Nono from another world

Chapter 98 Why is this different from what I imagined?

Chapter 98 Why is this different from what I imagined?

In Nuonuo's eyes, everything around him became slower and slower, and the originally fierce sword light seemed to be still at this moment. Nuonuo only needed to move his body a little, and he could easily dodge it.In such a state, one step, two steps, Nuonuo has almost arrived in front of Torre!

Seeing that Nuonuo stepped into the sword net calmly like this, despite the sharp sword light around him, but remained unscathed, the audience in the theater were all dumbfounded.

What? !She actually escaped like this?
How could Nuonuo's speed suddenly become so fast? !Such a dense sword light, she... She actually passed through it directly? !

And just when everyone exclaimed, Nuonuo's figure disappeared from the spot!

Torre's heart trembled, and his pupils shrank suddenly!

When Nuonuo dodged his first wave of sword wind just now, he still couldn't believe it, thinking it was just her luck.But as Nuonuo's figure gradually approached, he had to be extremely vigilant, but before he could react, Nuonuo's figure suddenly disappeared!

For the first time in his life, Torre felt a little nervous, so without thinking about it, he immediately used his figure and quickly retreated backwards!He has to distance himself first, and then think of other ways.But at the moment when he jumped backwards, he suddenly dared to feel a faint murderous aura attacking from behind, and Nuonuo unexpectedly appeared behind him at some point!
This scene shocked all the audience!

how come?How could this red-haired girl be so fast?Not only that, but her series of actions were very clean and neat, without any unnecessary movements, and her performance was perfect! this really the logistics trainee who they regarded as the soy sauce party just now?
How does this meow look like an intern logistics? !If she is said to be an official investigator, some people will believe her!

The officials of the Investigation Bureau sitting in the stands didn't look very good at this time, and one or two of them seemed to be constipated. How could this be different from the agreed script?
In their imagination, even if this girl named Nuonuo wasn't so embarrassed, she should at least be at a loss!But what's with this extremely cool agility?Could it be that the Polar Branch deliberately gave her the title of an intern in logistics, and asked her to come out to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

The more officials of the Bureau of Investigation thought about it, the more likely it was. After all, the discord between them and the polar branch was no longer a day or two.Although Reina has been relatively low-key these years, it doesn't mean she is a soft persimmon who can be manipulated, not to mention that she just made a fuss in the investigation bureau a few days ago, so she deliberately made this kind of investigation Embarrassing things are not impossible.

This Lena is really calculating!

Just when everyone was thinking wildly, Nuonuo raised his hand, raised the big sword in his hand, and aimed at the back of Torre's head, and slashed it down!

If the blow was real, no matter how big Torre was, he might have to be scrapped on the spot!
Torrey felt a gust of wind blowing towards him, and the skin on his face even felt a little dull pain because of it, and his eyes couldn't help shrinking suddenly. If this continues, he will definitely lose!
Before he had time to think about it, Torre suddenly fell backwards. At the same time, he gently pushed his right hand on the ground, and the whole person rolled to the side on the spot.Nuonuo's big sword just fell down at this moment, brushing his body dangerously and hitting the ground heavily, smashing a big hole in the ground immediately!It's not over yet, Torre only felt a little heat on his forehead, and then a trace of warm liquid slowly dripped down his forehead.

It's bleeding? !

He Torrey is bleeding? !And in front of so many people, made the motion of rolling on the spot? !

What a shame!What a shame!

How long has it been since he challenged a C-level investigator last time?For a long time, he felt that he was a member of the Kuanglong branch, no, he was even the best among hundreds of new investigators of the investigation department. Except for a few people from the Empire branch and the Hanye branch, he could completely dominate the crowd, even some C The senior investigators were not taken seriously by him either.But now?He who thought he was an elite was injured in public by an intern logistics in the tail branch of a crane? !

This... This is simply a great shame!

Although there are some factors of her own carelessness, no matter what, this red-haired girl must pay a heavy price for what she did today!

"Go to hell!"

Torre's eyes were red, and he let out a deafening roar.At this moment, he no longer has any thoughts of teasing Nuonuo, he just wants to let her know what is the gap between strengths!

He wants her to die!

Sensing the sudden change in Torre's momentum, Nuonuo's eyes shrank suddenly.If Torre just now was a fierce tiger, then he is like a real monster now. Just touching his eyes, Nuonuo couldn't help numb his back. Under such a huge pressure, it might be difficult to move even a little bit.

It's really not easy for someone who can defeat a C-level investigator!
But after feeling Torre's changes, Nuonuofei was not affected in any way, but even raised a smile at the corner of her mouth.Long before she decided to take part in the public assessment, she had already rehearsed various possible crises in her heart. Since she had already expected that the assessment would not be so easy, she still stood here without hesitation. Be at a loss what to do with the accident?

On the contrary, Nuonuo was faintly excited.The stronger the opponent, the more she can realize her potential, and the faster her progress will be!If she was afraid of this and that during the assessment, then what would she bring back to another world in the future?
At this moment, Nuonuo had completely forgotten about the outcome and everyone around her, and the only one left in her line of sight was Torre!

At the same time, Nuonuo's eyes suddenly widened, his figure twisted, and he forcibly twisted his body in mid-air. Then he tied his legs around his waist, bent his back slightly, and stretched his spine like a bow. Immediately afterwards, like an arrow on a bowstring, he waved his big sword and rushed towards Torre!


Nuonuo's speed was extremely fast, coupled with her series of actions being very intense, a sound like the crash of a strong bow reached everyone's eardrums!

This sword condensed all of Nuonuo's momentum and strength. When the sword was swung down, there were bursts of piercing sounds in the air, and a gust of wind blew up on the round platform, and even the people sitting in the front row were blown away. Some can't keep their eyes open!
The audience was stunned, is this really the power of the red-haired girl?This is too strong!Is she really just an intern logistics?

Just when the audience was exclaiming, Nuonuo had already arrived in front of Torre!
The distance between the two was less than half a meter at this time, and Torre could even see the fine hairs on her face clearly.What made him even more depressed was that although it was just a face-to-face meeting, he still judged that Nuonuo's sword was really powerful!In a sense, it's even on par with him!
Is this really the strength that a girl who has not yet become an official investigator can display?This style of opening and closing is even more brutal than him!
Before he had time to express his feelings, Torre subconsciously raised his long sword to block it.What didn't match his figure at all was that his sword actually carried a soft force, which was completely two extremes with Nuonuo's violent fighting style.

Hard and soft overcome each other, and the two will fight again!

Accompanied by a loud noise, a wave of air quickly spread out from the center of the two people, and an air wall composed of dust was instantly set off on the round platform.Affected by this air wall, the two of them backed up at the same time.

Nuonuo clutched her chest, forcibly suppressed the blood in her body, and after taking a dozen steps back, she gradually stabilized her figure, and a deep gully was left under her feet!

On the other hand, Torre didn't necessarily feel very well. On the contrary, he looked even more embarrassed than Nuonuo.I saw that his shirt had been completely torn open, his chest was rising and falling, his face was flushed, and he was panting non-stop while holding the long sword!

For a while, there was no sound in the theater.

Who's winning?
(End of this chapter)

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