Chapter 417
Qin Feng has been flying in the sky for almost two or three hours, but apart from a few flying monsters, there is not even a shadow of a ghost. He even wonders if there is air traffic control in this world, otherwise how could he not see people? Woolen cloth!What about the promised strong flying in the sky?What about the Warcraft avatar?Hit the street!

"Boss, is there a problem with our itinerary? Why don't we go on land!" The frontline crab looked at the void where there were no other creatures except the white clouds, and suggested.

Hearing this, Qin Feng nodded and said, "That's the only way to go."

After finishing speaking, he activated the spirit sword and quickly fell towards the ground. After landing, the front crab also returned to its original size. Qin Feng sat on its back, glanced at the surrounding mountains and mountains, and roughly settled for a direction. , and the crab galloped forward.

After rushing for about half an hour, when Qin Feng was about to fall asleep, the excited voice of the front row crab pulled him out of the trance.

"Boss, look quickly, there is a group of people ahead."

Hearing the sound, Qin Feng sat up straight with a "shua", and looked around. Sure enough, a group of people not far away were chatting together, as if they were taking a nap.

Seeing this, a look of joy flashed across his face, and he said, "Quick, hurry over."

"Got it, let's go." The crab in the front row ran with all its strength, turning into a puff of smoke and rushing over.

A group of men and women dressed in the same clothes chattered around a man in green robe and a woman in red shirt. The middle-aged man's complexion was pale, and his two strands of hair fluttered in the wind. He looked like a teacher.The woman has a pretty face, and the blue hair is simply bound and draped over her shoulders casually.

The two seem ordinary, but their breathing frequency actually slightly resonates with the surrounding space. Obviously, their strength should not be underestimated.

"Master Lin, Master Xuan, are we sure we are going to Sin City this time?" A young man asked excitedly.

Sin City is known as a paradise of chaos and killing. It is said that every passerby inside has blood on their hands, and other young people also look at the two with longing eyes.

The green-robed man chuckled and said, "That's right, your graduation test target is inside."

"But everyone in Sin City is a murderer without batting an eye. Will it be dangerous for us to go in!" A certain girl asked with a worried expression.

"Hmph, what are you afraid of? You must know that Master Xuan and Master Lin are both strong in the Divine Realm, and they have also comprehended the laws. Some Xiaoxiao are not a problem at all."

"That's right, besides, we are all students of Shenwu Academy, as long as we don't take the initiative to cause trouble, they dare not take action against us."

"So what if you take the initiative to cause trouble? There are two mentors here, do they dare to resist?"

The green-robed man chuckled, shook his head, and said, "Don't underestimate Sin City, there are some strong people among them, we'd better be careful."

"Master Lin is right. We are only taking part in the test. Don't worry about other things, let alone causing trouble." The red-robed woman laughed.

The students nodded when they heard the words, and just about to speak, suddenly there was a slight trembling sound from not far away. They turned their heads and saw a big crab walking towards them rapidly, on its back, There was also a young man sitting.

Seeing this, all the students looked wary, and even the two instructors frowned slightly, not for any other reason, but the scene was a bit strange.

After a while, the other party finally came to the front, looking at them with a chuckle on his face, and many students showed disdain when they saw the strength of the coming man.

Qin Feng glanced at the crowd. They were uniformly dressed, and there were two people leading the team. They couldn't be traveling, right?
Jumping off the top of the crabs, he clasped his fists at the crowd and said, "Everyone, I'm lost. May I ask how to get to Shengming City?"

All the students snorted coldly when they heard the words, turned their heads directly, didn't even bother to look at him, and kept muttering in their mouths.

"It's just a little Wu Zun, cut it."

"Speaking is a waste of tongue."

Hearing everyone's mutterings, Qin Feng subconsciously frowned, these guys are jumping a bit!Even the crabs in the front line were unhappy. Just as they were about to turn back, a fat man in the crowd suddenly stood up and said to Qin Feng, "Shengming City? It's only three thousand miles to the east."

Hearing this, Qin Feng looked at the other party with a light smile, sure enough, fat people have good hearts. "Thank you, friend."

"You're welcome." The little fat man scratched his head naively.

"Cut, two trash." As soon as the little fat man finished speaking, all the students began to taunt again.

"They're called the same disease, one Martial Master, one Martial Saint, ha ha."

"Makes sense."

"Look, the crab is quite big. We just didn't have lunch, why don't we kill it to fill our stomachs?"

"Good idea, it looks delicious."

"Okay, don't make trouble." The woman in red said, and then looked at Qin Feng apologetically, but didn't say much.

When the first crab heard the other party's words, his heart was full of anger. Just about to teach him a lesson, Qin Feng raised his hand to stop it, looked at everyone indifferently, and then set his eyes on the little fat man with his head down .

He took out a bottle of instant recovery medicine and threw it to the other party, and said with a smile: "Little brother, this bottle of medicine is given to you. It can save your life in a critical moment, and there will be a later date."

After finishing speaking, Qin Feng stopped talking to the other party and turned to leave.

Seeing Qin Feng leave, all the students were even more disdainful. Being humiliated like this, they didn't dare to say a word. Just when they were about to say a few words of ridicule again, they only heard the crisp sound of the sword. Afterwards, everyone was shocked. In his eyes, Qin Feng's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already above the [-]-meter void. Afterwards, he stepped on the spirit sword and shot straight into the sky, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief, and even the two mentors were surprised. Even they couldn't do this kind of sword control ability.

The two looked at each other solemnly. It seems that they were mistaken this time. It is absolutely impossible for the other party to be only a martial artist. Fortunately, the other party is generous. Otherwise, they will be wiped out without going to the city of sin. At this point, both of them felt palpitations. They didn't expect the other party to have such a terrifying cultivation level at such a young age.

When the little fat man saw Qin Feng's operation, he was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the golden liquid in his hand with ecstasy, and hurriedly put it away. He could get such a gift by just pointing the way. It seems that he made a lot of money this time. sent.

Above the void, the front row crab became a miniature version again, and said with an unshakable expression: "Boss, why don't you let me beat those Muggles to death, you are so angry with the crab."

Qin Feng rolled his eyes and said, "What are you angry about? They're just a bunch of brats in the Emperor Wu realm. I don't even have the desire to make a move. The two leaders can think about it."

The first crab snorted coldly, and said, "You don't have what I have, those damned guys still want to have me for lunch."

Qin Feng smiled helplessly, and said: "Okay, don't be angry, killing people can kill you in a few days, so keep your eyes on the ground, you have to be a man and a crab, if a cat or a dog can make us angry, then It makes us look too much."

It seems to be right: "Then you can't fight me after you get to the door of blood!"

"Okay, I promise you will have a good time."

"Hmph, that's about the same." The front row crab pouted angrily, and urged, "Hurry up, I'm hungry."

Qin Feng rolled his eyes helplessly, hearing this tone made him a servant, but he didn't say much, chuckled, and the spirit sword suddenly accelerated and galloped away.

(End of this chapter)

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