S-level. Compared with the former, the latter is naturally much weaker.

Once enjoying the pinnacle of power and wealth, these people who have barely reached the S rank are naturally unwilling to make fun of their own lives.In particular, the disappearance of several S-ranks made them dare not act rashly. They would rather stay in this dark underground world and wait for rescue than try to force their way out.

Being exposed to their own thoughts in person, the faces of several S-level investigators turned red and white instantly, and one of them couldn't help it immediately, jumped out and cursed: "What are you, how dare you openly insult us? ! Do you know who that Feng is? That is the high-level innovator, known as 'No. [-]', whose strength far exceeds that of ordinary S-ranks. I'm afraid it has reached the middle stage and is about to reach its peak!"

"Even if it's us, we have to pay a huge price to cause some harm to him. How can you, a junior, have the confidence to say such ignorant words! If it weren't for the sake of your hard work, I would have to be here This will directly obliterate you and punish you for the crimes committed below!"

"Oh?" Nuonuo smiled, "It seems that you are not only greedy for life and afraid of death, but also very stupid. It's no wonder you can't win..."

Speaking of this, Nuonuo ignored the few people, but turned around and said to everyone: "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Since several S-level investigators are unwilling to leave, then we will leave on our own."

As soon as the words fell, Nuonuo jumped out first, and it seemed that she was planning to return the same way.The three of Liuli looked at each other, and followed closely with Alice. For them, a hundred western branches could not compare to Nuonuo alone.

The rest of the people stood on the ground and looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment. The development of the matter to this point was something that no one would have expected.

But after hesitating for a while, Casper and several practitioners followed.Since Nuonuo defeated Feng in Lota Canyon, their views on Nuonuo have undergone earth-shaking changes.

In their view, several S-level investigators are strong, but Nuonuo's potential is immeasurable. As long as she can get out of this canyon, her achievements in the future may not be lower than those of them, and even... It is possible to outrun them all!
This is a big gamble, but for a few people, it may be worth the gamble. After all, Nuo Nuo has brought them too many surprises along the way!

Seeing a few people leaving, others were also a little ready to move, especially Charles and others who had been following Nuonuo, but they were members of the Western Frontier Army after all, and James didn't move, so they didn't dare to follow at will.

For a while, the bottom of the canyon became silent. James' face was cloudy and he didn't know what he was thinking.

On the contrary, the S-level investigators saw that most of the people stayed, and they couldn't help showing a bit of pride on their faces. One of them even sarcastically said: "It's just a small person who wants to fight against us. I want to see if she is How dare you look down on us? How dare you look down on us, and don’t weigh yourself, for a person like her, the wind crushed her to death with just one finger..."

Hearing this, Charles couldn't bear it immediately, and said with a strange expression: "The wind is defeated by her hands."

"Hehe, I lost at her hands..." The S-level investigator sneered, and was about to sneer, when he said this, his expression changed drastically, and he stammered, "You...what did you say? The wind has been defeated by her, how... how is it possible!"

Seeing the unbelievable expression on the S-level investigator's face, the expressions of the others became a little weird. I felt that the performance of these people was indeed far from the legendary S-level investigator, so I couldn't help thinking, could it be that Nuonuo What I said just now is true, but this group of people are just pretending?

"We really don't care about them?" Liuli frowned. Although she unconditionally supported Nuonuo's actions, she still felt that she was a little impulsive.

"This place is weird. Even I can't get my consciousness through the fog. Who knows what will appear later? What's more, as you have seen, those giant beasts are endless, and there is no end to them. We have been If you stay here, you will only be blocked. Therefore, you can only leave as soon as possible, and you can't stay for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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