Chapter 402 Shot again (forgot to separate, two-in-one product)

As if nothing had happened, Qin Feng walked leisurely on the Street of the Dead, looking at the dazzling array of goods on both sides, with a look of boredom on his face.

"It's a poor place. There's not even a bar or KTV. I thought it would be fun to come to the city, but it turned out to be just as boring." Qin Feng shook his head in despair, and it was almost half a cup of tea away. In addition to a group of naked big men, you can only see the thighs of some young ladies, tsk tsk, summer is so good.

The only fun part is seeing a brown-haired middle-aged man and a group of younger brothers collecting protection money, young and Dangerous!
Before taking two steps, suddenly, a familiar scent came into Qin Feng's nostrils. Qin Feng was stunned when he smelled the scent, and subconsciously looked, only to see a ragged man about seven years old. An eight-year-old girl was guarding a dilapidated booth. Although the booth was old, it was cleaned up very cleanly, holding a bowl of ordinary noodle soup and munching on it.

Warriors need to absorb a lot of spiritual power, so their ingredients are the meat of some high-level monsters or fruits full of spiritual energy. No one will patronize ordinary noodles like this, and no one is even willing to look at her, because The little girl didn't have any spiritual power in her body. It was hard to imagine how such a person survived in the city of sin.

Without stopping in the slightest, Qin Feng walked over quickly, found a seat and sat down, and said with a light smile, "Little girl, come for the noodles."

Ok?Hearing Qin Feng's words, the little girl was taken aback for a moment, and looked at him in surprise. Maybe she hadn't realized that someone would come to eat the noodles she made.

Qin Feng looked at the innocent girl with a smile, and said, "What? Is it sold out?"

"No, no." The girl came back to her senses and hurriedly got up, ignoring the noodles left in the bowl, after hastily tidying up, she said, "Dear guest, please wait a moment."

Qin Feng looked at the busy and frail figure with a faint smile on his face all the time, while the people who came and went saw Qin Feng's actions, they were curious, and finally sneered with disdain, they really were two trash.

On the other side, everyone looked at Meng Da's cold body in shock, unable to calm down for a long time, and killed a strong man in the Mingshen realm who understood the law with one sword. Although the latter was suspected of being arrogant, he must have an absolute advantage In order to achieve instant kills, and what about the technique of rebounding the power of the law?When did such a ruthless person come to Sin City?

With doubts, the onlookers began to leave separately. After taking a deep look at Meng Da's body, the woman in the lead also left with a group of dignified faces.

"Sister, who is that young man? His strength is so terrifying?" The sexy woman accompanying him asked.

The leading woman shook her head, sighed softly, and said, "I don't know, but you should be more careful when you meet him in the future, this guy is not a merciful master!"

The accompanying woman nodded, suddenly, she thought of something, and teased: "Sister, why don't you take him down, this way, you don't need to be so tired, and we have an extra guarantee."

Hearing the words, the others nodded in agreement.

"But didn't the eldest sister say that men don't have a good thing? What if the other party eats up and refuses to admit it? We can't beat him." Another woman asked.

"That depends on the kung fu of the eldest sister."

"Sister, come on, we believe in you."

"It really doesn't work, let's go together and squeeze him dry."

Facts have proved that a group of women gather together and often go racing.The leading woman looked at the group of guys with a speechless face. It was obviously a very serious topic, but she was taken astray.

"Hey, hey, look, isn't that the hunk just now?"

Suddenly, an accompanying woman pointed incredulously not far away, and everyone looked along, only to see that Qin Feng, who was full of murderous intent before, was now eating unnutritious noodles leisurely.

Even the leading woman was slightly taken aback. It was hard to imagine that a strong person like the other party would eat food without spiritual power, and seeing the other party's appearance, she enjoyed it very much!After hesitating for a while, she still walked over.

"You go back first."

Qin Feng stared intently at the noodles in the bowl. There were only a few vegetable leaves floating on the light soup, not even a little minced meat, but the smell was so familiar.

The little girl looked at Qin Feng anxiously, and said in a low voice timidly: "Guest, is it not delicious? If you are not satisfied, you don't have to pay, but please don't hit me."

Hearing the little girl's words, Qin Feng's heart was pulled unnaturally. God knows how difficult it is for the other party to survive.

I took a sip of the soup, although the taste is very ordinary, but it is so familiar. When I was a child, I had a cold, and the grandfather of the orphanage made this kind of noodles. At that time, how happy it was to be able to eat a bowl of noodles. , Many children will choose to pretend to have a cold.

