Chapter 42

"Nim!" Nuonuo immediately looked at Nim's housekeeper, "Well, according to your calculations, how far are we from Liuli and the others?"

"It's not very far away. You should be able to find it within 5 minutes." Nim replied quickly.

Both Miyou and Rukia are already concerned, but they are in chaos. Only Nuonuo and Nim who are robots remain calm, especially Nim. Changes in the situation will make her start to calculate everything again, but it will not affect her life. mood.

However, Nuonuo can still be so calm, which surprised Nim. According to her database statistics, it is very difficult for ordinary people to do this, especially when they are witnessing the important rescue target is about to die. Situations that cannot be prevented by themselves.

Miyou was already flying around in a hurry, but Nuonuo knew to ask the time and direction first.

"Speed ​​up." Nuonuo said, "Besides, you don't have to just try to contact her, Nim, keep it up, and at the same time try some other ways to remind Liuli. For example... disrupting the signal, let her earphones transmit What about the noise of a fixed frequency?"

Although I don't know if it will be useful... But this can be regarded as learned from the movie, so let's try it.

"Okay. But the signal here is too much interfered by energy, so it may not be successful." Nim is still very rational until now.

"Anyway, let's try." Nuonuo said.

Nuonuo turned her head to look at Clare and the others, which surprised her a little.She thought that the two of them would probably sing against each other at such a moment, but she didn't expect that the two of them would follow behind obediently.

While running, Nuonuo took out the crystal and started to absorb it.Her negative physical condition caused by the influence of the environment before quickly began to recover, and soon, Nuo Nuo's face became rosy, and her breathing became stable.

The psionic energy was constantly circulating in her body, making her feel that her body was beginning to become lighter.

Human skin will start to regenerate after injury, and Nuo Nuo feels that his body has also undergone a change from the inside out after the previous overdraft.

The cells in her body were more mutated by spiritual energy, and even her skin became more moist.

Like Claire, her eyes are very bright, and she is different from ordinary people at first glance.Although Nuonuo is not yet like Claire, she has become much more attractive than before.

Now preparing for the upcoming unknown danger, Nuonuo absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy, and her cells that had already started to "regenerate" were immediately nourished.

Nuonuo felt that his strength had obviously improved.

Sure enough, people still grow the fastest in battle. The gap between her and Rukia was actually very large before, and she repelled Rukia only by trickery and surprise, but now even if it is a head-on confrontation, Nuonuo thinks that she has a short time The inside will not fall into a disadvantage.

In fact, what Nuonuo lacks now is fighting skills, but for Nuonuo, those fancy fighting skills are very time-consuming to learn, and she doesn't need them.

What is a man's romance?It's straight up!

To use another word that Nuonuo appreciates very much, that is, in the face of absolute power, all skills are rubbish!
As for whether her image as a cute girl is suitable for pure power and violence... Nuonuo didn't bother to care about it.

Have you never heard of contrast cute?

Claire sensed that Nuonuo's aura was constantly improving, but her expression was very disdainful.With such little strength, and starting preparations so there any point?

Thinking of this, Claire also took off two crystals from the special strap tied around her thigh.

The two crystals landed in her palm with a slight rotation of her fingertips.As she clenched her hands tightly, a gentle white light immediately enveloped her two palms, and spiritual energy poured into her body continuously.

Claire is already an A-level investigator, and almost most of her cells have mutated.When she absorbed the psionic energy, her skin glowed faintly, and even her eyes lit up.

"Let a wild girl like you who has never seen the world experience what is called the gap, and see how big the difference in strength is between us. Even if you just absorb spiritual energy, you are so much weaker than me..."

"found it!"

At this time, Nim's voice came, and Claire, who was originally in high spirits, was almost depressed into an internal injury.

Now who still pays attention to her?They all went to pay attention to the situation of Liuli and the others.

"Don't absorb psionic energy anymore. I don't know what the situation is. If there are monsters, they will be easily discovered." Nim continued.

Only then did Claire notice that Nuonuo had already put away the crystal when Nim said "I found it".

So she started absorbing it because of this thought?

Claire felt that she was going to be so angry that the psychic energy in her body would go berserk. She was usually very elegant, but she always seemed so mentally retarded in front of Nuonuo.

No, it should be because Nuo Nuo got angry too many times, so Claire often only wanted to make Nuo Nuo feel embarrassed, so she ignored a lot of things.

But as a last resort, Claire had no choice but to put away the crystal. The very gorgeous way of absorbing it before was considered a white show, and no one had time to see it.Although she does things her own way, she will not die.This kind of monster that contains such powerful energy in its secretions alone is likely to be very sensitive to energy. Regarding this, what makes Claire very upset is that Nuonuo is right again.

Why did you find Liuli and the others so quickly!Claire was really pissed off.

At this time, everyone has already slowed down in unison, slowly approaching the front.

In fact, you don't need to get too close, you can already feel that this place is different from before.The space inside the gel, that is, the road is widening, and there are twisted marks on the top and around the head, which should obviously be caused by the monster's activities.

What made people even more nervous was that when Lukia was advancing cautiously, she was suddenly taken aback by something inside the gel next to her. Looking carefully, it was a broken sword with blood on it.

The psychic weapons are all of high quality, and if such weapons are broken... one can imagine the fate of the original owner.

Seeing the blood stains on it, Rukia really felt terrified, and felt the cold air coming from her back.

Continue to move forward, suddenly, there was a shock on the ground.

The shock made everyone stiff, and just when they thought they could move on, the ground trembled again and again.

The successive shocks made everyone's faces change drastically. Claire and the others were fine and could stand still, while Nuonuo and Rukia could only squat down.

Miyou was suspended in the air, also with a nervous expression on his face.

What happened?
(End of this chapter)

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