I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 254 Eunuch Min is Here

Chapter 254 Eunuch Min is Here

Baihualou was surrounded by a group of soldiers in pure black armor at the moment, and anyone who tried to get close was expelled. Several people relied on their identities and wanted to scold the other party, but when they saw the token in the other party's hand, they hurriedly became disheartened. gone.

Not only the outside, but also inside, those who can enter Baihualou must be some high-ranking officials and nobles, but when they saw that the other party was a member of Shenyutang, they immediately put away their official authority and cooperated with the case helplessly.

In the room, Qin Feng was sitting at the table with a depressed face. On the opposite side was the female general who had kicked in the door earlier. The oirans had been kicked out long ago and replaced by a group of mighty soldiers with silver guns.

"Hi..." Qin Feng burped, accompanied by the strong smell of alcohol, and the female general frowned even more when she smelled the alcohol, she did not hide the disgust in her eyes at all. Duohuakui must be the useless son of some official, who knows how to eat, drink and play all day long.

"According to secret reports, spies from enemy countries have infiltrated the imperial capital, and the general will be ruthless, from"

"Shenyutang, you said it." Qin Feng was in a daze, mother, I would have stopped drinking if I knew it, and now I'm fine, I didn't blow the flute well, and I made myself so uncomfortable, now I'm more like a prisoner Interrogation, it's really painful, I must find those two guys to settle accounts tomorrow, what a mess.

Hearing Qin Feng's tone, he ruthlessly snorted coldly, and said in disgust: "Don't think that you can do whatever you want with a little power in your family. I suspect that you might be a spy now. Come with me."

Fuck, why is this style of handling cases so familiar?Qin Feng looked at the other party in surprise, and said: "Empty talk is nothing, what evidence do you have?"

"Evidence? Shenmidang never needs evidence to handle a case." Wuqing said with a sneer.

Hearing the other party's words, Qin Feng was immediately stunned. This nima is definitely Shenyutang, not the whole people's hall?Glancing at the other party, he asked doubtfully, "Little girl, you didn't get to the position through connections, did you? Or is the person in charge of Shenyutang your godfather? With your IQ, you can still solve the case? I think it's all done by torture, right? Sin!"

"Pfft..." The soldiers on guard almost laughed out loud when they heard this, and looked at Qin Feng in admiration.

"Presumptuous." Afterwards, Ruthless turned his head and glared at the soldier who made the noise, and the latter's expression changed drastically: "This subordinate deserves to die."

With a cold snort, Wuqing did not tangle with the other party. Then, she turned her head to look at Qin Feng, and said slightly angrily: "Since taking office, I have never made a wrong judgment. What evidence do you have to say that I will torture you?"

evidence?Qin Feng cut it disdainfully, pulled out his ears, and said in a strange way: "I, Qin Feng, never need proof."

"You" had a face full of embarrassment and anger. I didn't expect that the other party could use her words to refute her. He took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I was going to make a slip of the tongue earlier. Since you said you were not a spy, do you have evidence?"

"Wouldn't it be nice to chat like this earlier?" Qin Feng rolled his eyes at the other party, then took out a certificate from Xia Yu, handed it to the other party, and said, "Is this enough? If not, I can ask him to come over and give it to the other party." Please explain."

Seeing the token, Wuqing's pupils shrank, and then he snorted coldly and said: "Don't use the Seventh Prince to suppress me, Shenyutang is directly under the emperor's rule, and no one has the right to interfere. Who knows where your decree came from!"

"Oh, that's it?" Qin Feng put away the sign indifferently, and said, "If your level is high enough, you can ask the emperor, but I don't mind if you don't do this, otherwise, you will regret it." of."

After finishing speaking, Qin Feng raised his eyebrows provocatively at Wuqing, and when he saw the other party's frivolous appearance, Wuqing immediately became angry: "You think I dare not?"

Qin Feng shrugged indifferently. Seeing this, Wuqing became even more annoyed, and shouted: "Come here."

Suddenly, a black-armored soldier walked in, clasped his fists at Wuqing and said, "What do you want, sir?"

"Enter the palace immediately and report this matter to the Emperor." Wu Qing said with a cold face.

"Ah?" The visitor looked astonished. He heard the conversation in the room clearly. He didn't expect that the other party would actually face him because of such a small matter. You must know that Wuqing is usually very calm. Ling is so impulsive?
"Aren't you going soon?" Wuqing said with a cold face.

"Your order." After speaking, the black-armored soldier turned and left.

Wuqing saw the other party leave, so she sat back and stared at Qin Feng, while Qin Feng was indifferent, drinking tea leisurely.

"Even if you're not a spy, you're definitely not a good thing." Suddenly, Ruthless said unexpectedly.

"Pfft, cough, cough, cough." Hearing the other person's words, Qin Feng accidentally choked on the tea, and then looked at the other person with a displeased face, and said, "Which eye of yours sees that I am not a good person? "

"Could it be that I was wrong? If you are a good person, why did the oirans all look terrified earlier? It must be because you did something worse than a beast to them." Wuqing said bluntly.

"I'll let your mother fart." Qin Feng was directly swearing by the other party, and there was no one who was blamed, and retorted: "We are happily studying how to blow the air, and you just forcibly barged in without knocking on the door." Come on, don't talk about them, I was taken aback by you, do you still have the nerve to talk about me?"

Hearing the words ruthlessly, she was taken aback for a moment, as if it was true, but she couldn't just admit that she couldn't do it. For some reason, after seeing this guy, she couldn't control her emotions, and then said: "Really? If that's the case , then you tell this general, why do you want to hold that oiran while studying blowjobs?"

"Who stipulated that the flute must be sitting?" Qin Feng said forcefully: "It's like you, you can kick the door with your feet, why can't I hug the flute with us?"

"You" took a deep breath ruthlessly, she figured it out, no matter what she said, the other party would always have a reason to refute, what's even worse is that the other party has the certificate of the Seventh Prince and cannot do anything, if she makes a move, unless the other party really She must be a spy or have committed something unforgivable, otherwise, she will be severely punished. After all, the prince's certificate represents the prince himself, and the prince represents the face of the royal family.

With a cold snort, she closed her eyes ruthlessly. Since she couldn't win with her mouth, she should wait patiently for her subordinate's reward. Before that, she didn't even want to look at Qin Feng, and Qin Feng didn't care. Face leisurely drinking tea.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Feng drank several pots of tea, and even began to doze off, but at this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps came in from outside the door.

Wuqing suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the door, only to see the black armored soldier walking in hastily.

"What is the emperor's will?"

The black-armored soldier didn't reply, he glanced at Qin Feng in shock, and then said to Wuqing: "My lord, Eunuch Min is here."

Ruthlessly stood up in shock, and then looked at Qin Feng in disbelief, who is the other party, who actually made the emperor send his personal father-in-law to come.

Just when she was wondering, an eunuch dressed in a dragon pattern and holding floating dust walked in quickly.

 IOU: Let me figure it out: At present, I owe one chapter to the pure boy, one chapter to the flying instant noodles, and five chapters to the beer stomachache (actually four chapters, because I forgot to write a chapter to add more for you, so I will treat it as a waste ), I will pay it off as soon as possible, what I owe, I have to pay it back, I don’t want to have a little dick.

(End of this chapter)

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