Nono from another world

Chapter 48 Never heard of this kind of thing before!

Chapter 48 Never heard of this kind of thing before!

"Finally we can leave this ghostly place." Sally also heaved a long sigh of relief.She always thought that she was really going to die in this place, but she was finally safe for the time being after escaping, and she felt like she was having a nightmare.

Of course, it is not completely safe yet, there are still a large number of monsters waiting outside, and only after leaving the mine can she truly relax.

Moreover, Sally had already decided in her heart that she would no longer be an investigator after returning this time.With her status as an investigator, she should be able to find a good man, and then become an ordinary lady from now on.

Although Sally's appearance is ordinary, the title of investigator is very attractive. Many nobles are proud to marry or marry an investigator.

Of course, if you use Nuonuo's words to describe this phenomenon, then your thinking is correct.The work of investigators is very dangerous, but it also determines the biggest security issue in the world. Of course, countries must publicize it like this, otherwise who would do it?

Well, maybe some people will do it, but Nuonuo thinks she doesn’t have the awareness, she just wants to find a way to return to Earth, and to forcefully bend all the girls she thinks are good...

"Then let's go up quickly, those strange insects may still come out." Sally urged.But now she doesn't dare to use the tone she used before, but with a pleading tone.

In fact, these trapped people are already very tired because they have been trapped all the time and their nerves are in a very tense state.

If only these people were there, Sally wouldn't be in such a hurry.But now that Liuli and the others are here, she wants to leave as soon as possible.

This Liuli didn't know what kind of physique she was, she had been fighting all the time, and as a result, everyone around her was exhausted, but she was still the same as before, at most she was just a little tired.

Even during this period of time, she just closed her eyes and rested for a while, and never really slept and rested at all.

This is simply a terrifying fighting machine.

Although Sally was very afraid of Liuli, she had to admit that she couldn't be as "crazy" as Liuli.

Although she will not be like Liuli, it is very reassuring to have someone like Liuli around her.

But at this time Liuli said: "About this... I wanted to tell you guys before."

With a click, Sally suddenly had a bad premonition.

Liuli continued: "I won't leave here right away, so you can only act on your own. Since the train is right above, it's best for you, saving a lot of effort."

"Why is this..." The trapped people were stunned for a moment.

There is such a thing?Never heard of it before!
"But Liuli, if you don't go, then we..." Sally was also stunned all of a sudden, she looked at Liuli, and she could tell from Liuli's cold face that Liuli had already made up her mind.

Sally had no choice but to turn her target to Nim and the others: "What about them?"

This is really a nonsense question, which shows how flustered Sally was.

Miyou said: "Of course we are with Sister Liuli." Who would abandon Liuli just to save you?

Seeing that the matter seemed to be a foregone conclusion, those trapped were all pale and kept making noises.

Seeing the reactions of these people, Nuonuo was speechless, and risked his life to rescue them from the cave, but they still wanted to send them out of the mine as soon as possible. What a person has a face and imagination. Far.

When it comes to matters related to their own life and death, some people have already disregarded face.Some even came up with missions to talk about, saying that it was Liuli and the others' mission to rescue them.

"Yue is still here, I'm going to help her. Don't say that the mission we received was search and rescue and investigation, and it didn't mention that you must be sent out of the mine safely to be considered a success. Even so, it has nothing to do with my own decision Quests are nothing in comparison."

After Liuli finished speaking, judging from the expressions of those trapped, they were obviously very angry, and felt that Liuli's words were not very human.

Yue is just one person, but they are several people!

"You can also choose to stay and help me, and then we will go out together." Liuli obviously didn't feel anything about their attitude, and just put forward another plan lightly.

These people immediately shut up.

They looked at each other, but no one spoke, everyone was thinking.

Continue to stay here?Do you want to continue searching?
This kind of danger, compared with going out to face those flying monsters...

These people are hesitating and considering.

A trapped person thought for a while, then said hesitantly: "I still want to go out... I really don't want to stay here any longer, as long as I can give us some support."

When he said this, the rest of the people also agreed, they really didn't want to stay here, and who knows where Yue is, maybe the place is more dangerous.

Compared with unknown dangers, they are still willing to face the known dangers.Surrounded by those bugs before, watching my companions being eaten by bugs' brains is really terrifying.

They never want to face such fear again.

The decisions of these people did not exceed Liuli's expectations, she said without any surprise: "What support do you want?"

"Some food or something, we are really hungry." said the trapped person.

They were looking at Nuonuo and the others. Liuli must have no food for a long time, but those who came in to help should have.

Miyou frowned, she has an extraordinary obsession with food.The point is, these people are leaving, and they will continue to search this place, and they don't know how long they will search.

Compared with these people, they also need food very much.But these people knew this, but they still made the request.

"Okay, I'll give you some." Liuli discussed with Nim and the others, and then said.

The food was taken from Nim's body... Her apron was the same as a certain blue robot in the world where Nono lived, except that it was not a dimensional pocket, but connected to a small warehouse in her body.

The food carried by the investigators is all high-energy compressed food, and most people can't eat it at can you eat it with crystal powder in it?
Such food is easy to carry and does not require much preparation.

And for the purpose of rescue, Nim didn't bring much food, just enough for Nuonuo and others to eat for two or three days.

Now that they have to distribute it to them, it suddenly seems that the portion is insufficient.

(End of this chapter)

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