Nono from another world

Chapter 61 I leave you with a handsome back

Chapter 61 Leave You A Handsome Back View
"Sister Nuonuo!" Rukia immediately raised her hand to cover her mouth.

Nuonuo's slender back was obviously weak compared to that big bug, but in the eyes of Rukia and the others, it suddenly became taller, as if only Nuonuo was left in the field of vision, and everything else was far away. went.

The current Nuonuo is able to give people such a feeling.

But the side that Rukia and the others can't see...

Nuonuo's face is full of pain... oh no, it should be called a lactic acid expression now.

From the moment she rushed out, she had already felt the fear deeply, and now standing in front of this bug, she even had the urge to turn around and run away immediately.

This bug looks so ugly!Just using the word ugly is not enough to describe it.With such a terrifying appearance, she will be destroyed by humanity in the world of face control!

"How's it going, are you handsome by your sister?" Nuonuo could feel the gazes from behind, of course, these gazes are not entirely admiration for the time being, but more of a concern for her.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to die." Nuonuo bit her lip, the big bug's eyes hadn't looked at her yet.It moved, but not toward her either.Its target should be Liuli and the others.

But even so, Nuonuo still felt a huge shock in his heart due to the vibration of the ground and the moment when the bug suddenly lifted his body, and he almost couldn't stand still.

This is simply the difference in life level, and it is too much.This is like asking a kitten to muster up the courage to attack a lion. Even if the lion is fighting with other people, it is difficult to charge up.Because even if the target of the lion's attack is not you, if it moves casually and flicks its tail twice, the kitten hit will be seriously injured or even died immediately.

The gap between Nuonuo and this female worm is just that big.

That's why Alice and the others felt that Nuonuo was completely sent to die.

But Nuonuo knows that as long as he is calm and careful enough, even if there is a big difference, he can find a chance to take a bite.Because for the female worm, the threat of itself is too small, too inconspicuous, it will not guard against and attack itself exclusively.

This is precisely where Nuonuo's advantages lie.Although this advantage sounds a bit sad...

Nuonuo stared at the female worm, waiting silently.The bug began to roll over and over, making an angry howl.The living corpses outside also started to move, and the larvae in their bodies were all affected by the mother insect, rushing towards the center of the round pit one after another.

Standing in the round pit, you can feel the sound of footsteps, and you can also hear the roar of the living corpses echoing the mother insect.

With so many living corpses, Nuonuo and the others could be submerged in an instant. If they had to deal with the female insects at that time, they could basically be judged to be completely wiped out.

But as long as the door to the other world can be closed and the mother bug can be eliminated, all problems will be solved.

Nuonuo listened to the sound coming from behind, without being distracted, and still focused on the female worm.

Finally, she moved.All the spiritual energy was poured into his feet, his arms, and the great sword shone brightly.Nuonuo was shrouded in this light, and rushed towards the female bug.

"Ah!" Alice couldn't help screaming.

Nuonuo rushed to the female worm almost in the blink of an eye. The female worm's body was shaking. Nuonuo almost calculated accurately, passed by the female worm, and then jumped up suddenly!
At this moment, Nuonuo's heart was extremely calm. Every single movement of her, if there is even the slightest mistake, may lead to death. all actions.

This set of movements has been demonstrated several times in her mind, and what she has to do now is to perfectly restore it.

The moment he jumped up, all the spiritual energy gathered in Nuonuo's arms!
Bright psychic light exploded on the big sword, and one eye of the mother worm suddenly turned to look at Nuonuo.

It finally noticed Nono!
Seen by these eyes, Nuonuo immediately felt as if he was already dead.

"Die!" Nuonuo didn't go limp from fright and dropped the sword. On the contrary, she yelled, held the sword with both hands, and slashed at the eyes fiercely!
This female worm saw a tiny existence appearing in front of her at first glance, but she didn't react yet.

It didn't even have time to dodge, it was slashed by this sword!The female worm subconsciously closed her eyes, but her other eyes all looked at Nuonuo.

This sword, in fact, has no practical egg use, but it hurts the mother bug!
The mother worm hadn't been in pain for a long time, even if Liuli and the others tried to close the door to the other world, they just woke it up from a deep sleep and felt angry.

But this tiny creature, she actually hurt herself!

Nuonuo was also shocked. Although he knew that the kitten's paws could not cause any serious damage to the lion, he still didn't expect that with his full strength, he didn't hurt the female insect at all, and didn't even shed any blood!
What I have to say is that when its eye was opened again, there was an extra streak of blood in the eye.

However, it was impossible for Nuonuo to make up another cut. She took advantage of the situation and kicked hard on the female insect, and the spiritual energy flowed from both arms to both feet at the same time.Coupled with the elasticity of the female worm's body, with this jump, Nuonuo landed ten meters away, and then turned around and ran away.

The female insect was slashed and then kicked. Seeing that this humble creature was about to flee, it immediately became angry, twisted its body and chased after it.

When Nuonuo heard the movement behind her, her heart beat faster, her whole body was cold, and she was also excited.It worked!

Although she has simulated this process several times in her mind, if there is no accident, it will be successful, but that is no accident.But in actual operation, there are too many possibilities for her to have accidents.

It's just that if a person looks forward and backward, worrying about every possibility of failure, then simply lie at home and do nothing.Even so, it may end due to various natural disasters and accidents.

This is Nuonuo's creed in life. Of course, to others, it might sound like nonsense...

Nuonuo ran wildly all the way, she can't care about any consumption now, saving means slowing down, which is tantamount to courting death.At the same time, Nuonuo kept watching the female worm behind her, and then kept adjusting the angle of escape in an extremely dangerous way, letting the female worm follow her around in circles.

"Hurry up!" Nuonuo yelled.

She can hold on for ten seconds at most!
(End of this chapter)

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