Nono from another world

Chapter 51 Found a cheat?

Chapter 51 Found a cheat?

Sally felt creepy: "No, I have to think of a way, I must think of a way, I can't just sit and wait for death."

If this continues, Sally feels that sooner or later she will be played to death by Nuonuo.

"When are we going down?" Nim asked Liuli.

Liuli glanced around and said, "We're near the bottom, let's take a rest first, and leave here first."

The terrain in the mine was complicated, but Liuli seemed to be very familiar with it, and soon led them to a small cave near the bottom.

It is said to be a cave, but it is actually a place where the miners dug out to rest. The area is not large, and there are some tables and chairs in it, as well as a teapot for boiling water.

But now the fire pit was already cold, and the teapot fell to the ground.

The other side of the cave is facing the black hole below. It is not known whether it is a natural or a "window" dug out on the mountain wall. Looking out of the window, you can see some red light on the edge of the black hole.

But the further down you went, the darker the light became, and finally it was pitch black, and nothing was seen at all.

This kind of unknown darkness, just looking at it makes people feel scalp numb.Don't even want to imagine what's down there.

Only Nim was able to stand there without any negative emotions. She tried to conduct an infrared scan below. As long as she could accurately know the terrain and even know if there were any monsters, everything would be much easier.

Liuli squatted in front of the teapot, very quiet and didn't know what she was thinking.Nuonuo glanced at her, and suddenly felt that she was fiddled with the teapot with her hand, watching the way the teapot was rolling, she was very girlish.

Miyou and Rukia took out their medical kits, but neither of them dared to do anything to Alice.

Miyou said: "Hurry up, Rukia, isn't this your sister?"

"I... I've never done this kind of thing..." Rukia said nervously, and then looked at Miyou, "Didn't you say that you are an old man every day? Then come on, you should be used to it .”

"I'm dizzy from the wound." Mi You folded her arms and said calmly.

"Liar, you are obviously timid! I have only heard of people with haemorrhoids, but I have never heard of people with dizzy wounds!" Rukia said speechlessly.

Alice sat on the chair and watched helplessly as the two of them asked each other to do it.

"Forget it, I can actually..."

"Let me do it." At this moment, Nuonuo took the medical kit from the side and said.

Alice asked in surprise, "Can you bandage a wound?"

"You may not believe it, but I learned it when I was in another world." Nuonuo said.

She had really learned a bit of first aid knowledge in college. She learned it casually at first, but it never came in handy. She didn't expect it to be useful in another world.

"You are really amazing." Alice said sincerely.

"Let me see what's there..." Nuonuo studied the things in the medical kit. Generally speaking, although most of the things looked a little strange, they were still the same as on the earth. Know how to use it.

Then Nuonuo took out a knife... When he saw this rough knife, Nuonuo really wanted to complain, would he die if he invented a pair of medical scissors?If it doesn't work, just bring the tailor's scissors!
But when Nuonuo used the knife to cut the bandage on Alice's shoulder, he found that it was unexpectedly easy to use.

The blade of the knife is made of crystal, and when it is used, it emits a layer of white light, which not only plays a lighting role, but also is very sharp.

With a light swipe, the bandages fell apart, and then the blood-stained bandages fell to the ground.

Seeing so much blood, Rukia's nose suddenly became sore again.

At this time, Sally had already "tactfully" found an excuse to go out and stay at the entrance of the cave.

"It's okay." Alice comforted quickly.

However, when she said this, Rukia wanted to cry even more. My sister was so gentle with people. She was the one who was hurt, but she had to comfort others in the end.

Nuonuo glanced at Alice's wound. It looked like a deep wound. It should have been treated, but it split open again and is still oozing blood.

With such a deep wound, Alice should be in pain, but she always kept a gentle smile on her face, probably to make the people around her not worry.

"Let me disinfect it for you," Nuonuo said.

"Yeah." Alice nodded.

Now Rukia didn't dare to look at it at all, and turned her head to face the other side.

When Nuonuo lightly touched Alice's wound with the cotton between her hands, Alice still frowned.

However, Nuonuo's movements were really gentle, and she continued to comfort Alice softly, making Alice feel gradually relaxed and calm, and the pain seemed less unbearable.

And while talking with Alice, Nuonuo's speed is also very fast.She concentrated all her psionic energy on her fingers, which was accurate and fast.

Seeing Nuonuo like this, the others were very surprised, and Liuli couldn't help but look at her more.

"This is a treatment method that only professional medical practitioners will learn." Alice said in amazement, "Nonuo, it seems that you are very suitable, and you are very talented in this area."

"No, my target is the investigator." Nuonuo said.

Moreover, this method is completely just a flexible application of her fighting skills, and this method needs to be studied specially. Isn't this way of thinking too rigid?

"You may not know it, but it's really a talent. Few people can control their body and spiritual energy so flexibly." Seeing Nuo Nuo's disapproval, Alice quickly continued.

Then Alice told Nuonuo a little bit, in fact, concentrating psychic energy to a certain part, this method is used by almost all investigators... Hearing this, Nuonuo sweated a lot, thinking it was her own creation, After all, everyone is not stupid.

"However, it is easy to cause physical incoordination, so it is not particularly practical to use, and many people only use it occasionally. Not only that, but it is actually very difficult to gather spiritual energy to places such as arms in a short period of time. Difficult, let alone fingers."

After Alice finished speaking, Nuonuo blinked.

In other words, is it a cheat that comes with me as a time traveler?
In this regard, she didn't encounter many obstacles at all...

But thinking about it, this body doesn't actually belong to her, so it might become easier to manipulate.

But this plug-in is really weak...

"Don't think it's nothing. If you can control your psionic energy completely flexibly, it means that you consume less psionic energy and use it more efficiently. Think about it, it's the dispersed power Is it stronger, or is it more concentrated together?" Alice asked.

(End of this chapter)

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