Chapter 421

With a depressed and even bored mood, the two oirans finally sent Qin Feng and the other three away. Seeing the figure disappearing into the night, they immediately showed contempt.

Are people now bragging that they don't draft drafts?I also know the third lady of the Qianyue family. If this is the case, why do I need to come to this place of fireworks to find flowers and ask willows?Even if it's just tea.

What made them even more unbearable was that within a few words, the two guys started talking about how to destroy the Blood Refining Sect, and it was still on the day of the other party's blood sacrifice. You must know that all the masters of the Blood Refining Sect will be present on that day.

All the gods, let's send down the divine thunder to kill these two people who pretend to be 13, one old and one young. You don't need to brag like this. Although the Blood Refining Sect is not a big sect, it is definitely a huge monster in Shengming City. It seems that even if you want to destroy the opponent, you have to think long-term and find a secret place to think about it. How can you discuss it on the table in front of the public.

Also, at first glance, this young man is Wu Zun's cultivation base, and the old man is okay, with some strength, but these two guys join forces to destroy the Blood Refining Sect?Oh, no, there is another crab, and that crab is also a strange thing. After choosing a water-type monster, it actually started a two-hour ideological education. It blamed the other party for not practicing hard, but came out to pick up customers!Tier [-] Warcraft blames Tier [-] Warcraft for not working hard!There's no such thing as a mother. If it weren't for years of professional ethics and the concept that giving money is God, they would have turned the table long ago.

The two looked at each other helplessly, shook their heads contemptuously, and then turned and entered the mandarin duck building.

Fortunately, Qin Feng and the three left quickly. If they heard the evaluation of them from the two women, they would definitely sigh again. These days, why does no one believe the truth?What about the basic trust between people?

Along the way, Qin Feng and the blood demon patriarch briefly talked, and then parted ways, waiting for the arrival of the blood sacrifice ceremony.

On the other side, after Young Master Xue returned to the Blood Refining Gate, he explained the actions of the blood demon ancestor with embellishment, while Xue Sha listened with facial expressions.

"Father, you have to make the decision for me. Ever since the blood demon patriarch came back, the child has not had a good life. Although he was arrogant before, it was enough, but today, he actually killed my entourage in public. " Young Master Xue looked angry, especially when he thought of the other party's contemptuous eyes, he was even more annoyed in his heart, but when he saw Xue Sha's indifferent face, he knew that the other party did not believe it.

"Father, do you not believe what the child said?"

Xue Sha chuckled lightly, and said dotingly: "How could it be? My father will definitely believe it."

"I know you don't believe me, but I really didn't talk nonsense about it." Mr. Xue guessed it when he saw the other party's appearance, but he still swore: "There were many onlookers in Lingyun Pavilion at that time, father can go and ask Then you will know the truth."

Ok?Hearing this, a strange color flashed in Xue Sha's eyes, and he chuckled lightly: "I believe in you when I tell my father that I believe in you, you and my father and son, the Blood Refining Gate will be yours in the end, don't worry, before you take the throne, Being a father will remove all stumbling blocks for you."

"Thank you, Father." Young Master Xue heard this, his face was full of excitement, and said: "But Father, that old fellow Blood Demon has to guard against it! After disappearing for so long and reappearing, and being so respectful to that young man, I want to spend two There are ulterior motives between people."

Hearing this passage, a trace of surprise flashed on Xue Sha's face, and then it turned into a touch of relief. This son who eats, drinks, prostitutes and gambles every day can express a different opinion on this matter, although everyone can Found this clue, but it's a good start!Because the other party didn't think about these things at all before.

"Don't worry, my father has led the Blood Refining Sect for so many years. I haven't seen such a big storm. His blood demon ancestor is just a clown in my father's eyes. He can't jump around." Xuesha said domineeringly.

"If that's the case, then I'll wait to see what father does." Mr. Xue smiled knowingly, got up and said: "My son will retire first, and father will also rest earlier."

"Go." Xuesha looked lovingly at the slowly disappearing Young Master Xue, and then his face gradually turned cold, and he muttered: "Ancestor Bloodfiend? What kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd?" !"

After a long while, the blood demon patriarch returned to the blood refinement gate, only to find Xue Fiend sitting in the lobby drinking tea, and the other party saw the blood demon patriarch also chuckled and stood up, just about to speak, but he was caught by the blood demon patriarch. The ancestor looked shocked.

"Hall Master Blood Demon, what's wrong with you?"

