I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 277 Fighting against Tang Qing

Chapter 277 Fighting against Tang Qing
Tang Qing's name Li Jianguo can be described as thunderous. The genius disciples of the kendo class, Shi Kelang and TEDA are also known as geniuses, but there is still a big gap compared with the former.

Therefore, seeing Tang Qing drawing his sword, Li Jianguo didn't hold back at all, and the runes on the sword suddenly lit up. The next moment, the beast shadow that had disappeared reappeared, wrapped her up, and looked at him warily.

As if feeling the fighting intent of both sides, the students watching the battle became quiet. Except for the sound of breathing, there was no other sound in the martial arts field. Suddenly, a light wind blew by. At this moment, Tang Qing's eyes suddenly widened, Tightening the long sword in his hand, he took a step and rushed towards Li Jianguo quickly.

Seeing the opponent approaching quickly, Li Jianguo took a deep breath, and with a thought, the red animal shadow raised its paw and quickly took a picture.


Tang Qing didn't even look at the falling beast claws. He turned sideways, easily avoided the offensive, and rushed towards Li Jianguo's body without slowing down.

Seeing this, Li Jianguo wrinkled charmingly, not daring to hesitate, flapping the animal claws continuously, trying to intercept the opponent, but no matter how she attacked, Tang Qing could dodge in an orderly manner.

Seeing that the distance between the two was shortening, Li Jianguo suddenly snorted coldly.


Tang Qing jumped in the air to avoid the attack of the beast claw again, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a miniature claw suddenly grew out of the huge beast claw, like a branch of a big tree, caught off guard Defensively attacked Tang Qing.

Seeing this scene, not to mention Tang Qing, even Zhang Litian and others were shocked that they could still live together with their limbs.

At such a close distance, it was difficult for Tang Qing to avoid. In addition to retreating, he could only forcibly resist. Seeing this, Li Jianguo showed a sneer.

But the next moment, the mutation regenerated, and the beast claw was about to hit Tang Qing. At this moment, the latter's figure blurred for a while.

"Shua" the beast claw rushed into the air.

"Where is the person?" Li Jianguo looked around defensively, and suddenly, a slight sound of breaking through the air came from her side, and looking at it, her pupils shrank suddenly. At some time, Tang Qing had come to her side, And that piercing sound was exactly the sound of the opponent swinging his sword.

"So fast."

At such a distance, Li Jianguo couldn't dodge at all, and the other party would not give her a chance to dodge, so she could only resist forcefully.

Li Jianguo's face was slightly condensed. Suddenly, the red beast shadow gave off a faint halo. At the same time, Tang Qing's offensive also fell, and the sword blade slashed on the beast shadow. He only heard a "ding", and Li Jianguo only felt a strong force Hearing this, he subconsciously took a step to stabilize his figure.

On the other hand, Tang Qing, seeing that his offensive was blocked, frowned slightly, and wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue it, but at this moment, there was movement behind him. He had no choice but to give up the offensive and distance himself. Break through the opponent's defense.

"Bang" the huge animal claws appeared where Tang Qing was standing before, and the originally hard ground cracked directly, but Tang Qing had already appeared where he was standing before.

The whole scene became quiet again, but the next moment, tsunami-like cheers resounded through the martial arts field, and the short offensive actually aroused their heartstrings, especially Li Jianguo's weird little beast claw and Tang Qing's swift sword, It was so gripping.

Seeing Tang Qing's performance, even Qin Feng nodded in agreement. Suddenly, a shy young man with an epee on his back suddenly appeared in his mind. Like Tang Qing, the other party's talent in swordsmanship was terrifying. The difference is that the former pays attention to breaking ten thousand spells with one sword, the epee has no front, and the power is unstoppable, while the latter pays attention to speed, martial arts in the world, only speed can not break.

"What does Shopkeeper Qin think of this person?"

Seeing Qin Feng's slightly dignified look, Zhang Litian immediately felt a lot happier. Finally, someone came into his eyes. If even Tang Qing was easily defeated by Li Jianguo, it would definitely be a shame for the Royal Academy. They are also college students, but their nature is completely different.

