I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 244 No one dares to act 13 in front of me

Chapter 244 No one dares to pretend to be 13 in front of me (two chapters in one)

The fierce sword energy covered the sky and covered Qin Feng like a spider web. Along the way, the air was like the surface of a lake blown by a breeze, with constant ripples.

With the combination of sword heart artistic conception and sword skills, it is basically invincible at the same level. Even if it is a leapfrog challenge, it is possible to win. The elite tutors of the Royal Academy are indeed not the kind of third-rate warriors that can be compared. They all have a few brushes.

Of course, the premise is that this will only happen under normal circumstances, and Chen Lei obviously has a bad idea this time. He met a different kind of traverser who was tied to the system. If you jump off a cliff, you should get the legendary opportunity.

Qin Feng looked at the opponent's sword skills calmly, and his "single board" appearance seemed a little at a loss in the eyes of others. Seeing this, the Lansha woman looked at Xia Ruodie with a little worry , but what surprised her was that the other party was not nervous or worried at all, and was still so relaxed and happy.

Seeing Qin Feng's appearance, Zhang Litian sighed lightly, and it was over like this!However, reaching such a realm at the age of the other party can be said to be among the dragons and phoenixes, just like what Chen Lei said before, the one with the same realm, the one with the higher artistic conception, wins.

Suddenly, he thought of something, turned his head to look at Xia Mo, and the next moment, he frowned slightly, and the other party looked satisfied, and there was still some expectation. Seeing this, he, who originally wanted to block the sword energy, gave up this idea. I want to see where the other party's confidence comes from.

Seeing Qin Feng's indifference, Chen Lei thought he was dumbfounded by his moves, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, but then, he clearly saw a sneer of disdain on the corner of the other party's mouth.

Suddenly, a sound of sword chant rose into the sky, like a dragon or a tiger, leaving only a slight trembling sound in the ears of many students, as if their heartstrings were plucked, and immediately, before they could react, a sword light rushed rapidly Xiang Jianwang, only heard a few "buzzing", and the originally imposing sword net was instantly shattered.

Seeing this scene, the whole scene suddenly became silent. Everyone looked at Qin Feng in shock. Compared with before, at this moment, the former had an extra spirit sword, but the strange thing was that the spirit sword surrounded him like a coquettish child. Spin around!

With the combination of sword heart and sword skills, it was resolved so easily?What's even more surprising is that from the beginning to the end, the other party didn't even shake their hands.

Not only Chen Lei was shocked, but even Zhang Litian and Xia Mo were a little surprised that they could control the spirit sword like this, this kind of "martial skill" they had never heard of before.

"This is your best effort? If that's the case, I don't think there's any need for us to compete." Qin Feng said, tilting his head slightly.

The next moment, there was an uproar at the martial arts platform, and all the male students looked excited.

"No, no matter whether he can become a mentor or not, I'm convinced of this master, and the skill of Yujian is enough."

"It's necessary. I'll go buy the apprentice ceremony now, otherwise the quota is full, and I won't have a chance."

When everyone heard the words, they looked at each other subconsciously, and then, a group of people rushed towards the periphery, and the entire Martial Dao Stage was half empty.

Although the female student didn't speak, her eyes were shining brightly, and she could tell that her heart was trembling too. She was so handsome.

After a while, Chen Lei came back to his senses, his previous arrogance no longer appeared on his face, but a look of solemnity appeared on his face. Although the "Scattering Flowers of the Heavenly Girl" is not his strongest sword move, its power should not be underestimated after matching the artistic conception.

He took a deep breath, looked at Qin Feng solemnly, and said, "In this case, let us fight to our heart's content."

Heartfelt. Is the battle still lacking a word of "Sao Nian"?Can't tell, the other party is also an old driver.Qin Feng smiled narrowly, and said: "I also want to enjoy myself, so it depends on whether you have the ability."

"I won't let you down." Chen Lei said with a cold face. Normally, he would have ridiculed a few words, but Qin Feng's ability displayed at this moment has exceeded his expectations, so he did not dare to take it too seriously. .

Taking a deep breath, Chen Lei suddenly focused his eyes, took three steps and rushed towards Qin Feng with his sword. Seeing this, the latter still didn't move.

".Ding. Ding. Ding."

There was a sound of swords colliding on the Martial Dao Stage, but what was strange was that Chen Lei was busy jumping up and down, while Qin Feng was indifferent, and still didn't move a bit, even showing a "bored" expression on his face .

"Since when did Teacher Chen become so good?"

"I don't know, the appearance of the former master can't be pretended?"

The Lansha woman also looked at the competition on the field in a little shock. After a moment, she sighed softly. This is not Chen Leicai, but that young man is too strong. Fortunately, when she was at the gate of the city, she still thought that the other party was a waste.

