Chapter 66

"Huh?" Alice was stunned for a moment.

"But Sister Alice, look, there are three of you, and Butler Nim only has one. Besides, I have never played your game, and I am actually very weak. Joining you will only drag you down even more. "Nonuo said sincerely.

Mi You nods repeatedly when she hears this, it turns out that Sister Nuonuo is really thinking about them very seriously.She felt that she had understood the subtext of Nuonuo. Although Nuonuo wanted to join the Nim team on the surface, in fact, she used to drag Nim back and then helped them!

What a deep plot!Miyou secretly gave Nuonuo a thumbs up.

"" Although Rukia felt that what Nuo Nuo said seemed to make sense, she still regretted not being able to fight side by side with Nuo Nuo.

Fighting with Nuonuo is the most anticipated thing for her!But if it's ugly to lose with Nuonuo, and even Lei Nuonuo is constantly taking off his clothes, Rukia also feels that she doesn't want to do this.

So she nodded while hesitating.

But at this time, Alice felt a blow to the head.

"No...can't you see Nuonuo undressed?"

If you can't see Nuonuo undressing, then what's the point of this fight!She invited Nuonuo not to win!Just to lose!Keep losing!

But... Thinking about it carefully, Nuonuo is indeed a novice.Although Nim is victorious in every battle, if he is dragged down by Nuonuo, he can easily lose.

This kind of card play is actually very complicated, even for people from this world, it is difficult to learn it when they first come into contact with it, let alone someone from another world like Nuonuo.

Besides, Nuonuo has said so, if she insists on letting Nuonuo stay with them, will Nuonuo think she is weird?
The guilty Alice finally made up her mind, she decided to stand up and defeat Nim. Anyway, as long as she does this, her goal will be achieved!
"Okay!" Alice nodded, and at the same time gave Nuonuo the look of a comrade-in-arms, "Come on!"

Come on and hold back!

I'm sorry Nuonuo, although it's not good to use your enthusiasm like this, but in order to satisfy my wish, you should sacrifice like this...

Nuonuo also smiled at Alice.

"How about it, can it work, Steward Nim?" Nuonuo asked.

Nim has been silent since she came in. This robot girl has no interest in these human emotions reunited after the catastrophe, let alone participate in it, so she has been sitting here silently, looking at Nuonuo with flickering eyes from time to time. Through the red light that seems to be scanning.

Hearing Nuonuo's question, she nodded and said, "Yes."

Anyway, to her, winning or losing seemed to make no difference.Of course, she never lost.

She doesn't feel much about the many teammates now, anyway, the result should not change much.

This posture of Dugu begging for defeat really gave Miyou and Rukia a sense of frustration. Although they also knew that it is difficult for a human brain to defeat a machine, the investigator's body has evolved after all, and they didn't expect it to be impossible...

"That's good. Then, let Butler Nim explain the rules to me." Nuonuo said.

The rules are really complicated. Butler Nim explained it very carefully. It took about ten minutes to finish the explanation. After the explanation, he said to Nuonuo: "Okay, let's get familiar with it. Then we will start."

"No, let's start now." Nuonuo said.

Hearing this, Alice was overjoyed.

"You'd better get familiar with it, it's not so easy to fully understand." Nim said.

"It's really not necessary, I'll get familiar with it as I play, I can't remember it just by rote." Nuonuo said.

"Yeah, what Nuonuo said makes sense. Since Nuonuo himself said no, let's start." Alice said hastily.

Not familiar with the best ah!Butler Nim is really, really serious!

Rukia and Miyou looked at each other, eyes full of emotion.Sure enough, Sister Nuonuo worked so hard for them to win.

If you don't memorize so many rules in advance, you will definitely suffer a lot. Even if you can memorize them while playing, you will definitely lose in the first few games.

Although Alice and the others are weak, they are at least familiar with the rules, and it is easy to abuse Nuo Nuo from this aspect.

"Okay, let's start." Nim wiped the cards with his hand, and when he put them down again, a very neat and shuffled stack of cards appeared.

Nuonuo's eyes twitched, how much these people love to play cards!Why does this butler still have such a card shuffler!It's really hard work to transform my body into this.

With the end of the deal, the game officially began.

Nuonuo picked up the cards with a serious expression...

A few minutes later, the faces of Alice's three sisters showed disbelief.

how so……


And behind the cards, the corners of Nuonuo's mouth were slightly raised.

How about it, do you think why my sister's card skills are so good?

I promised to help you, but why did I abuse you with Butler Nim?
The answer is very simple!As a hardcore online player who has played all the chess and card games and is proficient in it, how could Nuonuo not understand the rules of this card game, which is obviously very similar to the Three Kingdoms Sha!
At most, your cards are a bit taller, either gold threads or crystals, and you can project a character when you throw them out, but there is no change in essence!

Leaving aside the characteristics of other worlds, this is just an ordinary card game, and what kind of cards have you never played before?Some mobile games in the leaderboard dominate the entire line, okay?

Alice and the three daughters looked at Nuo Nuo in disbelief, while Nuo Nuo had a very innocent expression.

" seems...we won, right? Should this be called beginner's luck? In fact, I don't understand these rules at all, and I don't know how to win." Nuonuo said.

Alice breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, too, how could Nuonuo master the rules so quickly, it must be luck, it must be a coincidence!

However, Nuonuo's luck was really good. She was not proficient in the rules, so she couldn't cheat directly, which made them lose.

But it doesn't matter, luck can't last forever, and it will definitely not be like this!
Thinking so, Alice smiled at Nuonuo, then stretched out her hand, and slowly untied her bracelet.

Rukia and Miyou also took off one item each, both of which were insignificant.

Seeing their actions, Nuonuo continued to show an innocent smile on his face, but deep in his eyes, a meaningful smile flashed across his face.

Take these off, right?It doesn't matter, anyway, it will make you feel inseparable.No one can escape... Well, as for Nim's, I've seen it anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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