Chapter 53

Sally followed her bravely. When she got here, it was no longer a matter of the darkness, but the fact that the light couldn't penetrate too far.

In this dangerous environment, Liuli had already pulled out her long sword, and her sword was reflecting soft white light.But this white light can't penetrate too far at all. It can only illuminate about five or six meters in front, and it will be pitch black any further.

And the bottom is not completely silent, you must know that the silence is terrible, but the occasional sound in the darkness is also very scary.

A fluttering voice suddenly passed by, and almost everyone took out their weapons to protect the top of their heads as a conditioned reflex, with extremely nervous expressions.

Only Liuli and Nim remained calm. Nim's eyes were red, but he shook his head in the end: "I don't know what these dark substances are. I still can't scan them."

Liuli waited for a while with her sword hanging down, and when she saw that there was no response, she said, "Maybe it's the wind, keep going."

"Feng..." Hearing Liuli's faint voice, and watching her continue to move forward coldly and arrogantly, Nuonuo was really convinced.How did she say the words like the wind in such a cold tone?Is it true that everyone is stupid?
It was obvious that the sound just now could not be wind, but it was not certain what it was.

If it is a monster, why not attack them?Could it be because Liuli exudes a murderous aura among them?

With the incident just now, although nothing terrible happened, everyone felt their heart rose to their throats, and the heartbeat suddenly became louder, echoing non-stop in their ears.

From time to time in the darkness, the sound just now and the rustling sound could be heard.

Liuli said it was Fenghou at the beginning, but she didn't bother to explain later.Anyway, we have come to the present, we have to go further down.

At this moment, Liuli's footsteps stopped suddenly, she turned to the mountain wall next to her, and said, "It's the moon."

"Yue?! What the hell! Could it be that she is stuck on the mountain wall!" Nuonuo was startled and ran over quickly.

As a result, everyone nervously gathered around to see that it was a symbol drawn on the mountain wall with a weapon.

"...Can you speak clearly!" Nuonuo wiped off her sweat, and she realized that this Liuli's speech is also the kind that can make people anxious to death, and she cherishes words like gold.

But this symbol looks like a ghost painting symbol. Could it be some exclusive code of the moon, and what does it mean?
"What does that mean?" Nuonuo asked.

"Continue, I'm below." After Liuli finished speaking, Xiumei raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "Are you illiterate?"

"..." Nuonuo choked suddenly.She looked carefully at the group of ghostly drawn symbols, and finally managed to make out a part that might be a text.

But this kind of ghost painting, thank you for being able to understand it!And if you can understand it, then you are good, why do you still have a concept that other people should be able to understand it as a matter of course!
Nuonuo thought of the image of Yue, she is really a big sister with a very visual sense of a little wild cat... However, writing is not as good as a cat.

I'm afraid that elementary school students in this world can write much better than Yue. Only the prescriptions from Nuonuo's former world can compare with Yue's handwriting. Anyway, the two fonts seem to be metaphysical spells at first glance.

The prescription is a little more beautiful than Yue's ghost painting...

"Very well, Yue You left us a signal, which means that she, like us, has not encountered any real danger when she came here. Or she was in danger, but it did not cause her too much trouble, Otherwise, she won't have time to write." Liuli said.

"No, no, I think this kind of words should be left during the battle, and it must be a very fierce battle..." Nuonuo said in his heart.

After walking forward for a while, they suddenly felt that the slope under their feet disappeared, as if they had come to a huge flat ground.

Looking up at this moment, they could no longer see the slightest bit of light above them, as if they were in a closed dark space.

And when we got here, everything suddenly returned to silence, and even the breathing of the people around us could be clearly heard.No matter how softly the footsteps are played, they can still be heard.

"It's scary here." Rukia said softly.

Her words can be said to have spoken out the hearts of everyone, because when she looked around, it was all dark, and she couldn't see anything even if she widened her eyes.

"Let's go." Liuli quickly found the arrow left by Yue on the ground, and continued walking in the direction of the arrow.

Several times Nuonuo felt that there seemed to be something hidden in the darkness beside him, but he couldn't see anything.

Gradually the darkness became thicker and thicker, Liuli's figure at the front gradually became blurred, until the figures of everyone around became blurred.

In this case, it really makes people feel an inexplicable sense of loneliness. From walking with several people, it gradually becomes the feeling of being alone.

Under this feeling, Nuonuo even gradually felt that his thinking became dull, and he only knew how to walk forward step by step. In such a dark place, he didn't know where he was going.

Gradually her head became heavy and her eyelids drooped.

But at this moment, she suddenly shivered.This is the bottom, right?How can you be sleepy here?
Nuonuo suddenly woke up.

She looked forward and found that she was several steps behind.

Nuonuo quickly chased after him and returned to the team.

"It's dangerous. I almost fell asleep. I feel that there is something wrong with these black substances." Nuonuo whispered to Rukia next to her.

But it seems that only you have been recruited?After all, the others were still moving forward normally just now, and only I was behind.

Nuonuo is still very depressed about this, does this mean that he is still the weakest one?

However, after Nuonuo finished speaking, there was no response from Rukia.Nuonuo suddenly felt very strange, could it be that Rukia fell asleep too.

"Lukia..." She reached out to pull Rukia.

As the distance between the two sides gets closer, Rukia, who was originally blurred, gradually becomes clearer.Just when Nuonuo's hand was about to touch Rukia, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

At this time, Rukia also turned her head suddenly, revealing a pale, strange woman's face.This woman's eyes turned white, her mouth was covered with residual blood scabs, she was not Rukia at all!

Seeing this scene at first glance, Nuonuo was startled immediately, but before she could react, someone suddenly covered her mouth from behind.

Nuonuo subconsciously wanted to struggle, when a low voice came from beside her ear: "It's me."

Nuonuo immediately gave up resisting, allowing the opponent to pull him aside, and then hid behind a mine cart.

(End of this chapter)

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