I saw that the eyes of the blood demon ancestor were irregularly black, obviously he was beaten by someone.Is this a bitter trick?But this bitter trick is too much a test of IQ, right?Who would only slap the eyes twice?
Hearing the other party's words, the blood demon patriarch also looked embarrassed, he hesitated and said: "It's nothing, I had a little misunderstanding with my friend!"

That's all I can say, it can't be said that he found a girl for a crab, and then he was beaten up straight away!
And Xuesha was at a loss when he heard the words of the blood demon ancestor, and subconsciously said: "Then did you fight back? The other party must not be able to take care of themselves?"

Fight back?Does he dare?If he didn't fight back, he would just be hit twice. If he fought back, he couldn't take care of himself!
But the loser does not lose the battle, the blood demon patriarch straightened his face, and said domineeringly: "That's natural, the other party probably vomited blood and died now!"

Xuesha nodded his head knowingly. Seeing this, the blood demon patriarch hurriedly changed the subject, saying: "I don't know what is the business of the Xuesha sect master not resting here late at night?"

"Wait for you!" Xue Sha said kindly.

"Wait for me?" The blood demon patriarch looked blank, and then, he thought of the matter of the Lingyun Pavilion before, and said: "The master of the blood demon sect is for the matter of Mr. Xue?"

"That's right, that's it." Xue Sha nodded.

The blood demon patriarch just wanted to explain, but Xue Fiend spoke first: "This old man came here specially to thank the blood demon hall master. If you hadn't taken action, the dog would have been in danger!"

Ok?Hearing the other party's explanation, the blood demon patriarch frowned slightly. Did the other party know Qin Feng's details?But it shouldn't be!After arriving here, Qin Feng has almost never made a move, and it is even more impossible for anyone in the Tianmo Continent to understand his strength.

Xue Fiend's next words dispelled his doubts, and the other party sighed softly, saying: "On weekdays, he is spoiled by the old man, and he doesn't know that the sky is high and the earth is so thick that even the Hall Master of the Blood Fiend is afraid of him, how can it be him? He was offended! He is being punished right now!"

The blood demon patriarch heaved a sigh of relief, and then smiled lightly: "Young Master Blood is still young, and he will understand the good intentions of the master of the blood sect in the future."

"I hope." Xue Sha sighed softly, and then asked: "By the way, I don't know if the Hall Master of the Blood Demon knows those two people, otherwise, how could he stop it in time! And according to Gouzi, the Hall Master of the Blood Demon is very interested in The other party is quite respectful.”

Sure enough, I still asked, and after a half-circle, this is the key point!But the blood demon ancestor didn't panic at all, because he had already thought about the reason, and said: "I don't know him, but as far as I know, the other party should have some relationship with the Qianyue Chamber of Commerce."

"Thousand Moon Chamber of Commerce? Are you serious?" Xue Sha asked with a change of expression.

This didn't allow him not to be shocked. The name of Qianyue Chamber of Commerce is known to everyone. It is no exaggeration to say that his Blood Refining Gate is not even an ant in the eyes of the other party.

"Of course, otherwise, how could my hall master have swept up your son's face in public? This is a last resort!" said the blood demon patriarch.

Xue Fiend nodded, and that was the end of the story. Afterwards, he clasped his fists at the blood demon patriarch again, and said, "Thank you for your kindness."

"They're all from my own family, why bother to be polite!" the blood demon ancestor said without blushing.

Hearing this, Xue Sha had a look of relief on his face.

"It will be the blood sacrifice ceremony of my Blood Refining Sect soon, and there is no room for any mistakes during this period." Xuesha said solemnly: "Fortunately, the master of the Blood Demon Hall returned in time. With your help, it is like adding wings to a tiger!"

Tiger?just you?Hehe, in the eyes of shopkeeper Qin, I'm afraid he doesn't even count as a cat!
"Don't worry, the blood demon sect master, the blood demon will do his best."

"Don't worry, the old man will see all your achievements. On top of the blood sacrifice, the old man will give you a surprise." Xue Sha laughed and said.

"So, the blood demon thanked the sect master first." The ancestor of the blood demon said with a smile: "It's getting late, I will take my leave first."

Xue Sha nodded and said, "Go and rest."

Afterwards, the blood demon patriarch clasped his fists again, said his farewell, and then turned to leave, while Xue Fiend looked at his back lightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

 Thanks to the user . for the 588 Shucoin reward.Thanks for the 100 book coin reward for the air-dried rubber!

(End of this chapter)

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