Nono from another world

Chapter 91 Expensive things are indeed addictive

Chapter 91 Expensive things are indeed addictive

Sure enough, all expensive things will make people fall... Nuonuo quickly shook his head and came to his senses.

However, there is a reason why the top-grade crystals are so expensive. The energy contained in this crystal alone is unknowable. The ones Nuonuo absorbed just now are not even a drop in the bucket.

"Huh?" Just now, when she was fully immersed, Nuonuo felt that she should have absorbed too much, and now there should be excess spiritual energy running around in her body, but now Nuonuo feels herself, but feels that just now it is good.

Such a coincidence?She woke up just when every cell in her body had just absorbed enough spiritual energy?
Nuonuo didn't believe in such a coincidence. After thinking for a while, she suddenly reached out and touched the pendant on her chest.

The teardrop-shaped crystal still exuded a faint light at the moment, Nuonuo held it in his hand and felt it, and was immediately surprised.

The psionic energy stored in this teardrop-shaped crystal actually has a little more...

I absorbed the spiritual energy through the crystal, and the excess spiritual energy went out of my body and was absorbed by the crystal pendant.

Only then did Nuonuo realize that this crystal pendant was probably not an ordinary top-quality crystal, or even not a crystal, but she couldn't find any other clues with her eyesight.Yue didn't make it clear when she gave it to her, and Liuli didn't explain it in detail, but they must know what's special about this crystal pendant.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Nuonuo couldn't understand.

The only explanation is that it's hard to say, maybe even if it is explained, Enonuo can't quite understand it with his current understanding.

Nuonuo soon stopped worrying about this, as long as the thing is easy to use, it doesn't matter what its principle is.

But now that he knows that this "crystal" pendant can absorb the excess spiritual energy that has not been absorbed in the body, he wonders if he can absorb the spiritual energy that was sucked away by it.

Thinking of this, Nuonuo immediately tried it.

A soft energy was sucked out of the pendant, but because Nuonuo's body had absorbed enough spiritual energy, this energy was sucked back into the pendant again.

This time, Nuonuo clearly felt the whole process. She felt that the pendant was like a sponge, which could absorb and store spiritual energy, and no matter which function it was, it was quite useful.

With the function of absorbing excess spiritual energy, it means that Nuo Nuo can safely absorb spiritual energy and continuously promote cell mutation.

The excess spiritual energy is stored in the pendant, which can be worn with you. You don't need to take out the crystal to absorb a large amount of spiritual energy to support the battle.

"However, it should be of great use for Yue to keep this thing..." Nuonuo thought.

This pendant can probably be used no matter what level of crystal adaptor it is, and only S-level investigators, their bodies are already extremely powerful, so they may not need extras, but having this pendant is icing on the cake .

"I said I saved them, but actually I didn't do much..." Now Nuonuo really felt embarrassed, she did it for her own survival.

But now, she felt that these girls were treating her with sincerity, which made Nuo Nuo finally have a sense of belonging to the polar branch.

Of course, this sense of belonging is neither for this world nor for the Bureau of Investigation, but only for these people in the polar branch.

And this feeling of not being alone, Nuonuo has to say, still feels pretty good...

"Okay, let's start working hard to improve, or you will have to be a logistics supporter for the rest of your life." If the assessment fails and you can't get the status of investigator, Nuonuo will probably have to work as a logistics officer in the polar branch while continuing to go to the mine to improve your strength.

But this is not a serious way after all, and if the Bureau of Investigation issues another rule that "non-investigators are not allowed to enter the mine", Nuonuo will be completely dumbfounded.

At that time, I really can only switch careers to be a girl idol.

Holding the crystal, the spiritual energy continued to enter Nuonuo's body continuously, impacting every cell in Nuonuo's body and promoting their mutation.

After the cells are irradiated with this energy, they begin to change slowly.When some of these cells mutate successfully, they can continue to absorb more spiritual energy, and continue to repeat this process.

But Nuonuo didn't just wait for the cells to mutate. During this process, she continued to guide the spiritual energy to gather in a certain part of her body, especially some parts that were difficult to control and even more difficult to guide.

Such as the ear, such as the first joint on the finger.These are the parts that some people can't even get them to move when they are in self-control.

For example, bending the fingers, this action only needs to have such an idea in the mind, and then the fingers can do it immediately, without deliberate control or anything.

But if the first joint of the finger wants to bend without moving the other joints, some people can't do it even if they stare at it.

It is much more difficult for Nuonuo to gather spiritual energy to such parts than to bend the first joint.

But the more he practices like this, the more freely Nuonuo can control his psychic energy and maximize his advantages.

Originally, Nuonuo was ready to try again and again, but maybe it was because this body did not belong to Nuonuo, and Nuonuo's control over this body was more like an external force, which seemed easier. When it was the fourth attempt, Nuonuo felt a ball of psionic energy squeezed out like a soybean, and then gathered on her earlobe.

With the existence of a mass of psychic energy, Nuonuo suddenly had a clearer feeling about the earlobe than usual.Ordinarily, most people can't feel their earlobe, and they don't use it like any muscle in their body... It seems that it can't move at all except for pinching it with hands.

But now, when the psychic energy was gathered there, Nuonuo's attention was all focused on the earlobe, and the earlobe actually moved slightly.

"It's a weird feeling..." Nuonuo was still not quite used to his earlobe moving by itself without any external force.

But at the same time, Nuonuo was also very excited. This situation showed that her control over her spiritual energy and body was becoming more and more refined.

In the Psychic Academy before, when fighting Leo, Nuonuo relied on the control of psionic energy and the precise use of the body to win the victory with the weak against the strong.

In fact, the psychic power in Leo's body must be greater than hers, and the degree of body mutation is also greater than hers.But he can't use it rationally, which is equivalent to dispersing a force, which is definitely not as strong as Nuo Nuo concentrating all the power on one fist.

(End of this chapter)

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