"It's not bad, it's delicious." Qin Feng said with a light smile, "Little girl, what's your name? Where are your parents?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the little girl breathed a sigh of relief, smiled innocently, and said, "I don't have a name, they all call me stinky, as for my parents"

A look of disappointment flashed across the little girl's face, and she said, "They died a long time ago."

Qin Feng's movement of eating noodles froze slightly, and then he returned to his original state, eating noodles with big mouthfuls.

"Little girl, bring me a bowl of noodles too." Suddenly, a crisp voice came from behind.

The little girl was slightly taken aback. Normally, there would not be a single guest in a week, but today two came at once, and Qin Feng didn't seem to hear it, eating the noodles on his own, with a face full of enjoyment.

"Dear guest, please wait a moment, it will be ready soon." After the little girl finished speaking, she quickly walked towards the firewood pile, and her petite figure became busy again.

After a while, a bowl of extremely simple noodle soup was placed in front of the woman. Looking at the clear water-like soup and Qin Feng's relish, she was curious, is it really so delicious?

With a hint of doubt, the woman took a big mouthful. Suddenly, her eyes widened. How did Qin Feng manage to eat the noodles?Could it be that the other party has a problem with his taste buds?

"Guest? What's the matter? Is it delicious?" The little girl looked at her in fear and explained, "I'm sorry, but I can't afford other seasonings except salt."

The woman really wanted to say yes, and even wanted to spit out the noodles in her mouth, but because of Qin Feng's presence, she had to maintain her posture.

"I'm full. I haven't tasted this familiar taste for a long time." Qin Feng finished the last sip of soup, smacked his mouth, looked unsatisfied, then looked at the woman indifferently, and said: "Life is full of flavors, there is no Experience, you can't understand."

After speaking, he took out a Shenjing and put it on the table, and said to the little girl, "This is some money, take it away."

The woman carefully understood Qin Feng's words, and for a moment, her eyes lit up, she cupped her fists at Qin Feng, and said, "Thank you for your guidance, I understand now."

After saying that, she took a deep breath and ate the noodles in big mouthfuls.

Qin Feng looked at this scene blankly, what did he point out?How can you know the value of food if you have never experienced poverty?Is this also a pointer?This bitch is stupid in cultivation.

The little girl looked at the crystal on the table in surprise. She had never seen so much money when it grew so big. After a while, she came back to her senses and hurriedly said: "There are too many, and there is no need to use so much."

Qin Feng patted the other party's head with a light smile, and said, "Then let's store it with you first, and I'll come back tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Qin Feng chuckled, turned around and walked towards the street, but before he could go far, there was a noise behind him, he paused slightly, and turned around subconsciously. Zhao's mentality turned from sunny to heavy rain again, with the kind of tornado attached.

I saw that the previous small noodle shop no longer existed, the little girl was sitting on the ground with a clear slap mark on her face, her eyes were full of fear, and the woman was standing in front of the little girl , His face was full of shame and anger.

Not far in front of him, a strong brown-haired man led a group of younger brothers and looked at them with a sneer. In his hand was the Divine Crystal that Qin Feng had given him.

Letting out a deep breath, Qin Feng walked back with a cold face.

"Brown Bear, don't go too far." The woman said indifferently, "This little girl is under the care of an expert, so you can't offend her."

The brown bear didn't care about the woman's ridicule, and said indifferently: "Hongkui, when did you feel compassionate?"

Glancing at the little girl, he said indifferently: "Why do you keep such moths? They will die early and be reborn early! As for the expert you mentioned, where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

Hongkui snorted coldly, and said: "You are just a dog raised by Kui Long, don't pretend to be a tiger here, it's easy for my old lady to kill you."

"Kill me? Do you dare?" Hearing Hongkui's threat, the brown bear didn't care at all, and counter-threated: "Once you kill me, your entire Goddess gang will have to be buried with me. Come on, don't be cowardly!"

"You" Hong Kui's chest heaved when he heard the brown bear's words.

Seeing this, the brown bear was even more proud, and frivolously glanced at Hong Kui's sexy body, licked his lips, and said, "Girls, don't yell and kill all day long, wouldn't it be nice to go back and warm Mrs. Kui Long's bed?" ?Hahaha."

