I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 299 The Great Competition Begins

Chapter 299 The Great Competition Begins

Time always goes by unconsciously, and in the blink of an eye, it is the day of Kejia Dabi.

The morning sun hadn't risen yet, but the house was already full of hustle and bustle, and everyone was walking towards the martial arts field with nervous and excited faces. Today is destined to be an extraordinary day.

After a long while, when the first ray of morning light fell on the ground, the originally empty martial arts field seemed a little crowded. Everyone whispered to each other, waiting for the start of the competition.

"Did you know that it is said that Na Kecheng's cultivation has greatly increased recently, and he broke through to the nine-star martial spirit in one fell swoop."

"Hiss Nine Star Martial Spirit."

Hearing this, the people who got together subconsciously took a deep breath, and looked at each other in shock, Nine Star Martial Spirit, if there is no accident, then the No. 1 competition will be confirmed?Na Keling is only an eight-star martial spirit.

"Why did his cultivation improve so quickly? You know, he only broke through to the eight-star martial spirit not long ago." Some people raised doubts.

A young man deliberately lowered his voice and said, "I heard that Kecheng has been getting closer to Mr. Zhang of the Wu family recently."

"you mean"

"Hmm, didn't anyone tell you that it's rude to gossip about people behind their backs?"

Before they finished speaking, they heard a cold voice coming from behind. They turned their heads and saw Kecheng looking at them with a gloomy face. Seeing this, their expressions changed drastically and they hugged him apologetically. Clasping his fists, he left in despair.

Seeing the figures of several people leaving, Kecheng snorted again, then walked to the side and sat cross-legged, too lazy to communicate with everyone.


Suddenly, a heavy bell rang through the entire Ke family. Hearing the sound, everyone was immediately refreshed. Even Ke Cheng suddenly opened his eyes and stood up slowly. The big competition is finally about to start.

The next moment, Ke Hongyang and the others walked up to the martial arts viewing platform slowly, and Zhao Wuji was also there, but his face was obviously bored, and the two of them exchanged courtesy. After Zhao Wou-ki took his seat, Ke Hongyang Walking forward, he looked at the energetic young man under the stage with a smile, and searched for a while, but he didn't see Coke. Seeing this, he frowned unnaturally, and this scene happened to be overwhelmed by one side. When Kecheng saw it, the latter sneered and said, "Are you still waiting?"I'm afraid they won't come back.

Sighing slightly, Ke Hongyang was about to speak, but at this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly came in: "Hahaha, but Patriarch, it's natural if you don't invite me, don't be surprised!"

But Hongyang and Zhao Wuji's expressions changed slightly when they heard the words, and saw a middle-aged man with a slightly bloated figure walking over with a breezy face. The person who came was none other than Wu Yong, the Patriarch of the Wu family, behind him , followed by an old man with a gloomy complexion.

Seeing the old man, the expressions of the two changed again, because they felt a deep sense of oppression from each other.Taking a deep breath, Ke Hongyang greeted him with a light smile, and said apologetically, "Patriarch Wu, please forgive me. Look at my memory, the main thing is that there have been too many things in the past two days."

"It's okay, didn't Wu come here by himself!" Knowing that the other party was just talking, but Wu Yong didn't care, then he turned his eyes on Zhao Wuji and said with a smile: "Patriarch Zhao doesn't go to deal with family affairs, Wu Mou really admires that he still has the leisure time to watch the competition!"

Recently, the medicine shop of the Zhao family has been suppressed by mysterious forces, but everyone knows that this is the work of Mr. Zhang, because many shops have become the property of his Wu family.

"You..." Zhao Wou-ki looked angry, and was interrupted by Ke Hongyang just as he was about to refute.

"The visitor is a guest, please don't make trouble at Ke's house." After finishing speaking, he winked at Zhao Wuji, and then asked Wu Yong, "I wonder why Mr. Zhang didn't come?"

When Wu Yong heard this, a flash of pride flashed across his face, and he said, "Mr. Zhang has brought his little girl back to the imperial capital, oh yes."

Suddenly, he took out a red post, handed it to Ke Hongyang, and said, "The little girl and Young Master Zhang will have a big day in two days, please come early when the time comes."

