I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 287 Just One Threat

Chapter 287

Qin Feng originally thought that Zhao Rong would take him to the lobby, after all, that was the place to receive guests, but he didn't expect that the other party would take him into a garden, and, I don't know if it was his illusion, he always felt that The little maid looked at him a little strangely, just like a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law.

"Treasurer Qin, please sit down." The two came to a pavilion, Zhao Rong was very polite, and then said to the maid: "Xi'er, go make a pot of tea, remember, use spiritual leaves."

"Understood, Miss." The maid gave Qin Feng a meaningful look before turning and leaving.

Afterwards, Zhao Rong sat down opposite Qin Feng, and did not rush to ask, but chatted casually about other things. Not long after, the maid Xi'er came over with tea, got a cup for each of them, and stood up. When he got to the side, he secretly looked at Qin Feng.

Because Qin Feng was thinking about Coke again, he didn't drink tea right away. Seeing this, the maid smiled and reminded: "This tea is made by my lady herself, and there is no other tea besides the master. People have drank it, don't you taste it?"

Qin Feng came back to his senses, chuckled, glanced at the blue tea on the table, smelled the fragrance of the tea, nodded secretly, and praised: "Miss Zhao is really ingenious."

After finishing speaking, he directly drank the tea, but before he could taste it, Xi'er spoke again.

"How do you feel, my aunt? The taste is satisfactory." Xi'er said with a smile, but just as she finished speaking, she saw Qin Feng spraying out the tea with a confused expression on his face, Zhao Rong was even worse, crushing the teacup directly Yes, the tea spilled all over him, and then the two looked at her in shock.

After a while, Zhao Rong was the first to come back to her senses, her face was flushed, she glared angrily, and said: "Stinky girl, what nonsense, believe it or not, I tore your mouth off."

And Qin Feng also looked embarrassed, but he didn't know what to say, so he simply chose to remain silent. Seeing this, Xi'er knew that he was too direct, stuck out his tongue cutely, and moved aside with an awkward smile.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Zhao Rong snorted coldly, then looked at Qin Feng apologetically, and said, "I'm sorry, shopkeeper Qin, the servant doesn't understand the rules."

Qin Feng sneered and said, "It's okay, ha ha."

After Xi'er made such a fuss, Zhao Rong didn't know how to chat with Qin Feng anymore, so she could only get into the topic and asked, "I don't know what the shopkeeper Qin is asking me for this time? As long as I can do it, I will definitely not shirk it." .”

"Thank you Miss Zhao." Qin Feng said politely, and then asked: "I wonder if Miss Zhao has a cure for stuttering?"

"Stuttering?" Zhao Rong and Xi'er looked at each other suspiciously, and then asked, "The shopkeeper Qin is talking about Kejia's Coke?"

"It's him." Qin Feng nodded, and then quickly said the previous matter without any concealment. In fact, in his opinion, there is nothing to hide. It won't take long for Coke to recover. Everyone in the world knows that if he conceals it now, it will make the other party misunderstand his motives.

When Zhao Rong and Xi'er heard that Qin Feng was able to cure Coke, their faces were filled with shock. You must know that the Patriarch of the Ke family had come to them for this matter before, but his Zhao family had been investigating for a long time and could not find it. Helpless, not only that, afterward, the Patriarch of the Ke family also invited many famous doctors from different places, and even invited several alchemists, but the result still remained unchanged.

But this strange situation that stumped many people was cured by the young man in front of them, how could this not surprise them!

For a moment, Zhao Rong shook her head under Qin Feng's expectant gaze, and said, "If it's other injuries, I might have some solutions, but for a congenital defect like stuttering, I'm sorry I can't do anything about it."

Hearing this, Qin Feng sighed in despair. If it was just an ordinary injury, would he still need to come to her?Isn't this a joke.In this way, his [-] points may be lost.

Just when Qin Feng was about to give up, Xi'er at the side suddenly murmured, "Are you stuttering? I have a method that I don't know if it will work."

Suddenly, Qin Feng looked at the other party in surprise, and hurriedly asked: "What can I do, tell me quickly."

Xi'er said uncertainly: "When I was young, I heard from my elders that if someone eats something, just take advantage of it and scare him."