Chen Lei was secretly complaining at the moment. If he had known earlier, he would not have pretended. Now that he has met a master, no matter how he makes moves, the opponent can easily defuse them. What makes him even more horrified is that he finds that he can't get rid of this spirit at this moment. Sword, as long as he wants to distance himself, a strange force field will emanate from the sword body to restrict his body skills. In other words, he who was originally active has now become passive. Did not see it.

With a "bang", finally, Chen Lei came to a gap, forced the distance between the two, panted slightly, and looked at the young man not far away with fear.

"Are Teacher Chen's hands shaking?"

Suddenly, a suspicious voice came from the crowd of onlookers, and Chen Lei's face changed when he heard the words, he hid his hands behind his back, and assumed a posture about to make a move.

"How is it possible, you must be wrong."

"That's right, Tutor Chen is an elite tutor, and he has comprehended the artistic conception of the sword heart. It's impossible to shake your hands wherever you shake! I think it's your eyes that are dazzled."

Listening to the discussion in the audience, Chen Lei's heart twitched, did the other party get it wrong?Only he himself knows that until now, his right hand is still shaking slightly, which is a great shame for a swordsman.

But he was also very desperate, the opponent's sword was too strong, and in a place where no one was around, he wanted to hold the sword in both hands to resist.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Chen Lei was almost half a cup of tea in this position. He stood there like an idiot, without any thought of doing anything.

"Hey, are you going to fight or not?" Qin Feng urged.

Chen Lei really wanted to say no to fighting, but in front of so many people, he couldn't say it out loud, not to mention that there were Xia Ruodie and Zhang Litian among the people present, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Every time I took the initiative to make the move, it's time to replace you, let me also experience your sword skills."

Qin Feng frowned, should I make a move? "you sure?"

"Of course." Fearing that Qin Feng would really make a move, Chen Lei hurriedly said, "If you don't want to fight, don't force it. It's pretty good that you can block me for so long. I'll let you pass."

As soon as the words were finished, Xia Ruodie shook her head directly. This guy is really looking for death. She is familiar with Qin Feng, how could she not understand the other party's character? "I forgive you" look.

Sure enough, after hearing what the other party said, Qin Feng showed a strange smile, and said, "How can we do that? Rules are rules, how can we break them."

When Chen Lei heard this, his expression turned bitter, and he hurriedly said: "Friend, don't force yourself, you have already passed, as I said."

"Don't, how can you be reluctant." Qin Feng sneered, he is still pretending to be aggressive at this moment, if you can get up today, I will count as my loser.

The onlookers all looked puzzled when they saw this scene, while Zhang Litian and other high-level officials looked at each other with deep meaning. How could they not see the tricks in it at their level? If this continues, the loser will definitely be Chen Lei.

The elite tutor of the Royal Academy was defeated by a mysterious young man. Seriously, they knew what kind of impact this news would have on the academy. Although the martial arts is the strongest, everyone has selfish intentions. Zhang Litian just wanted to announce The competition was over, but Qin Feng obviously didn't give him this chance, so he took the lead and said:

"How about this, I will only make one move, if you can block it, I will lose, dare you?" Qin Feng said with a smile.

one move?Chen Lei frowned, thinking with his ass, he could guess that Qin Feng's move was definitely not easy to block, should he accept it or not?This is a problem.

"One trick, you look down on people? This is an insult to Teacher Chen." The nympho female A said angrily.

"That's right, do you really think that you are very powerful because you blocked Teacher Chen's sword skills? You are still too young."

"Mr. Chen, come on, you are the best." Nympho Girl C.

"Shua..." Chen Lei looked at these people with a fierce look, what is so good, I was thinking how to escape, but you guys made fun of me?My hands are still shaking right now, how can I fight?For the first time, I discovered that having too many fans is not a good thing.

It's all right now, riding a tiger is hard to get off, if he refuses now, I'm afraid he won't be able to raise his head to meet people in the academy, not to mention, he may not be able to resist, after thinking about it, he took a deep breath and smiled: "Since If so, then please act.”

Seeing this, Zhang Litian could only sigh lightly, the matter was a foregone conclusion, and he could only resign himself to fate.

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, the spinning long sword suddenly fell into his hand, twisted his neck, and reminded: "Teacher Chen, take it."

As soon as the word "good" was finished, Qin Feng's aura suddenly changed, his eyes were as sharp as a falcon's. Seeing the change in the former, Chen Lei swallowed subconsciously, and immediately, he burst out with all his spiritual power. , in front of him, formed a transparent shield.


Qin Feng stepped forward with one leg, his body leaned back slightly, and immediately, the spirit sword in his hand was pulled out suddenly.


