I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 215 Riding the Horse on the Green Field

Chapter 215 Riding the Horse on the Green Field

Santa Claus?

Hearing this name, everyone was at a loss. When did the store exist?How do they not know?
Qin Feng was also in a daze. It's not Christmas yet. Where is Santa Claus? This guy must have gone to the wrong set. He was about to speak, but Ling Jing suddenly walked up to him and whispered in his ear. A few words.

I'm sorry, I actually forgot about this matter. After being reminded, Qin Feng suddenly remembered that when he rescued Ling Jing and Ling Wu, because the old ancestor was dressed like Santa Claus, so he casually said such a thing. The name, I didn't expect the other party to take it seriously.

After coughing in embarrassment, Qin Feng asked, "Why are you looking for him?"

When the succubus heard Qin Feng's words, she suddenly smiled evilly, and said shyly, "I don't care, I just don't know if the old man is willing or not."

Qin Feng looked puzzled, what is this?It doesn't matter what you mean, it depends on his willingness to wait, Qin Feng suddenly thought of something, looked at the succubus with a charming smile in astonishment, couldn't tell, Aunt Huan was still an old driver.

"It's useless if you're willing, he's definitely not willing." Qin Feng replied directly, except for the two at that time, everyone looked confused, what were they talking about?It's just looking for someone, how can it become willing or not?I can't understand what I'm talking about at all, and it suddenly becomes esoteric.

The succubus looked at Qin Feng meaningfully, and teased, "You're not him, how do you know he's not willing? Or, are you willing? Do you want to try?"

Qin Feng's face darkened, and he cursed: "I would like your sister to be like this. The red light district is even worse than the red light district. The ghost knows how many men have been polluted by it. There are no old Chinese doctors in this world. How can you get SARS and AIDS by then?" How can you bear it, what if the system is infected and crashes?"


"You guessed wrong on this point, I am the Santa Claus you mentioned." Qin Feng said with a light smile.

What?Let alone the succubus this time, even the people who eat melons are confused?
"When did shopkeeper Qin get another nickname?" Luo Tianqi asked doubtfully.

"How would I know?" Yang Tian rolled his eyes at him, and said, "It's not like you don't know Shopkeeper Qin, everything is possible with him."

Luo Tianqi was taken aback for a moment, as if this was really the case.

The succubus kept looking at Qin Feng. It was true that the opponent was Wu Ling, but the ancestor of Yanmo was a real Wu Zun. Wu Zun was blown away by Wu Ling?play me?
"Why, don't you believe me?" Qin Feng looked at Succubus's blank expression, shook his head, and said, "It should be that ancestor of the Flame Demon who told you about me, didn't he tell you about my appearance? ?”

Qin Feng was right about this point. The Flame Demon Patriarch really didn’t say anything. The Succubus looked at the young man in front of him and scolded the Flame Demon Patriarch all over in his heart. No wonder the sword spirit said he was a waste. Come on, that's right.

The succubus shook his head helplessly, and said, "I never thought that Santa Claus would be such a handsome boy, it's beyond my expectation!"

"I'm sorry, it's just a name. Who stipulates that only the elderly can call themselves old? Have you ever seen a dragon living in Longlin Lake?" Qin Feng retorted: "In fact, I prefer you to call me Qin Shopkeeper."

Hearing this, the succubus giggled again, and the "bulge" on his chest kept shaking, which made Qin Feng feel uncomfortable for a while. This shit must have F, I don't know if it's true or not, I really want to poke it one time.

"Then shopkeeper Qin, can you tell me how you defeated the ancestor of the flame demon with the realm of martial spirit?" Succubus asked.

Qin Feng didn't answer directly, but instead smiled meaningfully, pretending to be deep and said: "Guess."

The succubus was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect the other party to answer such two words. She squinted her eyes and looked at the other party, and Qin Feng also looked at him with a straight face.

After a while, the succubus chuckled again and said, "Forget it, since shopkeeper Qin doesn't want to say anything, it's inconvenient for me to ask more."

After a slight pause, she continued: "It is said that the goods sold in Shopkeeper Qin's shop are extraordinary, can you show me around."

"It's okay to visit, but I'm not going to accompany you to visit." Qin Feng pointed to Ling Jing beside him, and said, "Miss Ling will lead you in. If you have any questions, you can ask her directly. Oh, yes, forget Having said that, Miss Ling Jing is now the owner of our shop."

"Her?" The succubus looked at Qin Feng puzzledly, then smiled and asked tentatively: "Isn't Shopkeeper Qin afraid of some unpleasant things happening in the store? You know, I have a lot of trouble with this girl."

Qin Feng's face didn't change at all, he looked at her with a faint smile, and said, "Don't be afraid, trust me, you won't be willing to do this."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Ling Jing, and said, "Take Sect Master Mei to visit the store, and tell her about the rules of the store by the way, so as not to cause some unpleasant things to happen."

Although Ling Jing was unwilling, she still recognized her current identity. She is no longer the eldest daughter of Lingxiao Sword Sect, but just a servant of the shop. Taking a deep breath, she said to the succubus, "Sect Master Mei!" ,Please come in."

The succubus looked at Qin Feng for a while, she didn't understand where the self-confidence of this weak and pitiful guy came from, after a while, she resisted the temptation, because she was not sure how to survive the siege of two seventh-order monsters. He retreated safely, not to mention that there was an even more terrifying burly man watching from the side.

"Since that's the case, I'll go in and have a look first, Shopkeeper Qin, and wait for us to discuss in depth."

The succubus deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "deep", and then, under the fiery gaze of everyone, twisted its waist and entered the shop.

"What a goblin." Qin Feng looked at the back of the other party and muttered.

"Shopkeeper Qin, this chick is pretty good, hot enough." At some point, Qian Duoduo came to Qin Feng's side, staring at the back of the succubus with fiery eyes.

Qin Feng was taken aback by the sudden voice, glared at the other party in dissatisfaction, and said, "When did you become blind? Chick? He could be your mother now."

I thought the other party would be surprised, but what Qin Feng didn't expect was that Qian Duoduo looked disapproving and said, "Hey, age is not a problem. If you can marry the other party back home, life must be a lot of fun."

This time it was Qin Feng's turn to be surprised. When did this guy become so open-minded: "Hehe, it's not just fun, you can also gallop on the green field and share the prosperity of the world."

Hearing this, Qian Duoduo looked yearning, as if he had already seen the galloping scene: "I think so too, Shopkeeper Qin, you have to help me."

Qin Feng is completely speechless, help you?How to help?Help you weed or help you name it?What a fool, if he really married the other party back home, it is estimated that all the people in the town will become his relatives.

(End of this chapter)

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