Chapter 274 Assessment
After the Zuoxiang Mansion incident, the entire imperial capital had regained its tranquility, and no one in the streets and alleys mentioned this incident.Recently, Qin Feng has been teaching Li Jianguo at the Royal Academy, and he doesn't even have time to go out. During this period, Wei Shengjin, Xia Yu and others also came to look for him.

Needless to say, Xia Yu has nothing else to do except chatter. He feels that he is a very idle prince. As for the right prime minister, Wei Shengjin, ever since the canteen was fooled by Qin Feng, he will come to him to explain his life when he has nothing to do. Confuse.

Time passed away in such a dull and boring way, and in a blink of an eye, it was the assessment time Qin Feng set for Li Jianguo.

On this day, Qin Feng changed his laziness from the past, and got up not long after the sun came out. After a simple wash, he walked slowly towards the training ground.

I thought he was early enough, but when he saw the scene of crowds surging in the martial arts training ground, he was taken aback, darling, is it necessary?And with so many people, taking turns fighting would exhaust Li Jianguo to death.

At the same time, Li Jianguo was wearing a specific military uniform and standing on the martial arts stage, with his eyes closed, ignoring the noise around him, and trying to adjust his state to the best. Seeing this scene, Qin Feng nodded secretly, Not bad, no matter how strong it is, at least it looks a little bit better.

The students present did not notice Qin Feng's arrival. At this moment, they were still discussing excitedly, as if they had been ordered by default.

"Today I must perform well and try to make Teacher Qin like me." Student A.

"You? Forget it, just a four-star Martial King?" Student B.

"What's wrong with the four-star Martial King?" Academy B said with a calm face, "Maybe I have a hidden physique."

"Hmph, you guys still have a special physique? Save yourself the trouble." At this moment, a student walked over with a look of pride, looked at the two of them contemptuously, and said, "Only my qualifications are worthy of tutor Qin. Guide yourself."

After finishing speaking, he also took out a Yanyue knife, swung it a few times, and said frantically: "My big knife is already hungry and thirsty."

Students A and B looked at each other in astonishment, and looked at each other suspiciously. After a while, they came back to their senses and reminded: "My friend, Instructor Qin is the instructor of the kendo class. Why did you come here to join us?" lively."

Hearing the words, the visitor looked at the two of them with disdain, and said, "You guys are superficial and you still don't admit it, the Dao is very different, what I want to learn is Teacher Qin's perception of Dao, of course, and by the way, learn the art of sword control. "

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the other side and said, "Here, there are still a few people from the spirit formation class and body training class over there."

Classmate A: "."

Classmate B: "."

Qin Feng: "."

What kind of monsters are these? He almost believed it when he said it one after another.

"Ahem, that, classmate, can you make way?" Qin Feng coughed and reminded.

The three of them turned around, and when they saw Qin Feng, expressions of excitement suddenly appeared on their faces, and they subconsciously said to the others: "Teacher Qin is here, everyone, make way."

The crowd stopped talking when they heard the shout, and looked at Qin Feng with admiration. The crowd also retreated to both sides, giving way to a wide road. Even Li Jianguo on the Martial Dao Stage subconsciously opened his eyes. , looked at him slightly excitedly.

Seeing this, Qin Feng glanced at the other party, then smiled and thanked the many students, and walked towards the martial arts viewing platform.

"Teacher Qin is just different. He is very powerful, but he never puts on airs like some mentors."

"Don't compare trash with Teacher Qin, it's an insult to him."

Hearing the compliments from both sides, Qin Feng felt very relieved. When he came to the martial arts platform, he found that besides Vice President Zhang Litian and other old acquaintances, Wei Shengjin was also there. At this moment, the other party was watching with a smile on his face. with him.

"Morning, everyone." Qin Feng greeted.

"Mr. Qin, you're finally here." Zhang Litian greeted Qin Feng immediately when he saw Qin Feng, then pointed at the many students in the audience, and said with a wry smile: "There are so many people, how are you going to be selected? You can take turns until tomorrow .”

Qin Feng smiled indifferently, and said, "What's so difficult about it? You, the deputy dean, are not good at public relations! Look at me."

After finishing speaking, under the astonished gazes of Zhang Litian and others, Qin Feng walked to the front of the stage, and said to the students below: "Everyone, let's stop talking nonsense. I think everyone is here to participate in the competition, right?"

"That's right, I practiced hard for a month for this, just for today."

"me too."

"We are all, shopkeeper Qin, choose me, I have relatively thick weapons."

"Choose me, mine is longer"

Crude?long?What the hell?Qin Feng had black lines all over his head. He felt that a formal selection competition was a bit crooked. He pressed his hands, signaled everyone to be quiet, and continued: "Thank you for your kindness, but as I said earlier, only those who win Li Jianguo Qualified to join my class."

"No problem, we're all set."

"I'll be the first one."

"Be safe and don't be impatient, listen to me." Seeing the excited expressions of the crowd, Qin Feng hastily signaled, and waited until the crowd calmed down before continuing: "Everyone knows that I major in swordsmanship, so you can join me. In the class, only students who specialize in kendo can do it, and for other students, I can only say sorry."

Except for the sword repair students, everyone else sighed when they heard this.

"Considering the large number of people, in order to save time, please choose your opponents first to compete, and finally the top three can challenge Jianguo." Qin Feng paused slightly, and added: "This is also to save everyone's time, everyone how about?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the sword repair students looked at each other, and after only a moment, they agreed to his proposal.

"Okay, since that's the case, everyone, please go to the remaining martial arts stage for the competition. The whole process will be supervised by me, Vice President Zhang and others." He glanced at everyone with a smile, and then he made a gesture of invitation and said: "let's start."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and returned to his seat, and the sword repair students off the field also came on stage one after another, and began to discuss each other one-on-one.

"Shopkeeper Qin, does he feel sorry for your little apprentice and is afraid that she will be troubled?" Wei Shengjin looked at Qin Feng with a smile on his face, and said.

Qin Feng chuckled, and said casually: "The right minister is worrying too much, but he simply doesn't want to waste time."

Wei Shengjin chuckled when he heard this, and didn't want to talk too much, while Qin Feng also turned his attention to Xia Yaodie and asked, "Where have you been these few days? Old man Zhang didn't treat you well, right?"

Zhang Litian, who was originally smiling, froze when he heard Qin Feng's words, and glared at him unhappily. The rest of the people couldn't help laughing, but due to the prestige of the other party, they didn't dare to laugh out loud, and their faces flushed.

Xia Luodie cast a reproachful glance at Qin Feng, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, some time ago I encountered some problems because of my cultivation, and the vice president has been giving me careful guidance these days."

"Something went wrong." Qin Feng said nervously, "Then why don't you come to me? What if old man Zhang made a mistake?"

Wrong point?Zhang Litian took a deep breath when he heard Qin Feng's words, and looked at him angrily. If it wasn't in public, he would definitely argue with the other party, which is too insulting.

Seeing Qin Feng's tense appearance, Xia Ruodee immediately showed a smile on her face, and said, "It's just a small problem in the veins, there's no need to bother you, isn't it all right?"

He thought that Xia Luodie would speak for him, but when he heard the other party's words, Zhang Litian immediately let out a deep breath, with a very depressed expression on his face, he could tell that Qin Feng was in the summer. In Luo Die's heart, the position is much higher than him, forget it, don't make fun of yourself, let's watch the competition with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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