The whole world was suddenly eclipsed, a terrifying coercion disappeared with a flash of sword light, many people didn't even react before it was over, only Zhang Litian, Xia Mo and others looked solemn, the sword just now... So fast.

In just a moment, the martial arts field resumed again, as if nothing had happened just now.

The onlookers looked at the stage suspiciously, only to see Qin Feng's indifferent face, the strange spirit sword had long since disappeared, while Chen Lei, on the other hand, remained motionless in his previous posture.

"Haha, you see, this is what you call"

The nymphomaniac didn't finish her sentence, her pupils gradually dilated, and a thin red line appeared on Chen Lei's snow-white coat, and then slowly spread. For a moment, under the astonished eyes of everyone, Chen Lei fell straight down.

Seeing this, Qin Feng snorted coldly, turned around and left the Martial Dao Stage: "Dare to pretend to be aggressive in front of me, I am simply beyond my control."

In the classroom, Xia Ruodie and Xia Mo were all there, as well as Meng Wan, the blue-gauze woman, and Zhang Litian, the vice-principal.

"Haha, I didn't expect Princess Ruodee and Instructor Qin to be old acquaintances." Zhang Litian said with a smile, "However, why would Princess Ruodee call you Shopkeeper Qin?"

"It's very simple, because my main job is to open a shop, and tutoring is just my hobby." Qin Feng said seriously.

Open a shop?Meng Wan and Zhang Litian looked puzzled?With the opponent's cultivation base and kendo attainments, he can eat and drink hot food everywhere, and he still needs to open a shop?

"Then I don't know what shop Mr. Qin opened?" Zhang Litian came back to his senses, and took a sip of tea.

"It's not a big shop, it's just a black shop." Qin Feng answered truthfully.

"Pfft..." Zhang Litian spit out a sip of tea, to be able to make a Martial God Realm expert into this appearance, to be honest, Qin Feng was the only one in the world, even Meng Wan who was at the side looked astonished.

Black shop?Is it the kind of shop that seeks money and murder?Zhang Litian looked at Xia Yaodie blankly, only to see the latter nodded with a chuckle.

"Deputy President Zhang, don't get me wrong. Shopkeeper Qin's store is called a black store. It's not a low-end store. On the contrary, the goods sold in the store are very magical, but the price is relatively expensive, so he chose this name." Afraid the other party would misunderstand, Xia Luodie hastily explained.

Zhang Litian was relieved when he heard the words, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. If Qin Feng is really the kind of person who seeks money and kills, then he will never be able to hold his head up again in the Royal Academy.

"Is Instructor Qin here?" Suddenly, a young man with a long sword came in, seeing everyone present were slightly taken aback, then bowed respectfully towards Zhang Litian and Xia Mo, then turned to Qin Feng, His eyes were filled with fiery color, and he said, "Teacher Qin, I want to join your kendo class."

Qin Feng smiled lightly, but sighed helplessly in his heart, and said, "Let me introduce myself."

"Liu Qingshan, Eight Star Martial King, Sword Intent, 23, cultivated."

"Okay, you don't meet the requirements, go out." Qin Feng interrupted the other party directly, and said.

"Ah? Doesn't fit?" Liu Qingshan looked at Zhang Litian and the others suspiciously, and said, "Teacher Qin, but my cultivation level is too low?"

Qin Feng shook his head helplessly, and said: "No, it's because your cultivation base is too high, that's all right, let's go out."

Is it wrong to cultivate too high?Liu Qingshan walked out with a dazed expression.

"How many are these? Teacher Qin, what are your criteria for selecting students?" Zhang Litian looked puzzled. Among the students who signed up before, many of them had excellent qualifications. He said bluntly that these students They were all the targets for some mentors to fight for, but when they came to Qin Feng, he was ruthlessly rejected by him, and the reasons he gave were so strange.

Qin Feng shook his head, pretending to be mysterious and said: "I am a different kind of person, and I never follow normal logic in doing things. Others like geniuses, but I like idiots. Vice President Zhang, don't you think that putting a idiot Is it something to be proud of cultivating a genius?"

Zhang Litian very much agrees with Qin Feng's statement. Of course, it is limited to the first half of the sentence. The person who can say this is indeed very different, but what do you mean by running to the Royal Academy to find a fool?Everyone knows that the four major colleges are known as "the cradle of geniuses".

Qin Feng also felt that these words were against the heavens. He couldn't bear to watch this forceful act, and sighed lightly. Suddenly, he thought of something, and suddenly turned to Zhang Litian, and said, "Dean Zhang, there is something I would like you to Tell the truth."

 Thank you for the reward of 5000 book coins for exploration. Xin, thank you Qiu Mudian and book friend 160521143 for the reward of 100 book coins, thank you Xue Mu Xiaosheng, and ﹏fools are not allowed to be sad for the reward of 200 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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