I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 260 You Are Too Good, You Don’t Need It

Chapter 260 You Are Too Good, You Don’t Need It

"Mission: Revenge, as the unique shopkeeper of a black shop, how can you trample on your majesty?"

"Requirement: Behead the lord of Linghai City: Zhu Daozhong, as a punishment."

"Reward: Level plus one, then a lottery draw, points: 1000."

"Punishment: Assassinated once a month, note: Adaptation halo is not valid for punishing assassins."

Fuck, come once a month, who the hell can stand it!Moreover, he still can't stimulate the adaptation to the light, so doesn't that mean that he can only sleep in Alsace's arms in the future?Don't even dare to go out of the store?Who knows what day of the month it will be!
But what puzzled Qin Feng was, why did he kill the city lord of Linghai City instead of finding out who was behind the scenes?Could it be that the killer was sent by City Lord Ling Hai?Yes, it must be so, otherwise, how could the system issue such targeted tasks!
When Xia Yu heard Qin Feng's words, he immediately got excited, got up hastily, bowed deeply to Qin Feng, and said happily, "Thank you, Shopkeeper Qin, for your help."

Qin Feng didn't care about it and let it go, righteousness said: "You are my brother, whoever dares to bully you, I will kill him for you, not to mention, those guys dared to send someone to assassinate me."

"Thank you, Shopkeeper Qin, for your love." Hearing the word "brother", Xia Yu instantly felt extremely proud, and even a little flattered. Xia Mo, who was at the side, looked envious, why couldn't he hug this thigh!Immediately, he sighed lightly, that's all, at least he is very familiar with that crab, he has eight legs, enough to hug him.

Xia Yu took a deep breath, calmed down his excitement, and asked, "Then what are you going to do, Shopkeeper Qin?"

Qin Feng dragged his chin, thought for a while, and for a moment, he said thoughtfully: "According to normal logic, as the prime minister on the left, he will definitely leave a way out for himself, so he will definitely hide some important things. The things that are enough to save lives, and the first thing we have to do is to sneak into the other party's mansion to find such items."

Xia Mo and the two nodded in agreement, but they were still a little worried: "But if it fails, the other party will definitely be alert, and it is easy to startle the snake."

Qin Feng glanced at the two of them contemptuously, and said domineeringly: "Failure? There is no word for failure in my dictionary."

Xia Yu was taken aback for a moment, and said in disbelief, "Master Qin is planning to go there in person?"

"Is that right? Is there something wrong?" Qin Feng was a little puzzled: "Could it be that you are also planning to go in person? I'm not saying that as long as you show up, you will be followed wherever you go, just like the sun."

When Xia Yu heard that Qin Feng was going to do it himself, his face suddenly showed excitement. He thought that the other party would only attack at a critical moment, but he didn't expect that he would be willing to search for evidence. Then the matter is basically a sure thing.

"Then when is shopkeeper Qin going to do it?" Xia Yu asked impatiently.

"No hurry." Qin Feng thought for a while, and then asked: "Is there any banquet or other activities in Zuo Xiangfu recently?"

"This is true." Xia Mo said in astonishment: "Cao Cao will hold a birthday party for his youngest son at the mansion tomorrow night. At that time, many officials will go to congratulate him. Even my seventh brother and I have received invitations."

Suddenly, Xia Mo thought of something, looked at Qin Feng in surprise, and said, "Master Qin, don't you want to go tomorrow night?"

"Why not?" Qin Feng smiled narrowly, and said, "After eating and drinking, wouldn't it be nice to take a stroll around his mansion?"

At the end of Xia, the two brothers looked at Qin Feng speechlessly. Although Zuoxiang's mansion is not as good as the imperial palace, the security is extremely strict. It is difficult for ordinary people to enter the mansion, let alone looking for evidence. Only Qin An existence like Feng would be so understated.

"But since they can send someone to assassinate you, they must know what you look like. As long as you show up, they will definitely strengthen their guard?" Xia Yu reminded.

"Don't worry about these things, Shanren has his own tricks, you just need to help me get two invitations, it doesn't matter if you can't get them, just need to spend some effort." Qin Feng looked enigmatic, Afterwards, he glanced at Xia Luodie beside him, and said, "Ruodie, come with me tomorrow night, and I'll take you to steal and play, hehe."

Stealing, playing, or going to the famous Zuoxiang Mansion in the empire, the two brothers Xia Mo have a look of helplessness, the people who dare to say such words in the world will definitely not exceed the number of hands, while Xia Luodie is full of joy Nodding her head, in her opinion, as long as Qin Feng is there, it is the safest place.

"Before the dinner tomorrow, I will send two invitations."

Xia Yu originally wanted Qin Feng to be more careful, but on second thought, it seemed a little unnecessary. With the opponent's strength, even if he went in and then came out, it was more than enough, let alone just going in to steal evidence.

Suddenly, he felt very strange. In the past, this was a very difficult and dangerous thing. Every step must be carefully considered, and no mistakes should be made. But at this time, why did he suddenly feel so boring?
"I wonder what else Shopkeeper Qin needs? I'll order someone to prepare it together." Xia Yu kindly suggested.

Xia Mo nodded aside, and added: "If you need our assistance, just say it."

"Prepare? There is nothing to prepare? It's just stealing something, why are you so nervous?" Qin Feng looked puzzled: "As for assistance, I really need your assistance."

Finally able to come in handy to show off some sense of presence, Xia Mo subconsciously straightened his chest and said, "If you have any orders from shopkeeper Qin, just tell me, the seventh brother and I will definitely help."

"Help me with a hammer. If you are so good, you will only do bad things." Qin Feng said with a look of disgust, "When the time comes, you should eat and drink. Don't show any lies and make others suspect."

Xia Mo's originally straight chest bent down in an instant. Well, they thought too much, and the other party didn't take it seriously at all. The only request was to let them not hold back. The liver hurts. It was the first time that people disliked him like this, it can't be done, this place is not for people to stay in, they urgently need to go back to the palace to gain some sense of presence in front of Xia Yanchun.

The two brothers looked at each other, then stood up at the same time, cupped their fists at Qin Feng, and said with a dark face, "Farewell."

After finishing speaking, the two of them turned around and left quickly without any pause. They couldn't stay in this place for a moment.

Seeing the figure of the other party leaving hurriedly, Qin Feng was confused, turned to Xia Yaodie, and asked curiously: "What's wrong with them? They were fine just now."

Xia Luodie resisted the urge to laugh, looked at Qin Feng tenderly, and said casually: "I don't know, maybe they have something urgent to do."

Qin Feng nodded, and then said with a straight face, "Two heartless guys, it's really rude to do them such a big favor without even saying thank you."

After finishing speaking, he casually summoned the frontline crab, pointed to Li Jianguo in the spiritual formation, and said angrily, "Look at that unfilial person, if she dares to be lazy, I will beat her hard."

Li Jianguo in the spiritual formation trembled subconsciously when he heard the words.

Afterwards, Qin Feng stared at the front crab sharply, and added: "If you are bribed to release the water, then I will beat you hard."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the other party and turned around to leave, leaving only the front row crab with a confused face. What's wrong?So angry!
(End of this chapter)

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