I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 284 Tonight, I'll Sleep With You

Chapter 284 Tonight, I'll Sleep With You

In the jungle not far from the cave, the two forces were fighting fiercely, and the caravan guards were obviously at a disadvantage. There were already several corpses on the ground, exuding a strong bloody smell.

On the other side, naked, vicious, and the weapons used were also chaotic, but there were more people on this side. It didn't take long for the caravan to be suppressed and retreated steadily. In the end, they surrounded a carriage or two and looked around warily. It seems that there is something very important in the car.

After surrounding the caravan, the robbers were not in a hurry to make a move. After a while, a few people stepped out of the way, and a man with the appearance of a one-eyed leader walked over with a smirk on his face, and glanced at the crowd contemptuously. Frozen on the carriage, showing big yellow teeth, said: "Miss Zhao, get out of the carriage, is it possible that our brothers are still here to invite you?"

As soon as the words fell, the rest of the robbers laughed frivolously, which provoked the guards to look angry. After waiting for a while, the leader saw that there was still no movement in the carriage, and his face suddenly became gloomy. He said coldly: "What, Zhao Is the lady really unwilling to get out of the car?"

There was still no movement in the car, the leader of the robbers narrowed his eyes, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and said: "Brothers, smash these up and kill them all."

The robbers surrounding the caravan smiled cruelly when they heard the words, raised their weapons, and slowly approached the guards.


Just when the two sides were about to fight, a crisp female body came out from inside the carriage, and then the curtain of the carriage opened slowly, and a beautiful figure walked out slowly, around twenty, white plain gauze, black as ink hair The silk swayed with the wind, the beautiful eyes were like sapphires, and matched with the delicate cheeks, she looked like a beauty.

When the leader of the robbers saw the woman's appearance, his face showed surprise, and when he thought that such a beauty would be his own soon, a lewd smile appeared on his face.

"Is Miss Zhao finally willing to come out?"

Seeing the other party's appearance, the woman frowned subconsciously, suppressed her nausea, and said, "Tell me, who sent you here?"

"No one dispatched her. I heard that Miss Zhao is unparalleled in beauty. I have admired her for a long time, so I would like to invite you to sit in Heifeng Mountain." The robber leader pretended to be polite.

Black Wind Mountain?Hearing this place name, the faces of the guards changed drastically, and even the woman frowned slightly. Seeing the expressions of everyone, the robber leader was very satisfied.

"If no one dispatches you, you know our delivery route, and you know that I'm the one to deliver it. Do you think I'm an idiot? Or do you mean that your majestic leader of the Black Wind Mountain doesn't even have the courage to tell the truth?" the woman said coldly. .

The leader of the robbers looked at the woman indifferently. After a while, he smiled in relief and said, "It is said that Zhao's family and daughter are very smart. When I saw her today, she is really extraordinary."

He sighed and shook his head, then, with a fixed gaze, he said in a deep voice, "You guessed right, someone paid me a lot of money to ask Ms. Zhao to get something, and as for who it is, Ms. Zhao must have already guessed it. "

The woman frowned when she heard the words, it really was them.

Seeing that the other party was silent, the robber leader sneered and said, "Okay, then we don't need to waste time, Miss Zhao, please hand over the things."

The woman was silent for a while, and said: "What price did the other party offer? My Zhao family paid double? I just ask you to leave this matter alone."

"This is difficult." The robber leader shook his head in embarrassment, and said, "One of the prices given by the other party is you. Is it possible that you have a younger sister? Do you want to marry me together? If so , I can think about it."

"You..." The woman's face was full of anger when she heard the words, and even the guards were also angry.

Seeing the unwilling faces of the crowd, the robber leader didn't care, and joked: "Why, you don't want to? Of course, if someone objects to this marriage, you can speak out loudly. I am the most sensible person."

Hearing the other party's words, the woman's chest kept rising and falling, object?She can be sure that as long as someone speaks, they will be executed directly by the other party. For a while, the whole scene was silent.

Seeing this scene, the robber leader nodded in satisfaction, and was about to speak, but at this moment, an angry voice came from the night.

"I fucking object."

This time, not only the woman was stunned, but even the leader of the robbers was also surprised, and he really said that he was not afraid of death.