But Hongyang paused slightly when he heard the words, a look of anger flashed across his face, and his fists were clenched.The other party's move was a slap in the face, and everyone turned their attention to him, wanting to see how he would deal with it.After hesitating for a moment, he finally accepted the post with a light smile, and said, "Here, I will congratulate you first, and I will be there on time."

Wu Yong laughed lightly, as for Zhao Wuji, he didn't even look at it, he was completely ignored, seeing this, the latter's expression was very gloomy.

"In that case, Patriarch Wu and this senior, please take a seat." Ke Hongyang said with a smile.

"Thank you." Wu Yong led the old man up to the martial arts platform in high spirits.

But Hongyang was in a gloomy mood at the moment. After settling down a few people, he said a few words to the disciples of the Ke family in the audience, and then nodded to the steward beside him. The family competition begins now, the first match, Ke Meng vs. Ke Pengfei."

As soon as the words fell, two teenagers jumped onto the martial arts stage from the crowd, fisted each other, and then began to fight with each other.

Because of Wu Yong's arrival, the entire martial arts viewing platform was very quiet. Everyone concentrated on watching the competition on the field, and only praised a few words when they saw something exciting.

Wu Yong didn't care about this at all. Anyway, he just followed Zhang Lang's order to inquire this time. Seeing that Qin Feng and Coke didn't show up, he smiled even more. He secretly glanced at the people in the crowd. But, the latter nodded slightly to him.

The fights went on, and it was noon in a blink of an eye. The figures of Coke and Qin Feng still did not appear, but a hint of anxiety appeared on Hongyang's face.

"Ke Lingsheng, in the next match, Kecheng will fight against Kefeng." After speaking, Kecheng and a boy in blue jumped onto the platform at the same time.

"Senior brother Kecheng, please be merciful." The boy in blue said modestly.

Ke Cheng didn't reply, but just looked at the other party indifferently, the young man took a deep breath, raised his sword and attacked the other party.

Feeling the opponent's fierce sword intent, Kecheng counterattacked without defending, and with one step, the long sword in his hand didn't even come out of its sheath, and he went directly to meet it.


The young man was directly shaken back by the powerful force, and before he could stand still, Kecheng had already come to him and swung his sword out. Seeing this, he subconsciously swung the sword across his chest, but the strengths of the two were very different. Hearing the sound of "clang", the blue-clothed boy was forcibly knocked into the air and fell outside the Martial Dao Stage.

A seven-star martial spirit was defeated with just two swords. Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

"Keep winning, next game."


Before the old man finished speaking, Wu Yong directly interrupted his words, turned his head to look at Ke Hongyang, and said, "Keep Patriarch, Wu has a suggestion."

But although Hongyang was angry in his heart, he pretended to be surprised on his face, and said with a smile: "Oh? I don't know what Patriarch Wu has any great ideas."

"It's not a high opinion, I just want to save some time." Wu Yong said with a light smile, "You see, Kecheng and Keling are the strongest in the field. If that's the case, why don't you just let the two compete directly? How about the winner?"

But Hongyang immediately frowned when he heard the words, wondering: "I'm afraid this is not good, so how can others be convinced."

"What do those trash do?" Wu Yong said in an astonishing way: "Could it be possible that he thought that his little three-legged cat kung fu could leapfrog the challenge?"

Hearing Wu Yong's words, many disciples in the audience showed annoyed expressions, even Ke Hongyang's complexion changed, and he was about to speak, but at this moment, suddenly, a strong coercion surged towards him, making his tone After a moment of stagnation, he looked at the indifferent old man in horror.

Seeing this, Wu Yong sneered, and asked again: "What's your idea?"

But although Hongyang is unwilling, he can be sure that as long as he refuses, the old man will definitely do it directly. At that time, the whole Ke family will be devastated. When he came this time, the other party did not follow his good intentions at all. He had no choice but to humiliate nodded.

Seeing this, Wu Yong smiled in satisfaction, then turned his head, and said, "In that case, Kecheng, you can compete with Na Keling."

 I am in a hurry to catch up with the company's affairs today, so I can only make an update.

  Thanks to book friend 201812061 for the reward of 500 book coins, and thanks to Flying Instant Noodles for the reward of 100 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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