Chapter 258

In a dark secret room, only a few dim candles were flickering. A middle-aged man sat cross-legged. He saw that his skin was yellowish, his eyes were closed, his goatee matched his slightly tall and straight features, and he had some unique features. Charm, if the Seventh Prince and others see each other, they will be surprised to find that this person is Zhu Daozhong, the lord of Linghai City.

Suddenly, there was a sound of opening the door, and then, a figure dressed in black and wearing a fang mask walked in, stared at him coldly, and said, "Did you send the evil blade to hunt down that shopkeeper Qin?"

Although the tone was very indifferent, it was not difficult for anyone to hear the suppressed anger in the other party's words.

"Why, you came to blame me for such a trivial matter?" Zhu Daozhong slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the other party indifferently: "It's just a three-star martial spirit, and I did this to impress that kid Xia Yu. "

"Three-star martial spirit?" The fang-masked man broke out completely at this moment, and said: "A three-star martial spirit can enter Xia Yu's eyes? Let Xia Yanchun directly copy the cabinet minister's house to please him? Have you been the city lord for a long time? Have you become more comfortable? Can’t even think in your head?”

Zhu Daozhong frowned when he heard the other party's scolding, and said, "What do you mean by that? Does the other party have any hidden means?"

"Hiding? When did the other party hide?" The voice of the fang masked man was full of anger: "A few days ago, the other party defeated the elite mentor Chen Lei with a sword at the Royal Academy. You told me that the other party was just A martial spirit?"

Hearing this, Zhu Daozhong was surprised. Chen Lei also knew that the eight-star Martial Ancestor had also broken through to the sword heart state. It is better than Chen Lei.

"If that's the case, I'm being reckless, so what do you say?" Zhu Daozhong said with a solemn expression, he knew that the person in front of him would definitely not talk nonsense in this regard.

The man with the fang mask snorted coldly, and didn't say much, the whole secret room fell into a deathly silence, only the beating of the candle made a slight "sizzling" sound.

After a while, the man with the fang mask said lightly: "The matter is not that bad. Even if the other party knows that we sent the killer, he doesn't know who we are. You should calm down recently. We have been preparing for that matter for a long time. Failure is not tolerated, otherwise, you should know the consequences."

Although Zhu Daozhong was not distracted, he also knew the seriousness of the matter, nodded and said, "I see."

On the other side, the entire imperial palace was shrouded in a sense of murder, and many people were secretly startled.A row of golden soldiers rushed out of the palace and wandered in the streets and alleys. Anyone who was suspicious would be arrested without saying a word. If they resisted, they would be killed without a word. A lot of gambling houses have been copied, and at this moment, Xia Yanchun once again showed his murderous side.

Inside the imperial palace, Xia Yanchun sat behind the desk with an indifferent face, waiting quietly for something. After a while, Eunuch Min walked in with small steps, and respectfully said: "Great Emperor, the entire Golden Armored Army is dispatched."

Xia Yanchun nodded, and said coldly: "After so many years, I never thought that there would be people who would dare to do such shady things under my nose."

Hearing this, Eunuch Min chuckled lightly and said, "It's just some mice."

"They are mice, but that doesn't mean I am a sick cat."

When Eunuch Min heard the words, he laughed awkwardly and said, "The emperor is so powerful that he rules all directions, how could it be a cat? The emperor is a dragon soaring to the nine heavens."

Xia Yanchun chuckled lightly and didn't reply. Seeing this, Eunuch Min couldn't say much, and quietly retreated to the side. After a while, a strange sound came in. Eunuch Min's pupils shrank when he heard the sound, and he didn't say anything. Xia Yanchun saluted, then stepped back quickly.

The moment the other party closed the door, there was a ripple in the space in front of Xia Yanchun, and then a figure wrapped in dark golden light armor slowly emerged. Seeing this, Xia Yanchun was not at all surprised. Looking at the other party, he said indifferently: "I found out What's up?"

The black shadow nodded, did not speak, but took out a letter and handed it up. On the letter, there was a strange pattern engraved on it. It was a measure to keep it secret. It could only be opened in a specific way, otherwise, Letters will be destroyed directly.

Xia Yanchun looked at the contents of the letter paper indifferently, without any change on his face. After a moment, he shook his hand casually, and the whole letter paper disappeared strangely, and said indifferently to the black shadow: "Always monitor the other party's every move, and if there is any trouble Report promptly."

Hearing the words, the black shadow respectfully cupped his fists, and then the figure slowly disappeared, and the entire imperial palace became quiet again. After a while, he said to the door: "Go, call Yu'er over."

Qin Feng had no idea that so many things had happened in the middle of the night. At this moment, he was still lying on the bed and sleeping peacefully. He didn't wake up until the sun was high, and after a simple wash, he walked towards the training ground.

When he came to the Martial Arts Field, he found that Xia Mo was already there. The strange thing was that he didn't see Xia Yu. At this moment, Li Jianguo squatted aside, talking to Xia Ruodie angrily. Lost, because they were too involved in the chat, so they didn't notice Qin Feng's arrival.

"It's too much, it's really unreasonable." Li Jianguo didn't look surprised, but she didn't notice that at this moment, Xia Mo kept winking at her, but she didn't seem to see it, and said to herself: "I didn't expect that. , Master is such a person, to go to such a place is simply a beast."

Li Jianguo put his hands on his hips, with an angry expression on his face. Suddenly, she noticed that Xia Mo and Xia Ruodie had strange expressions on their faces, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with you?"

Xia Mo coughed, and then rubbed his nose in the direction of Qin Feng with his eyes facing the sky. Suddenly, Li Jianguo froze. Then, he turned around with a bitter expression on his face, and saw Qin Feng looking at him with a dark face. looking at her.

Seeing this, Li Jianguo chuckled lightly, and said treacherously, "Master, when did you come?"

"I've been here since the beasts." Qin Feng said calmly, "Go on, what kind of person am I?"

Li Jianguo smiled awkwardly, then straightened his face, pointed at Xia Mo and said, "It was the second prince who said that you went to Baihualou yesterday and called a group of oirans. You have been sleeping until now, must you be there?"

Qin Feng gave the other party a hard look, then he glanced at Xia Mo and squinted at the other party.

"Didn't I accidentally slip my mouth!" Xia Mo looked depressed.

Qin Feng chuckled, and said: "There is a way to heaven if you don't go, and there is no way to hell if you break in, it will save me the trouble of finding you."

"Why are you looking for me?" Xia Mo swallowed in horror, because he found that there was a trace of sword energy swirling around Qin Feng, and he had seen the opponent's methods before. Fighting against him, isn't this looking for abuse?

Ok?what's the situation?Both Xia Ruodie and Li Jianguo looked astonished, feeling that they were not talking about the same thing.

Just when Qin Feng's sword was on the verge of breaking out, Xia Yu's voice came over: "The shopkeeper Qin is also here, just looking for you, what happened last night has some clues."

(End of this chapter)

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