Hongkui just wanted to make a move, but at this moment, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Qin Feng walking back with indifference, and a grim smile appeared on his originally cold face, and said, "You said just now that you wanted to see that expert ,right?"

"That's right? Where is he?" The brown bear said proudly, "As long as he appears in front of me, I can make him kneel down and lick my toes."

"Really? Then I want to see how you let me lick your toes."

Just as the brown bear finished speaking, a cold voice came from behind them.

Several people subconsciously turned their heads to look, and saw a young man looking at them indifferently, and the brown bear was even more surprised when he saw him, and then he laughed loudly while holding his belly.

"Hong Hongkui, are you stupid? A Wu Zun is what you call an expert? What good does it do you to laugh at me?"

As if Hongkui didn't hear the other party's voice, she still looked at him with a faint smile on her face. Among the onlookers, many people also showed fear. My God, it turned out to be this ruthless person.

Seeing the expressions of the onlookers, the brown bear put away his arrogance, and looked at Qin Feng again. Although he was arrogant, he was not stupid, and he would not think that these people were invited.

"Who are you? I am the brown bear of the Night Demon Society, and my lord is Kui Long, a strong man in the Mingshen realm, who has also comprehended the laws of the metal system. Not only that, but the power of my lord's laws has reached the middle stage."

As if Qin Feng didn't hear it, he said calmly: "I heard that you want me to kneel down and lick your toes, right? If that's the case, stick your feet out."

The brown bear frowned, Qin Feng's indifference made him uncertain, but in his opinion, no matter how strong the other party was, he would not dare to kill him in Sin City, otherwise, the Night Demon Society would definitely not spare him.

As soon as he thought of this, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said arrogantly: "Hmph, pretending to be a ghost, brothers, make fun of him."

As soon as the words were spoken, a group of younger brothers took out their weapons one after another, and rushed towards Qin Feng with a murderous aura. Many onlookers saw that they were attacking Qin Feng, and they knew that these guys were going to be in trouble. Even those who are strong in the environment can be crushed to death, let alone this group of young people?

Sure enough, not long after they left, a sword shadow surged out of Qin Feng's body, and immediately, it turned into a sky-filled sword shadow and wrapped them up. Afterwards, snowflakes began to float in the sword formation, and the speed of everyone who resisted Slowly, where the snowflakes drifted, bloodstains suddenly appeared. In just a moment, everyone turned into red ice sculptures, motionless. Immediately, Wan Jian returned to Qin Feng's body.

What kind of martial art is this?Everyone, including Hongkui, was shocked, and they killed six or seven god-level powerhouses in a short time without using their hands. How terrifying is this young master!

Qin Feng seemed to have done an insignificant thing. If he hadn't considered the little girl's feelings, he really wanted to kill them all.Then, he snorted coldly and walked forward.

Seeing Qin Feng's actions, the brown bear regained consciousness in an instant, swallowed in horror, backed away hastily, and tremblingly said: "You, you can't kill me, otherwise, Ye Mo will definitely not let you go."

Qin Feng ignored it and continued walking forward. Just when the brown bear thought that the other party wanted to attack, Qin Feng passed him directly without even looking at him. Seeing this, he was immediately relieved. At this moment , he realized that his back was soaked in cold sweat.

Are brown bears strong?Not weak, but he asked himself that he couldn't kill six warriors in the Heavenly God Realm in a short time.

Qin Feng came to the little girl, looked sideways at her red and swollen face, raised his hand to touch it, and said softly, "Does it hurt?"

Hearing this, the little girl nodded, but then shook her head again.

With a slight smile, Qin Feng stretched out his hand and said, "Come with me. From today onwards, I will be your elder brother, and I will take care of you. I promise, from now on, no one will dare to hurt you again."

Hearing this, the little girl pursed her lips, and finally rushed into Qin Feng's arms, crying "Wow". Qin Feng comforted him gently, then picked her up, turned around and walked away from the crowd , It turned out that at some point, the little girl had already fallen into a deep sleep.

Looking at the back of Qin Feng leaving slowly, just when everyone thought it was over, suddenly, a palpitating sword energy surged out, and with a bang, directly strangled the brown bear into a rain of blood.Then Qin Feng's domineering voice resounded in everyone's ears.

"No one can bully my people. Tell that Kuilong to kill his subordinate named Qin Feng. Tomorrow, he will know where I am. If he wants to take revenge, just come here."

 Thanks to the user . for the 200 Shucoin reward.

(End of this chapter)

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