I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 235 Arriving at the Imperial Capital

Chapter 235 Arriving at the Imperial Capital
"Shopkeeper: Qin Feng (third-level shopkeeper)"

"Privilege: 95% discount for designated users, a promotional event can be held within one month (for one day, no less than the specified discount price), 95% discount for points exchanged for goods, 5% of the currency will be converted into the host's own experience , 3% will be converted into points."

"Store experience: 890/50000."

"Level: 21 (Samsung Martial Spirit)"

"Occupation: Swordsman"

"Comprehensive combat power: 296+75"

"Points: 13302"

"Mission: Power, mission time: 4 years and 325 days.

Cultivate Ling Wu so that he can take back Ling Xiao Sword Sect: Task time: 2 year and 324 days.

Redemption: Choose two "warriors with special bodies" to train them, task time: tentative, reward: depends on the situation, punishment: two exclusive skills will be deleted randomly, and the store will be reduced by one level. "

"Experience: 11244/54830"

"Equipment: Black Feather Suit"

"Pet: Capricorn Crab"

"Skills: Fengshen Legs, Cloud Dispelling Palm, Exploration Technique, Sword Drawing Technique, Four Seasons Sword Technique, Sword Intent Technique, Sword Formation, Sword Control Technique."

"Normal dungeon: Ruins, Cangcheng Secret Realm."

"Special dungeon: Siguoya (Swordsman), Beastmaster Island (for Warcraft only)."

Qin Feng sighed sadly. To be honest, this task is really depressing. Except for punishment, he doesn't understand anything else. In his opinion, "warrior with special body" is useless, otherwise he needs to cultivate Become a talent?
But how can we be sure that the other party is special or not?You can't always ask people when you meet: Brother, there are so many people, it is fate to meet each other, may I ask, are you a good-for-nothing?In this way, if there is a fight and the system judges him to be provocative, then he can't activate the "adaptation halo", wouldn't he be hammered into a pig-headed three?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng hurriedly asked: "System, how do you judge this "special body warrior"? You won't let me ask them one by one?"

System: "No need, the host just needs to walk around casually, and the system will prompt when a suitable person is detected."

"Does the training time start after the candidate is confirmed?" Qin Feng asked.

System: "Yes."

After explaining this way, Qin Feng understands. No wonder everything about this mission is tentative. It turns out that in this situation, he will be much more relaxed. It is against humanity.

After letting go, Qin Feng also became extremely relaxed, and even the depressed state of mind caused by the melon-eating crowd earlier eased a lot: "Hmph, add some laxatives to the food in the future, and play with these bastards to death."

Humming a ditty and looking around, the first-ranked crab immediately became interested when he heard Qin Feng's words, and couldn't wait to ask: "Boss, who do you want to play to death, take me with you, and I will help you out."

Qin Feng had black lines on his face. As long as the whole person was mentioned, the little guy would be very excited. As for the wind, what wind?It's not that he is going to do something illegal and needs to be released. Also, where did this guy learn this word?

"Who did you learn to let go of the wind?" Qin Feng asked suspiciously.

"Where is Yu Jie!" Qian Liexie said bluntly: "He said that no matter what you do in the future, for the sake of safety, it is best to find someone to release the wind, and if something happens, the person who releases the wind can be blamed, oh, yes , He also said that you taught him this."

Qin Feng was taken aback for a moment, not to mention, he really taught Yu Jie that guy, but he didn't expect that the other party handed over this trick to this little guy, and after a long time, it means that he taught the front crab indirectly .

"Don't listen to him, I'm so upright, how can I teach these things, he will say these things next time, help me beat him up." Qin Feng said with a dark face.

The front row crab thought for a while, and then realized that Xiao Jiujiu was indeed the boss, and now Yu Jie was the one in charge, and said with a smirk: "I knew that guy was talking nonsense, the boss is so wise and powerful, How could he do such a dishonorable thing, I will beat him up when I get back."

Qin Feng gave an appreciative "Yes", and the little guy became more and more sensible: "That's right, I'll give you an extra meal tonight."

"Thank you, Boss." The crab in the front row smiled, and then said: "Boss, where are we going to roam this time!"

"I don't know!" After Qin Feng finished speaking, he fell directly on the back of the crab in the front row, with a confused expression on his face: "Walk around, go wherever there are many people."

many people?The front crab thought for a while with his eyes sideways, and suggested: "How about we go to the imperial capital? Didn't Xia Yunaki say that the imperial capital is the most prosperous place in the Tianhai Empire, and by the way, we can also visit Lingwu. Fulfill Sister Ling's entrustment."

Qin Feng stroked his chin and thought for a while. He felt that it made sense. The most people in the imperial capital are people. Maybe he could find a few: "Okay, then we will move towards the imperial capital."

Hearing the words, the front crab was suddenly excited, smiled happily, and said, "Come on, let's go."

A few days later, Qin Feng and Qianlie Xie stood in front of the magnificent city gate of the imperial capital, sighing: "It's finally here, can't this nima do a one-time teleportation?"

In the past few days, they have traveled through the teleportation formations in the main cities. Otherwise, it is estimated that they can walk for a year and a half based on the two of them walking. Not to mention, this kind of transmission formation is still very practical. It was very stable, and it arrived after closing his eyes. Qin Feng even wondered whether to build one in front of the shop.

For this reason, he also consulted the system, but in the end he was told by the system: The store does not need garbage and sent it back. If it is so domineering, honestly, only the system dares to say it.

Qin Feng looked in shock at the hundreds of feet high city wall in front of him. Various magical patterns were entwined on the city gate. Dozens of soldiers in silver armor stood like statues, and their weapons were shining in the sunlight. Bursts of killing intent.

In his opinion, the city tower of Cangcheng was already a great achievement, but when he saw the city tower of the imperial capital, he immediately felt that Cangcheng was like a newborn baby. If this thing were placed on the earth, it would definitely become the strongest miracle in history , not one of them, and no refutation is accepted.

Just as Qin Feng was staring at the city wall in a daze, suddenly, the front row crab touched him and reminded him, "Boss, wake up, a group of people are watching you."

Hearing the sound, Qin Feng came back to his senses and looked around suspiciously. Sure enough, many people were looking at him with contemptuous eyes.

"Hmph, bumpkin, it looks like he just came to the imperial capital." Suddenly, a young man dressed in fancy clothes cast a disgusted glance at Qin Feng. Looking at his attire, it was obvious that he was either rich or expensive. The woman covered her face with cyan gauze and scarf, even so, she must be a beautiful woman just by looking at her proud figure and supernatural demeanor, and there are two warriors who look like servants following behind them.

The young man shook his head in disdain, and finally snorted coldly, saying: "Three-star martial spirit, rubbish, third-tier monsters, are also rubbish."

"Miss Leng, don't pay attention to this kind of bumpkin, please." After speaking, the young man ignored Qin Feng, and led the masked woman towards the city gate with a look of hospitality.

Qin Feng and the first crab squinted their eyes and looked at each other: "Do you know how to do it?"

The front row crab chuckled, "Understood, boss, just watch."

But when the front crab was about to leave, there was a sudden noise from the crowd, and even the young man and the masked woman were attracted.

"You still want to run, you deserter, catch it back quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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