Nono from another world

Chapter 58 God Level Perspective

Chapter 58 God Level Perspective
"That is to say, as long as the gate to the other world is closed, these insects will naturally die, right? What about the adult insects outside?" Nuonuo asked.

Liuli replied: "Although adults can survive outside, they also need to eat special food, that is, human corpses that have been used after the larvae have matured. It is impossible to feed them directly by eating living people."

"...The more restrictive the living conditions are, the easier it is to be extinct." Nuonuo said.

In fact, this kind of bug is already very "thrifty and thrifty", and one corpse can be used in two ways.This should be a characteristic they evolved for survival.

With a super-high reproduction rate and such a cost-saving way of living, one can imagine how big the threat of this bug is.Just give them time and they'll take over the world in no time.

Even if it can't, it will occupy a part of this world and become a strong enemy of human beings.

And after thinking about it, Nuonuo really didn't think that this world could resist this kind of disaster.These few investigators are the only hope.

Nuonuo still lives in this world, so she nodded without hesitation and said, "That's right, the gate to the other world must be closed immediately."

"But speaking of this..." Nuonuo raised doubts about Claire's movements, as well as the disappearing hyena Howson.

These people don't know why they came here, and their purpose doesn't seem to be to close the door to another world.

"I'm not very clear about this. Hyena Howson has always been very mysterious, but we just do our own thing well, and we don't have to deal with theirs, unless our two goals conflict." When it came to the end, Liuli A trace of murderous intent flashed across his always cold expression, which made Nuonuo stunned.

Unexpectedly, I could see a second expression on Liuli's face...

"I've already found a shortcut to get close to the female worm. It's too dangerous to go down directly from those corpses, and it's easy to attract the attention of the female worm. It's even more impossible to go straight down without the attention of the female worm. " said the month.

She came down early to investigate the truth about these bugs and find a solution.

The reason why Yue felt that there was a problem at the bottom was also because he discovered the connection between bugs and flying monsters, and further thought of their differences.

Miyou secretly said beside him, Yue's best ability is observation, which is almost unmatched by anyone, and what he is best at is disappearance, which belongs to the perennial missing population in the mission investigation.

This is also the main reason why Liuli doesn't worry about whether she is still alive. Simply put, she is used to it...

"Is there a shortcut?" Nuonuo couldn't believe it.

Yue tilted his head and said, "Half a shortcut, I dug the rest myself."

"..." Nuonuo was completely convinced now, and dared to dig a hole to approach under Chongzi's nose, and she was the only one, this sister Yue was really invincible.

"You don't need to be so surprised. After you officially become a member of us, you will gradually get used to these things. We have a small number of staff in the polar branch, so everyone has to be versatile. Otherwise, why do you think Mi You This idiot came to study medicine?" Yue said.

Miyou's ears twitched suddenly, why did she say her again, she obviously stayed by the side obediently and didn't say a word...

Hearing Yue used Miyou as an example, Nuonuo couldn't help but sympathize with Miyou.How stupid is it to be typical of this.

"However, depending on your performance and the speed at which your strength improves, you should be able to become an official investigator when you go back this time. You only need to register with the Foreign World Investigation Bureau. It's very easy." Yue continued.

Nuonuo's performance really surprised her. When she heard Nuonuo said that she wanted to be an investigator, she thought that Nuonuo would give up soon, or that even if she persisted, it would take a long time to get on the right track. .Unexpectedly, the speed of progress was so fast.

"Maybe this speed is slower than yours, Liuli, right?" Yue looked at Liuli and said.

Liuli didn't speak, but Yue said again: "Oh, no, I remembered wrongly, Liuli, you should have passed the assessment in a week, and your strength is equivalent to a D-level investigator, and then you were a C-level within a few weeks. "

Liuli listened to Yue's words, and simply turned her head to look aside.

"Hey, are you shy?" Nuonuo immediately became interested in Liuli's reaction.

As for what Yue said... Nuonuo was indeed shocked, she was just getting started with all her efforts, and Liuli had already reached the D level after taking classes in the academy.

This is the difference between geniuses and ordinary people.

In addition, Nuonuo felt that Yue simply said that on purpose!

The purpose is to hit her... It's really meaningless and evil.

"Okay, okay, without further ado, let's hurry up and play with that female worm. But let's make it clear, now I only know that the gate of another world is near that female worm, I don't know the specifics, only after the past Look again.” After speaking, Yue glanced at everyone with a smile and asked, “Are your knees healthy?”

Hearing this question, Nuonuo suddenly had a bad premonition.

A few minutes later, when Nuonuo followed Liuli and climbed into this narrow "hole", Nuonuo's heart was completely calm.

Sure enough, it is really a hole with the characteristics of "one person digging". If it is dug by one person, it can only be passed by one person.

But Yue is also very helpless about this: "This is his lair, do you still want me to dig a tunnel here?"

No way, Nuonuo and others could only climb into the passage one by one, and then move forward slowly.

Nim was the first to crawl to the front, then Liuli, then Nuonuo, and Yue crawled behind Nuonuo.

This is a completely random order, and Alice and the other three women have no way to make up their minds at the first time when they climb such a narrow and closed place.

When Alice found out that there were people in front of and behind Nuonuo, it was too late to regret.Alice could only bite her lip, suppressing a trace of disappointment.

And Nuonuo, after being speechless at the beginning, discovered something that made her feel... that climbing like this seems not bad.

Although the light in the cave was darker, when Nim in front turned on a light somewhere, Nuonuo looked up and saw Liuli's ****!

Although Liuli is a genius girl, the posture of climbing this passage is no different from other people. She is wearing a short skirt and a pair of high socks on her lower body. The way Nuonuo looks at her is that she claims to add chicken legs to the photographer God-level perspective!
(End of this chapter)

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