Nono from another world

Chapter 96 Facing the world with the most arrogant attitude

Chapter 96 Facing the world with the most arrogant attitude

One or two are like this!
The girl was completely speechless, and she was still a little afraid of the blond boy, because the blond boy was stronger than her.But for Leo, the girl has no worries.

She stretched out her hand angrily and shook Leo's eyes: "Hello!"

Only then did Leo notice her, and he withdrew his gaze and asked in a daze, "What's wrong?"

The girl said impatiently: "What's so good about her, but it's just to attract attention now. She doesn't have real strength, and she will be exposed right away. You shouldn't be fooled by her appearance, right?"

When the girl explained this to Leo, she was actually expressing her own opinion.

Leo glanced at her and said, "You all know that I was beaten to death by a girl who was an intern logistics in the training hall, right?"

"She's that girl! She's not eye-catching, she's really powerful!" Leo said excitedly.

Although as Nuonuo's defeated opponent, Nuonuo's performance didn't seem to have anything to do with him, but it was precisely because many people said that Nuonuo should be of average strength that Leo was demoted even lower.

Now that Nuonuo is standing on that stage, on the one hand, Leo feels special because he knows Nuonuo, and on the other hand, because Nuonuo is standing there, if she proves her strength, then he will lose to Nono, but his experience of fighting against Nuonuo is no longer a particularly shameful thing!

"Ah?" The girl was speaking with certainty at first, but she didn't expect to hear such words from Leo, and her expression became a little ugly.

And the blond boy turned around in surprise, looked at Leo and said, "Is she the girl who fought with you?"

"Yes." Leo said.

"Really..." The blond boy looked at Nuonuo again, and it was hard to imagine that it was that energetic girl who beat Leo to the point of doubting his life.

"However, whether her strength can pass the test is still a big question mark. This is not a popularity contest." The girl said beside her.

The blond boy also agreed: "Well, this one is. But even so, she is still very eye-catching."

At this time, many people in the square also slowly recovered from Nuonuo's stunning appearance.

And Nuonuo also slowly put down his raised hand, breathed lightly, and looked at these people in the square.

Of course she looked good, because she completely regarded herself as another idol girl!

But in fact, she is not a real idol standing on this stage, but is here to be tested by these people.

So after the appearance, Nuonuo's aura changed.

She was just an energetic girl, but now as the atmosphere in the audience gradually cooled down, the smile on Nuonuo's face gradually disappeared.A serious and cold temperament emanated from her.

People were a little surprised when they saw Nuonuo's changes.Their enthusiasm subsided, and they thought that Nuo Nuo might be a little overwhelmed, but they didn't expect Nuo Nuo to be calmer than them, and quickly switched to the most calm state.

And almost instantly, Nuonuo burst out with a strong fighting spirit. Although Nuonuo was indeed a very weak newcomer in the eyes of many people present, her fighting spirit was not weaker than many of them. .

From the stunning appearance to waiting for the review as if impatient, Nuonuo switched freely, which caught all the people present by surprise.

Seeing that Nuonuo was ready, even the judges didn't recover.

At this moment, the official frowned and said, "Today's public assessment is very simple!"

"As long as you have just obtained the investigator qualification, within three months, you can take the challenge. As for the applicant Nuonuo, as long as you can successfully challenge, you can obtain the investigator qualification!"

However, as soon as these words came out, the expressions of Alice and the others changed all of a sudden.

This is too unfair!

A rookie investigator within three months, dealing with a Nuonuo who just became a crystal evolution body not long ago!

There is no fairness in such a challenge!

Even many viewers were stunned. Although they came to see the joke, if it was such a crush, it would be completely meaningless...

Anyone can imagine the outcome of the battle, so what else is there to watch?
Seeing that all the reactions seemed a little intense, the official immediately added: "This is because many newcomers who have just become investigators have not had any actual combat experience, and this Nuonuo, she has already had a lot of experience." combat experience."

"However, she has not undergone any study, so it is difficult for us to judge her strength without a close battle."

Hehe, what an even match!
Yue and the others sneered when they heard this. The official was obviously vague. He first emphasized that Nuonuo had combat experience, and then said that she was evenly matched with the new investigator.

You must know that when you first become an investigator, your strength may improve with each passing day. Those who become investigators in the first month are completely different from those who become investigators in the third month.

The official set the time limit so wide, which was clearly targeting Nuo Nuo on purpose.

But from his words, it seems that there is no thorn in it... Especially after he said this, the audience all showed the expression of "that's how it is".

These viewers didn't know how much fighting experience Nuonuo had. They just thought that since Nuonuo could fight, it wasn't unfair.

Alice was about to go to the judges' seat to protest, but she heard Nuonuo on the round stage say, "Yes."

Why did you agree like that!
Alice and the others were stunned. How could she agree to this assessment method which was obviously aimed at her!
Seeing that Nuonuo agreed, a smile appeared on the corner of the official's mouth.Sure enough, she is easily provoked at a young age, and this girl is really overwhelmed, and she really thinks that she can succeed in the challenge.

However, her arrogance is also a good thing. The more arrogant she is, the more embarrassing she will be in the branch, especially Lena.

But at this moment, Nuonuo said again: "I hope you can keep your word."

The whole venue had calmed down just now, and now it was blown up again.

This is a public backlash and provocation!
The official's expression changed all of a sudden, he was mistaken, this girl is not only arrogant, but also has the same virtue as that Reina!
In the auditorium, the corners of Elena Ka's mouth also slightly raised, revealing a slight smile.

This Nuonuo, in this aspect, seems to be more flamboyant than Reina...

As for Nuonuo, she has no regrets at all about the effect of what she said.

Whether she said it or not, that officer, and some of the Bureau's people who felt the same way as him, were going to hate themselves.

That being the case, why bother to ask for perfection?

And whether it is Hyena Howson or Lena, they have been proved by facts.As long as they are strong enough, even if the investigation bureau doesn't like them, they will still arrange a ship for them and let them serve as branch leaders.

Although there are some investigators in the whole world, the investigators who can reach the S level are still only a few elites at the top. Whether the investigation bureau likes it or not, they have to use it.

This does not conflict with Nuonuo's ultimate goal, to have a flying ship from another world!
So Nuonuo thought clearly from the very beginning, since you already hate me, then I will simply let you hate me so much that you hate me so much that you leave a shadow.

"I'm ready." As Nuonuo said, he pulled out the big sword from behind, held the sword in both hands, and thrust it into the ground in front of him.

The crisp sound echoed throughout the venue, giving everyone a new impression of this young girl, who was full of energy.


"Hahaha, she's really amazing!" The blond boy pointed at Nuonuo and smiled, with a special gleam in his eyes.

Damn, he once dreamed of this!

But this young girl rushed ahead of him and stood on such a high platform, facing the world with the arrogant attitude of his dreams!
(End of this chapter)

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