Nono from another world

Chapter 93 is about to begin

Chapter 93 is about to begin

Three days passed quickly, and the fact that someone from the Polar Branch would participate in the public assessment was directly announced in the lobby by the investigation bureau, and all the investigators who came in and out saw it and knew about it.

Lena and the others knew that the Bureau of Investigation would definitely make a fuss about the rhetoric, but they didn't expect to go so far.

In the announcement, they didn't mention Nuonuo's record at all. They only emphasized Nuonuo's identity, that is, logistics, and how long it had been since he was discovered to be a crystal adaptation body, and he had never studied in the academy.

It was an unbelievable expression for the crystal adapting body in such a situation that the head of the branch he was in personally submitted an application for investigator qualification in a short period of time.

When they first saw these descriptions, some people thought that some peerless genius had been born, but when they looked back, the four big characters of the Polar Branch were very eye-catching.

These people suddenly showed strange expressions, the logistics of the polar branch actually wanted to create this No. 1 example in the past and present?

It would not be so unacceptable for such talents to appear in the top super branches, but it would be a joke if a branch at the bottom of the crane made such an application.

But fortunately, the Bureau of Investigation said that they could not just listen to the words of the head of the Polar Branch and pass this application easily. However, because of the strong request of the Polar Branch, the Bureau of Investigation decided to conduct a public assessment in order to show fairness.

There were more and more people watching before the announcement. Seeing this, more and more people felt that this was a lively event full of jokes.

After being rejected, they still didn't give up and forced the investigation bureau to conduct a public assessment. Are they so confident in this logistics officer?

In the announcement, Nuonuo's name was also criticized, almost in less than a morning, Nuonuo became "famous" among the investigators.

But people didn't mention her name because they remembered her...they actually only had one impression of her, which was "the overzealous logistics of the polar branch".

There are people discussing this matter everywhere. It seems that if we don't talk about this matter when we meet, if everyone laughs together, the news is outdated.

"The polar branch doesn't do any big things, but it's working hard to entertain everyone."

"But it can't be helped, the branch at the end of the crane, what do you want them to do?"

Without the people from the polar branch, these people talked and laughed unscrupulously.

The matter of the Yinyue branch was a scandal, so the investigation bureau did not disclose the specific situation. Many people didn't even know that the polar branch was involved in the rescue.

However, even if they knew, they would only focus on the fact that the polar branch finally rescued a few people, and would still laugh at it.

As Reina said before, these people don't know the truth and details about things that have nothing to do with them. They only want to see the results, or even the results they want to see.

So in their eyes, the polar branch seems to be doing nothing all day long, just looking for an opportunity to make a big news, to attract people's attention, and to refresh their sense of existence.

This kind of behavior is really contemptuous.

"Then the public assessment, do you want to go to see it?"

"It shouldn't be worth seeing."

"If you watch it as a farce, you should still be able to have a good time."

"I just came back from a mission. I was exhausted physically and mentally. I just went to have fun and relax. I decided to watch it."

"Then I'll go and see it too, don't disappoint the performance they put in so hard."

"Stop talking, people from the polar branch are here."

Those people who were around before the announcement, who were still laughing just now, immediately shut their mouths when they saw Leina and others walking in through the gate.

When they were outside the door, Reina and the others had already heard the laughter and discussions inside, and even heard some words clearly.

But as soon as they stepped into the door, the sound disappeared immediately, and the hall suddenly became extremely quiet.

Seeing this situation, Alice no longer had the anger of yesterday.On the contrary, somehow, she also felt a little funny.

Probably because she already understood what Reina said yesterday.

Alice suddenly realized that she was actually quite suitable for the Polar Branch, so she quickly adapted to the various settings of the Polar Branch, and quickly integrated into it.

As Reina and the others walked forward, these people stepped aside one after another, not meeting the sight of Reina and the others.But in fact, Reina and her group didn't even look at them at all, and calmly walked through the passage they all gave way to, while completely ignoring them as if they were air.

Some people also noticed the indifference of Reina's group, but it didn't make them feel uncomfortable.On the contrary, they secretly ridiculed this in their hearts.

Pretend to be so indifferent, is it because they are deliberately trying to get attention?As for what kind of attention they received, it shouldn't matter to them.

"Which one is Nuonuo?"

"do not know……"

Soon, Lena and her party came to the announcement.

"The wording in the bureau is really... well thought out." After reading it once, Lena sneered.

"The address of the public assessment's actually the Grand Theater." Yue Ze looked at the end of the announcement.

"Pfft..." Nuonuo almost spit out when she heard this.

This investigation bureau is really too much. I'm afraid that others will not treat this as a farce and arrange it in the Grand Theater.

Of course, this is not an ordinary theater, but a huge round platform located in the center of Wangcheng Square, with a transparent cover above it to isolate spiritual energy.

This round platform is also similar to a tall tower. It is far above the ground and stands in mid-air like a huge circular flower bed. It is usually used for investigators to perform during major festivals.Often at this time, people would gather in the square to admire the demeanor of the investigators.

However, arranging Nuonuo's public assessment there is obviously a satire on Nuonuo.

Of course, as mentioned later, the public assessment will not be open to ordinary people, so those who will be able to enter the square will be crystalline adaptations.

Even if it wanted to embarrass the polar branch, the Bureau of Investigation would not embarrass the investigators in front of ordinary people.For ordinary people, the existence of investigators is a symbol of strength and security, and it is absolutely inviolable.

Listening to Yue's explanation, Nuonuo felt that the Bureau of Investigation was quite speechless.I'm afraid ordinary people can't imagine that the investigators who are glamorous and powerful in their eyes also have such a side in private.

(End of this chapter)

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