Chapter 289

Qin Feng didn't know what happened after he left Zhao's house. At this moment, he and Qianqian Xie were walking aimlessly on the street, looking here and there.

The first crab followed behind him with a bored expression, and said weakly: "Boss, what are we going to do next, it's so boring."

Qin Feng walked ahead, without turning his head, he said: "Do nothing, let's scare people after dark."

"Scary? Coke? Then why wait until it gets dark?" asked the front crab in confusion.

Qin Feng smiled narrowly, and said, "It feels better at night. In broad daylight, ghosts are sleeping."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw an ice shop, his eyes lit up, and he said to the front row crab: "Go, I'll take you to eat something delicious."

After finishing speaking, he walked up quickly, and the front row crab, who was originally bored, immediately regained his energy after hearing the word "delicious", and hurriedly followed.

Time is like going to the bathroom, it disappears after a while, and in a blink of an eye, darkness covers the earth, maybe God is helping Qin Feng, tonight, the moon was directly killed by the black clouds, but in the mansion, only The light from fluorite and candles, and Coke has been practicing since the afternoon and has not woken up.

Suddenly, a black shadow landed on the wall, looked around, and when he saw Coke's closed door, he nodded appreciatively: "Little guy, don't blame me, I'm also doing it for your own good."

After finishing speaking, a black and gray scroll suddenly appeared in his hand, and he was just about to use it. Suddenly, there was a sound of "hiss, hiss" from behind. Hearing the sound, the black shadow suddenly turned his head and scolded Said: "Mother, keep your voice down, if you wake him up, I will lock you up for a month."

Looking along the trend, I saw a huge crab holding a shovel and holding a large bowl of smoothie, eating it constantly, and there were a lot of fruit puree and honey on the smoothie. That's right, these two things It is Qin Feng and the front crab.

Hearing Qin Feng's reprimand, Qianlie Crab didn't care at all, and said, "I'll try my best, this food is so delicious, I didn't expect that ice cubes can be made into food."

Qin Feng looked at this guy speechlessly, shook his head, and said, "Save some for me, don't eat it up."

"Don't worry, boss, I'm loyal." After finishing speaking, Frontline Crab dug another large spoonful of smoothie into his mouth, and sipped it with enjoyment.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng looked desperate: "I believe you are a ghost."

Too lazy to argue with the other party, he took a deep breath, unfolded the scroll, and saw a strange skull mark engraved on the scroll, and then, Qin Feng activated it with spiritual power, and the next moment, the skull mark suddenly turned into a stream of black Fog drifted towards Coke's room.

"It's done." Qin Feng looked at Coke's yard suddenly becoming gloomy, shook his head sighing, and said, "I hope this method is really useful."

Afterwards, he jumped down the wall one by one, came to the front row of crabs, took out a spoon, and ate together.

Not long after, a scream came from the coke room.

"Ah, go away, go away quickly." Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping."

Hearing the sound, the front crab stopped eating curiously, and asked, "Boss, what did you use?"

Qin Feng stuffed a mouthful of sand ice, and said casually: "Nightmare scrolls are actually not very lethal, but they are used to scare people."

Nightmare Scroll?The frontline crab knows this thing, it is like a spiritual formation, it can blur out the most feared thing in the victim's heart, once it woke up Qin Feng, the other party used this to punish it, scared it almost lost its spirit collapsed.

"Then what grade do you use? I remember that this thing has three grades: low, medium and high."

Hearing this, Qin Feng paused for a moment, then recovered after only a moment, and said indifferently: "His stutter is a bit serious, and he has a special constitution. He may be resistant to mental attacks. I'm worried that he won't be able to scare him easily He simply put it in place at once and used the advanced one."

"Kacha" the crab in the front rank bit off the shovel in surprise, and looked at the other party with a shocked face. A junior nightmare scroll scared it to suspect that the crab was born. Wouldn't the advanced ones kill people?Also, who stipulated that people with special physiques would be resistant to mental attacks?
Seeing the shocked appearance of the front row crab, Qin Feng asked with a puzzled face: "What's the matter? Is there any problem?"

"Of course there is." The front row crab spat out the shovel that was bitten and deformed, looked at Qin Feng and said, "Boss, are you helping people or killing people? What if the advanced nightmare scroll is scared to death by you?"

Qin Feng was slightly taken aback, that's right, what should I do if I'm scared to death!But after only a moment, he was relieved, and said indifferently: "If you die, you will die. At most, you can find another one."

Fuck, what you said seems to make sense, but it was speechless. It glanced at the place where Coke was, and it seemed that it could see the terrified and helpless appearance of the other party through the wall.

"Boom you bloody monsters, woo woo woo, go away, wow"

Qian Lie Xie and Qin Feng were both taken aback when they heard the sound.

Crab in the front row: I wiped it, but I was scared to cry?A fifteen or sixteen-year-old Wu Ling, who still had a psychic physique, was frightened and cried.

Qin Feng was overjoyed: It turned out to be really effective, smooth and unimpeded, hehe.

"Father, mother, help me, father, woo woo, come here."

But the people in Kejia didn't seem to hear his screams, the whole Kejia was silent, and the atmosphere became more and more strange.

Frontline Crab and Qin Feng squatted on the other side of the wall, eating smoothies with calm expressions.After a while, Qin Feng and Lie Xie suddenly felt the spiritual power around them boil, and suddenly, Coke's almost desperate, crying voice came from inside the wall.

"You damn things, die... all die"


The whole ground seemed to tremble, and then there was a sound of collapse. Such a loud movement finally alarmed the rest of the Ke family. Then, there was a rush of footsteps, and then there was a maid's terrified cry. .


"Come quickly, but something happened to the young master."

"Go and inform the old lady."

"Come here, bring a suit of clothes for the young master, the young master... peed his pants."

When Qin Feng and Xie Xie outside the wall heard this sentence, each of them subconsciously looked at each other, and they actually peed their pants.

After a while, Ke Hongyang, the Patriarch of the Ke family, came and saw the ruins around him with a gloomy and terrifying expression. He asked the servants and saw that everyone knew nothing about it, which made him frown.

"Okay, let's all go down."

After Zhi retreated, Ke Hongyang checked carefully again, but he still didn't have the slightest clue. He had no choice but to leave with doubts. He didn't know if it was his illusion. When he checked just now, he seemed to hear a burst A slight "rustling" sound came from outside the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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