"He is a good seedling in the way of swordsmanship. He reminds me of a friend whose talent in the way of swordsmanship is equally terrifying, but he took a different path." Qin Feng said with a smile.

"Oh? Who is it?" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Zhang Litian suddenly became interested, and said with a smile, "It's not easy to get the praise of Shopkeeper Qin."

Xia Luodie heard Qin Feng's words, and asked in confusion: "Is the shopkeeper Qin talking about Ming?"

"Yes, it's him." Qin Feng nodded.

Xia Yu nodded subconsciously when he heard the words: "Only that little guy can match the talent of swordsmanship."

Zhang Litian and the others were all curious when they heard the words, little guy?He said: "May Manager Qin tell the old man about this person?"

"Of course." Immediately, Qin Feng told about Ming's situation, and Zhang Litian and others nodded solemnly upon hearing this.

"With such kendo attainments at such an age, his talent is only higher than Tang Qing's." After listening to Qin Feng's introduction, Zhang Litian sighed softly.

Just as Qin Feng and the others were communicating, Li Jianguo and Tang Qing on the Martial Dao Stage also fought against each other again.

I saw the red beast shadow roaring, and immediately, under the astonished eyes of everyone, the huge figure turned into small monsters, roaring and rushing towards Tang Qing.

Seeing this scene, Tang Qing also looked dignified, took a deep breath, the long sword in his hand trembled, and let out bursts of screams, and a cyan light slowly flashed on the sword body, and then, his figure appeared again He rushed out and took the initiative to meet him.

As soon as he took two steps, the long sword in his hand danced quickly, and suddenly, sword energy centered on him, shooting out like a violent storm.

"Sword Skill: Sword Qi vertical and horizontal."

Every sword qi can take away a phantom of a monster. Looking at the disappearing beast shadows, Tang Qing showed a cruel smile, but suddenly, there was a stabbing pain in his mind, and he suddenly looked at Li Jianguo, I saw that the other party was looking at him with a sneer at the moment.

To distribute the spiritual power among the beast shadows, every time a beast shadow is scattered, it is equivalent to triggering the restriction and releasing the spiritual power hidden in it. If it is not scattered, it will be attacked by endless beast shadows. Kill two birds with one stone.

But can this be him?Tang Qing snorted coldly, suddenly, the whole person's momentum changed drastically, and a wave of spiritual power visible to the naked eye wrapped him up. Unlike usual spiritual power, his spiritual power gave people a very sharp feeling, and then, quickly again He rushed towards Li Jianguo.

"It actually integrates the artistic conception into the spiritual power to resist the spiritual power, not bad. Not bad." Zhang Litian praised.

The students watching the battle didn't understand why Tang Qing rushed in so persistently. Even Xia Yu was a little curious and asked: "Can't he be in the distance, consume the opponent's spiritual power first, and then wait for the opportunity? Why must he attack? ?”

Qin Feng chuckled lightly when he heard this, and said: "If he really does this, then there's no need to watch it anymore. I'll just declare him a loser."

"Why?" Xia Yu and others were puzzled.

Qin Feng smiled and didn't speak, but Wei Shengjin, the prime minister on the right, explained: "Did His Highness the Seventh Prince not notice that Li Jianguo is also fighting hard and doesn't want the other party to get close to him?"

Afterwards, she turned her head to look at Qin Feng, and said with a smile: "If the truth is correct, then the girl is not good at melee combat, or in other words, her physical characteristics are not suitable for melee combat, which can only be achieved at a distance." play its role."

As expected of the prime minister of the empire, he discovered the clue so quickly, nodded with a light smile, and said, "What the right minister said is not bad, Jianguo is really not suitable for close combat."

Xia Yu and the others were taken aback for a moment, and there was such a thing. Looking at Tang Qing who had come to Li Jianguo's side on the stage, he subconsciously said, "In this way, isn't Jianguo very dangerous?"

"Really?" Qin Feng chuckled, "I don't think so."

Everyone was puzzled when they heard the words. Tang Qing was no better than Shi Kelang.Seeing Qin Feng's calm appearance, Xia Yu and others confirmed their guess, and then turned their attention to the Martial Arts Platform again, wanting to see how Li Jianguo would resolve it.

(End of this chapter)

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