I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 232 The Information of the Mysterious Warcraft

Chapter 232 The Information of the Mysterious Warcraft

A burst of strong fragrance surrounds the store, and the people who eat melon stare at the two huge wings and some miscellaneous meat on the barbecue grill. The golden fat is like a dancing elf, tempting everyone's taste buds.

Even Mo Yan glanced over from time to time, muttering in his heart: If I knew it was so delicious, I should have brought this chicken over and roasted it when I was in the clan. Reduced to the point where it can only be seen.

But the most tragic thing is Lin Man. At this moment, he has a sad face, his eyes are blank, and his spiritual pet who has been with him for several years has been beheaded by others with a sword. The guy was grilled, and it was baked in front of him, and the most depressing other party was grilled very fragrant, even he wanted to join, such an evil idea.

Lingxi was invited to the side by Mo Hu, and kept asking about the details of the battle with Qin Feng. He didn't hear the detailed process. To be honest, he felt very uncomfortable, and Lingxi didn't shirk it. This is also a discussion among the strong.

At the beginning, Lingxi was still able to concentrate, but slowly, a scent wafted over, and it was distracted from its original concentration, and its eyes kept looking at Qin Feng's barbecue grill, so it didn't have the heart to pay attention to Mo Hu.

Looking back at the latter, the more he heard it, the more startled he became. With his strange sword skills, swift movement, and even comprehending the artistic conception of "unity", if he really fights with Qin Feng, he really may not be able to win completely.

But what puzzled Mo Hu was, how did this guy Qin Feng cultivate?At such a young age, his strength has already surpassed those old monsters. In a few years, who can suppress him?And the mysterious man on the top of the building, with his five-star Martial God realm, he couldn't see the opponent's cultivation clearly, he was another monster.

As time went by, Mo Hu suddenly realized that something was wrong. Lingxi, who would argue with him before, suddenly became quieter. No matter what he said, the other party would only respond with "um", "yes", "you said That's right" and other words, and even made some "gulu.gulu" sounds, what's wrong?
Mo Hu turned his head to look suspiciously, but when he saw Lingxi's appearance, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, only to see that the other party's eyes were fixed on the oven in front of the shop, and he swallowed his saliva from time to time , The strange sound before was the sound of it swallowing saliva. It doesn't look like an eighth-level monster, it's like an underdeveloped second fool.

"Brother Ling, we are discussing cultivation, can we be more serious." Mo Hu said helplessly.

Hearing the words, Lingxi said without looking back: "I'm listening, you say what you say."

Mo Hu took a deep breath again, he found that the people and beasts in this shop were all weird, how could he talk about it? "Brother Ling, I can't chat with you like this. It's very beneficial for both of us to share our cultivation experience when we reach our level."

benefit?What benefit?Lingxi looked astonished, looked at Mo Hu blankly, and said: "I am a monster, and you are a human being. They have different ways of cultivation, so how can they help each other? If it weren't for Shopkeeper Qin's place, you and I couldn't do it. Already started fighting."

Hearing this, Mo Hu's face froze. He was so absorbed in the conversation just now that he even forgot the other party's identity, but he disagreed with one sentence. At their level, cultivation has become secondary instead. The most important thing is to The perception of Tao, this thing does not distinguish between ethnic groups.

He just wanted to make an inverse comparison, but at this moment, Qin Feng's voice came from the door of the shop: "Okay, you can eat."

Lingxi's eyes lit up immediately, and he left the dazed Mo Hu directly, and walked towards the door of the shop quickly, muttering in his mouth: "The beast king is here, it's really true that I'm discussing with the people from Yushou Villa here. guilt."

Mo Hu obviously heard the other party's muttering, and he patted and rubbed his temples with a headache. To be honest, he regretted asking the other party out.

Everyone was sitting in front of the shop, tasting the delicious food made by Qin Feng. The crab in the front was exaggeratedly holding a huge chicken wing with a mouth full of greasy food. As for the other one, the mouth of Alsace on the roof was slowly chewing. .

Everyone was chatting without saying a word, Mo Hu called Mo Yan and the two over, but Lin Man really didn't have the courage to attack his spiritual pet, so he could only sit by the river and draw circles by himself, while Qin Feng Looking at Mo Hu's face, the others didn't say anything.

Qin Feng's craftsmanship naturally needless to say, even a lady like the late Ming Dynasty has eaten several pieces of meat, let alone these old men.

When everyone was chatting happily, An Wushang suddenly said to Qin Feng: "Treasurer Qin, I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter, tell me." Qin Feng said while eating the chicken breast in his hand.

An Wushang pondered for a moment, and said seriously: "To be honest, I have a mission to come here this time. Some time ago, Lord Anhuang sensed a beast's roar accompanied by a frightening aura. Because the time was too short, Therefore, we can only roughly confirm that it is in the Demonic Beast Forest. Shopkeeper Qin is extremely powerful, and at such a short distance, I don’t know if Shopkeeper Qin knows or sees anything. If so, I hope to let you know."

As soon as the words were spoken, the whole scene was silent. Mo Hu, Ming Mo and others looked at Qin Feng, while the melon eaters looked at each other in astonishment. Only Qin Feng continued to eat the food without changing his expression.

After a while, he slowly raised his head, looked at a few people, and said, "What are you doing?"

"We are going to find out, after all, this is an unknown powerhouse." Ming Mo added.

"Let's find out?" Qin Feng tilted his head and looked at a few people with a smile on his face and said, "It's not that I look down on you, just you people, even if you come back twice as much, it's still a gift of experience, and they can kill you with just a sneeze .”

How could Qin Feng not know the situation of the "mysterious monster" that the other party said, besides Yu Jie's "White Tiger Statue", could there be other things?But don't forget, the white tiger is a divine beast, even if it's just a clone, it's not accessible to mortals.

The melon eaters looked at each other, then silently lowered their heads and started to eat. Qin Feng guessed that someone would come to inquire from the beginning, so he had already explained that if someone asked, don't say anything.Although there are no "gods" in this continent, there are quite a few powerful Emperor Wu. With their strength, it is impossible not to sense the aura exuded by the white tiger.

Hearing the meaning of Qin Feng's words, the other party obviously knew that Mo Hu and the others all regained their spirits, looked at him hopefully, and said, "Don't worry, shopkeeper Qin, the opponent's strength is super strong, we naturally know that we are not opponents, we just I want to know something about the situation of the opponent, after all, the appearance of such a powerful monster is not necessarily a good thing, if there is anything wrong, we can try our best to prepare in advance."

Ming Mo and others nodded in agreement.

Qin Feng lowered his head and pondered, while Mo Hu and the others urged him on. After a while, he nodded, looked at them solemnly, and said, "All right, I'll tell you what I know."

 Thank you for the reward of 100 book coins for killing God.I thought the company was not busy today, but the boss temporarily added tasks, and the planned three chapters can only be two chapters today, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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