I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 205 The Story of Xia Ruodie

Chapter 205 The Story of Xia Ruodie
Qin Feng looked at Xia Luodie in surprise, and the whole scene fell silent. He knew that women in this world worship the strong and open-minded, but how long has he been here, and it will take some time to get used to it!This sudden love affair made him a little overwhelmed, should he accept it?Or accept it?
Xia Luodie looked at the slightly dull Qin Feng suspiciously, not understanding why the other party reacted like this, and asked, "Treasurer Qin, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah? It's nothing." Qin Feng wiped the corners of his mouth, then put on a coy look, and said, "Xiao Die, this is not good, that thing has been with you for more than ten years, just give it to me, you don't regret it ?"

Xia Luodie was slightly taken aback, how did Qin Feng know that this thing had followed her for more than ten years?Afterwards, she smiled slightly, and said, "If it were someone else, I would definitely not be willing, but if it was Shopkeeper Qin, I would still be willing."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head shyly, rubbing the corners of her clothes with both hands, and Qin Feng immediately puffed up his chest when he heard the words. He never thought that he would have such a day. As we all know above, e-sports players don't need girlfriends, even if they do, everyone knows.

"That's it!" Qin Feng rubbed his hands together, and said awkwardly, "Then how are you going to send the butterfly? Do you need to go to my room?"

Xia Luodie was taken aback again, why did she go to the room? "No, it's fine here."

"Here?" Qin Feng looked at each other in shock, although he knew that you were brave, but this was too much, those unscrupulous youths are over there, we are too avant-garde here: "Isn't it? Too many people."

Ok?Xia Luodie became more and more confused, and said curiously: "I'll just give you a jade pendant, even if they see it, it's fine."

"I know, but this jade pendant is after all. Wait, jade pendant? You just said that the most precious thing that has been treasured for decades is the jade pendant?" Qin Feng looked at the other party in disbelief, thinking he heard it wrong.

"That's right, otherwise what do you think it is?" Xia Luodie took out a snow-white jade pendant and showed it in front of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng took a deep breath, mother, I'm about to take off my pants, and you're actually going to give me a jade pendant?What about unrestrained?Coughed in embarrassment, he hesitated and said: "It's nothing, the jade pendant is good, this jade pendant is really beautiful."

Xia Luodie smiled, and said with beautiful eyes: "This jade pendant was given to me by my mother before she died. She said that if she meets someone she likes in the future, she will give it to him."

Immediately, Xia Ruodie mustered up her courage and put the jade pendant into Qin Feng's hand: "Master Qin, I've given it to you."

After speaking, she covered her flushed cheeks and ran away quickly.

Qin Feng stood there in a daze, until a gust of cold wind blew by, he came back to his senses, looked at the jade pendant in his hand, and said to himself: "Am I forced to confess my love?"

But this is too casual, at least ask for the wishes of the client, and, is the script wrong?Isn't it usually the man who gives the woman something?Why is it so popular in the world that men marry women?

Shaking his head, Qin Feng sighed helplessly. He thought he could evolve tonight, from a boy to a man, but it turned out to be fine. In fact, the quilt is quite good.

Picking up the jade pendant and looking at it for a while, Qin Feng shook his head and put it away, without looking back, he said, "Brother Xia, you have been peeping for so long, you can come out now."

As soon as the words fell, a tall and straight figure slowly walked out of the night, who is it not Xia Yu?It's just that compared to the calmness before, at this moment, his face is obviously disappointed: "How did the shopkeeper Qin find me? I think I have hidden it well."

It turned out that not long after the two of them left, he couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart and left with an excuse. He heard the conversation between the two of them clearly.

"I don't know, I just yelled something casually." Qin Feng said seriously.

Hearing this, Xia Yu looked at Qin Feng in astonishment. After a while, he smiled faintly and said, "Master Qin really knows how to joke."

"Aren't you too?" Qin Feng looked at him indifferently, and said, "Don't forget, the whole shop is my site."

Xia Yu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed at himself. It seemed that his heart was really confused, otherwise, how could he ask such a stupid question.

Qin Feng looked at the other party with great interest, and hurriedly said, "What? You like Ruo Die?"

I thought the other party would push it off, but who knew that Xia Yu nodded without hesitation: "That's right."

Seeing the other party's unabashed gaze, Qin Feng actually admired him a little bit. If the other party pretended to be false, he would definitely make Xia Kuandie wary of the other party.

But then, Xia Yu's eyes dimmed obviously, and he said in frustration: "But what's the use of my liking, falling flowers are intentional, flowing water is ruthless, if it's someone else, I still have the confidence to fight for it."

Although he admired the other party's open-mindedness, Qin Feng suddenly thought of a question and said, "But she is your sister! How can close relatives get married?"

Xia Yu glanced at Qin Feng in astonishment, not understanding why the other party was so excited, and said instead: "It's true that she is my sister, but we are not related by blood. The second uncle's surname is given by the emperor."

Qin Feng felt that the relationship between the other party was very messy. Since it was a given surname, why do you call the other party the second uncle?Xia Yu chuckled, and continued: "At the beginning, there were five heirs in total. The second uncle was only a general at the time, but he held the two main forces of the Tianhai Empire, and his status was extraordinary. The emperor father had a good personal relationship with him. The two even After becoming brothers and fighting for the throne, the second uncle naturally became a loyal supporter of the father. Therefore, the father became the person closest to that position at that time, and because of this, he offended the other four people at that time.

In order to cut through the shield of the second uncle, the other four had to unite, so they sent a private army to ambush the second uncle's family on the way back home after the banquet. The large formation is isolated from fluctuations, so no one noticed that battle at all, if Tianwei hadn't happened to meet him when he came back from a mission, it must have happened to the second uncle's family at that time."

Speaking of this, Xia Yu shook his head again: "Although Tianwei finally killed the assassin, in that battle, the second uncle was seriously injured and his cultivation level plummeted. Ruodee's mother also died in that battle. At that time, Ruodee was only five years old, and shopkeeper Qin must have guessed what happened next."

Qin Feng nodded. There is nothing more important in life than death, otherwise, Xia Wuque would not have appeared in Cangcheng, but would have stood in the court hall where thousands of people were watching.

"Then you came here this time, presumably to take Ruodee to the imperial capital?" Qin Feng said.

Xia Yu nodded irrefutably, and said: "There are two main things for this visit. One is to persuade the second uncle to return to the imperial capital. Concerned, after all, the emperor also has a certain responsibility for this matter, but obviously, this is impossible, the second thing is to let Ruodee enter the Royal Academy."

Qin Feng didn't say much when he heard the words, he just asked casually: "When are you going to leave?"

"We will leave early tomorrow morning, and the Royal Academy will be opened in half a month. Due to some special reasons, it is inconvenient for the emperor to intervene in the affairs of the academy, so we can only follow the rules." Xia Yu replied.

Qin Feng was silent for a moment, then chuckled lightly, and said, "Forget it, if that's the case, then I won't go home if I'm not drunk tonight."

Xia Yu also smiled slightly, and said, "If you don't get drunk, you won't return."

The two looked at each other and smiled, then walked towards the shop.

 Thanks to the old witch's maiden heart for the reward of 200 book coins, and thanks to the unruly Shang for the reward of 100 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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