Everyone looked along the trend, and saw a young man walking over with a dark face and a crab behind him, but when they felt the strength of the other party, the woman looked desperate, while the robber The leader looked cruel.

Four-star martial arts, one must know that the worst one present is also the three-star martial king, and the leader of the robbers has even reached the existence of the nine-star martial emperor, and is even more famous in this area.

The person who came was none other than Qin Feng who was woken up. When he came close, he glanced at the crowd unhappily, and said in a deep voice, "Whoever moved first just now, stand up."

When everyone heard the words, they all looked puzzled. Is this guy a fool?Didn't you see that anyone here is better than him?It's fine if you don't run, but you still stand up and question.

The leader of the robbers was also a little puzzled. Could it be that there were hidden masters nearby? Out of caution, he checked carefully, but there was not a single bird. This made him very annoyed. Where did he come from? Run out scary.

"go to hell."

Without further ado, the leader of the robbers raised a saber and rushed towards Qin Feng with a strong momentum, but the latter seemed to have not sensed it, and still looked at the crowd indifferently.

Seeing this, everyone sighed, he was indeed a fool, but the next scene made everyone dumbfounded. When the strong energy was about to touch Qin Feng, suddenly, a ripple appeared in front of him, and the energy directly Disappeared without a trace, and the latter didn't even move his clothes.

The robber leader swallowed in horror, and subconsciously said: "Who are you? The next one is the Heifengshan toilet."

Qin Feng glanced at him indifferently, too lazy to speak, and then, under the astonished eyes of everyone, the front crab quickly came to him, without saying a word, directly slapped him on the face, and said proudly: "My boss asked What do you say? Are you deaf? You dare to make a move, you are looking for death."

The leader of the robbers didn't expect the other party to be so arrogant, so he directly attacked without saying a word, and was caught off guard, and he was directly beaten out.Emperor Wu was directly slapped and flew away?Everyone looked at this scene in horror, it was too cruel.

Afterwards, the crab in the front line turned to look at the others, and said, "Which club was the one that made the first move just now."

Hearing this, everyone subconsciously looked at the robber leader who got up from the ground, and then, Qin Feng also glanced over slowly.

The latter stood up and looked at the other party with apprehension. He was also the Nine Star Martial Emperor, and the other party was able to slap him away with a slap. He is strong.

Qin Feng looked at the slightly embarrassed figure of the other party, and narrowed his eyes unnaturally. Suddenly, everyone felt their eyes light up, and before they could react, they heard two "click" and "puchi".

When they regained their sight, the scene in front of them directly made them stupefied. The leader of the robbers, who was originally invincible, was curled up on the ground, begging for mercy, his chest was wet with blood, and beside him was a saber that had been broken in two. , and the mysterious young man was beating the opponent hard at the moment, and he kept thinking.

"Who is against it?"

"I don't sleep most of the night, I like to fight, right?"

"Toilet, right?"

"Let you scream."

Everyone looked at this scene in horror, it was too cruel, Nine Star Martial Emperor was beaten like a dog, while his subordinates squatted aside with their heads in their hands, not daring to make a sound, let alone step forward to help.

After a while, the leader of the robbers stopped howling, remained motionless, and passed out completely. After beating for a while, Qin Feng stopped, feeling comfortable all over. Disappearing in the night, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. For a moment, they looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing what to do next.

The robbers were just about to speak, but at this moment, everyone saw the terrifying young man leaving and returning. Seeing this, the robbers didn't say anything, they just squatted down with their heads in their arms, and the woman didn't know what to do with it.

"Does any of you know how to get to Fat Niu Town?" Qin Feng said to the crowd, just now he was only focused on beating people, and almost forgot the business.

Fat Cow Town?Hearing Qin Feng's words, the woman and the guards were both taken aback for a moment, then she mustered up her courage and said, "Senior, this junior is from Fat Niu Town!"

Qin Feng was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and said, "Are you from Fat Niu Town?"

"That's right, I'm going to rush back now." The woman looked at the other party inexplicably.

This is too coincidental, it really didn't take much effort to get there, Qin Feng looked at the other party excitedly, and blurted out: "Very good, I will sleep with you tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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