I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 413 Can't Help

Chapter 413 Can't Help
Ghost Wolf and the others looked at Qin Feng in horror. My God, I know you are strong, but I never thought that you would be so strong. A strong man in the King God Realm was forced to rub against the ground, and there was no way he could resist. Power, the most terrifying thing is the skill that bounces back the power of the law!It is simply the nemesis of the strong of the law.

And that crab, the ghost wolf now believes that this master and servant are all perverts, and they must not be offended, it is completely unreasonable to beat someone up.

But what puzzled them was, what happened to the stool?Could it be some secret treasure?Otherwise, how could it be possible to block the attack of the King God Realm powerhouse?But who would make a secret treasure into a stool?This fun is a bit unique.

As a result, several people turned their eyes to Qin Feng who was on the side. It was impossible for others, but this master really couldn't tell.

"Ahahaha, Second Grandpa, right? We don't know each other." Qin Feng put his arms around Qian Yueming's shoulders with a smile on his face, without any embarrassment on his face, and said, "But Second Grandpa , It’s not that I, a junior, are talking about you, you should be more careful in the future, you can easily get beaten when you speak loudly while others are sleeping.”

Don't know each other?The premise is that the two parties come and go, what is he?Can it be counted as being beaten unilaterally?Also, God knows you're sleeping?What time is it!Qian Yueming took a deep breath, and an unnatural smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"That's right." The crab in the front line echoed, and a big turtle was also hooked on the other's shoulder, saying: "But hitting is love, scolding is love, and hitting and scolding is true love."

Hearing Qian Liexie's words, the corners of Qian Yueming's eyes trembled, true love?It was the happiest playing just now, and even used the stool!

"Call me the front crab."

"Oh! Brother Crab, I have a doubt and I hope to clear it up." Qian Yueming asked with a serious face.

"We are all brothers, you can ask." Frontline Crab said boldly.

brother?Qin Feng and the others were all speechless, especially Coke and Qianyue Jiabing, they were usually called Brother Xie, but if they swore to Qianyueming now, wouldn't they have to be called Uncle in the future?This relationship is a bit messy!
Qian Yueming nodded, took a deep breath, and asked: "Since you are a brother, then I want to ask, but my little friend clearly revealed the identity of the old man just now, why did you hit the old man with a stool in the end?"

"This." The crab in the front line paused slightly, rolled its eyes, and explained: "Actually, it's not that I want to hit you, it's just inertia. You also know that once some things feel good, it's hard to stop. I can't help it." Don’t you humans know more about this than us!”

Hearing this explanation, even Qin Feng has black hair. This little guy is becoming more and more talented now. This explanation is amazing.

Sure enough, Qian Yueming felt his blood pressure rise extremely after hearing what the front crab said, and he was rendered speechless by what a crab said!Forget it, let's not talk about it, I've been beaten, what else can I say?
At this moment, what he wants to know more is, what kind of magic medicine Qin Feng gave him just now, it recovered so quickly, and how long it took for his swollen face to return to its original state.

Curiously: "I don't know what kind of medicine the shopkeeper Qin took for the old man? It has such a miraculous effect?"

"Tianxian Yulu Pill, it is specially used to treat bruises and pains, whether it is trauma or internal injury, it is very effective." Qin Feng smiled slightly, and continued: "There are many magical things in the store, you are satisfied!"

"Really?" Qian Yueming looked at Qin Feng suspiciously. It was hard to imagine that such a powerful young man was actually a shopkeeper. It was really unbelievable.

But the thing that can make the other party amazed, it is not likely to be a high-end commodity. After thinking about it, Qian Yueming nodded and said: "In that case, let me go in and experience it."

After finishing speaking, he got up and straightened his robes, and walked towards the shop.

"Senior, if you don't understand anything, you can ask little Annie directly." Qin Feng looked at Qian Yueming's back and said, "Finally a rich one came."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Ghost Wolf and Hong Kui, and said, "Why are you standing there stupidly, don't you guys go in and have a look?"

Ghost Wolf's expression remained unchanged, while Hong Kui smiled awkwardly and said, "Wait, there's no rush."

Qin Feng shrugged: "It's up to you."

Afterwards, he greeted and walked back into the store.

Seeing Qin Feng's figure disappear in the store, Ghost Wolf and Hong Kui subconsciously came to Coke's side, Qianyue Jiabing said bluntly: "You can tell now, what's your master's situation?"

Coke glanced helplessly at a few people, sighed and shook his head, and said, "Just like what you saw, get up and get angry."

Getting angry?Hearing the explanation, several people were stunned, because they were woken up, so they beat the king god realm powerhouse?
"Isn't this too exaggerated? Just because of this?" Hong Kui still didn't believe it.

"Otherwise?" Coke looked at the other party helplessly, and said, "They have never met each other, and they have no grievances. Why did Master beat him?"

Several people looked at each other, it seems that this is really the case, but this reason is too difficult to convince.

"Don't make a fuss. When I first entered Master's sect, I was chased and killed for several days because of a few seniors who woke him up to sleep. They were so scared that they didn't dare to speak for months. Now when I see someone sleeping, I choose Shut up." Coke explained: "Anyway, remember one thing, the boss's biggest bottom line is not to wake him up, other things can be discussed, but this is the only one, don't call for help even if you are beaten."

Ghost Wolf and the others nodded their heads half-understood, saying that all masters have a bit of a weird temper, but Qin Feng is the weirdest.

Qianyue Jiabing suddenly thought of something, looked at Coke reluctantly, and said, "Little Coke, grandpa is here, I might have to leave!"

Coke chuckled indifferently, and said, "Don't worry, as long as your grandfather brings enough money, he will definitely not leave in a short time."

Coke still has confidence in this point. Those things in the store are simply fatal to the strong, especially the lucky wheel, the original truth and the Yin-Yang Temple.
At the level of Qian Yueming, every small breakthrough is a qualitative leap. As long as there is a glimmer of hope for a breakthrough, the other party will definitely not give up, even if there is danger, they will not back down.What's more, the products in the store can be easily obtained as long as you spend money, and they are even fun, which makes it difficult for people to refuse.

Therefore, Coke can be sure that it is only a matter of time before Qian Yueming becomes addicted.

Qianyue Jiabing obviously knew what Coke meant, and she glared at the other party shyly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, obviously, he also agreed with the other party's words.

Ghost Wolf and Hongkui looked at each other helplessly. These two guys actually put their grandfather in the water for their own selfish interests. It is really their own!
Shaking his head, the two of them walked into the store immediately. To be honest, they are also very curious about the goods in the store.

 Thanks to the air-dried dumpling wrappers, the eighth-level leader, Tiantian’s jump, and book friend 16062617 for the 100 book coins reward.

(End of this chapter)

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