Hearing this method, both Qin Feng and Zhao Rong were taken aback, I'm sorry, is this a solution?
"Don't talk nonsense, what kind of method are you doing?" Zhao Rong said displeased.

"Really, I used to eat and burp, and the nanny cured me in this way." Xi'er said stubbornly.

Qin Feng stroked his chin, as if he was thinking about whether to adopt this method.

Seeing Qin Feng's appearance, Zhao Rong looked anxious and said, "Master Qin, you don't really want to try it, do you?"

"How do you know if you don't try it?" Qin Feng smiled strangely. For the sake of three thousand points, let alone scaring the other party, he would consider even more excessive things, and said: "Sometimes the seemingly ordinary method may really work." It works miraculously, anyway, just scare him, nothing serious will happen, at most he will become a fool, as long as he doesn't die, I can cure him."

Zhao Rong and Xi'er were stunned when they heard the words, especially Zhao Rong, Qin Feng was synonymous with "integrity and strength" in her heart, when did she ever have such a side.

After learning the method, Qin Feng's mood suddenly improved a lot, and he sipped the tea slowly. He was startled by Xi'er before, and he didn't taste the taste at all. Now he feels that the tea tastes extraordinary. Apart from the fragrance of flowers, there is actually A hint of coolness made him feel refreshed in this hot summer.

"Miss Zhao also likes tea?" Qin Feng put down the teacup and said with a smile.

"Fortunately, my father likes it, so I made some in my spare time." Zhao Rong smiled slightly, and then asked, "Is Shopkeeper Qin still satisfied with this rough tea?"

"If this is considered rough tea, I'm afraid there won't be any good tea in the world." Qin Feng shook his head and sighed.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and a refined box suddenly appeared in his hand, he handed it to Zhao Rong, and said with a smile: "I came in a hurry this time, and I didn't bring any greetings. Since Miss Zhao and Patriarch Zhao both like tea, I I happened to beg for some tea from a friend, so I borrowed flowers to thank Buddha and gave it to Miss Zhao."

When Zhao Rong saw the appearance of the box, she knew it was not easy, so she pushed the box back without hesitation, and said, "The gift from Shopkeeper Qin is too expensive, so please forgive me for not accepting it. Besides, you saved my life." Yes, I'd be happy if I could help."

Ok?Xi'er naturally knew about Zhao Rong's robbery, and that she was rescued by a man, but what she never expected was that the person who could beat the Nine Star Martial Emperor like his son turned out to be this ugly man in front of her. For a moment, she couldn't help but look at Qin Feng a few more times.

Hearing Zhao Rong's words, Qin Feng shook his head with a smile and said: "I am a rough person, drinking tea is like a cow chewing peonies. I only drink one flavor. It is a waste of tea leaves to fall into my hands. Besides, I still have several boxes of this tea, if Miss Zhao treats me as a friend, please accept it."

When Qin Feng said this, Zhao Rong couldn't be more hypocritical. In her opinion, she already owed a huge favor, a box of tea, to be honest, it was nothing.

"So, thank you very much."

Zhao Rong took the box, looked at the exquisite design, felt more and more fond of it, subconsciously opened it, and suddenly, a strong but not greasy tea fragrance wafted out, smelling the fragrance, Zhao Rong and Xi'er immediately felt a burst of excitement all over their bodies. Refreshing, as if the body is being washed by spiritual power.

The scent alone has such an effect, if you drink it, what's the deal?
"I don't know who is the friend of the shopkeeper Qin? He can refine this kind of tea. If there is a chance, I must pay a visit." Zhao Rong said solemnly.

"Oh, you said him, his name is Xia Yanchun." Qin Feng looked indifferent, and after he finished speaking, he took advantage of the opportunity to drink another cup, and pursed his mouth in relief.

Xia Yanchun?Zhao Rong always felt that this name was very familiar, and she must have heard it somewhere, but for a while, she couldn't remember it. For a while, the only sound in the entire gazebo was Qin Feng's "sucking, sucking" tea.

 Thanks to the little bookworm for the 100 book coins reward for reading good books.

(End of this chapter)

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