I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 424 You are insulting me

Chapter 424 You are insulting me

To kill?Still have to die?This time, Xue Sha smiled instead of anger. Although the crab in front of him was weird, it didn't make his heart palpitate yet.

"Overestimate your own strength." Xue Sha sneered, and said: "There are nearly a hundred people in my Blood Refining Sect alone, not to mention, there are so many friends today, can you really kill them all?"

"My target today is only your Blood Refining Gate. These guys are not within the scope of hunting." Frontline Crab glanced at everyone indifferently, and said indifferently: "Of course, I don't care if they want to help."

Seeing the contemptuous eyes of the front row crab, everyone's face showed slight anger, but no one expressed their opinion, just watching the changes.

The people present are not fools, and they will definitely not choose to stand aside until specific circumstances arise. After all, they have never heard of the "Red Cross", and the blood demon ancestor also mentioned it before. Even if the power is not weaker than those top powers.

Therefore, sitting and watching success or failure is the best choice at present.

Xue Sha glanced at the crowd, he could know what these guys were thinking without guessing, he was not too surprised, he would do the same if he was himself.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at another elder beside him, and said, "Elder Blood Wolf, lead your disciples to take down this evil animal, and we will have a tooth sacrifice together at night."

"Your subordinates take orders." The old man known as the blood wolf cupped his fists respectfully, and then said to the surrounding disciples of the Blood Refining Sect, "All disciples obey the order and assist this elder to kill this beast."

As soon as the words were spoken, the blood wolf took the lead and rushed towards the crabs in the front row. Behind him, there were more than a dozen shrimp soldiers and crab generals, howling.

The front crab looked at a group of "murderous" guys, and in its eyes, it was like a big duck rushing over with a group of ducklings. For a while, he felt that he had been greatly humiliated.

With a cold snort, a strange formation appeared in front of it, and then, a giant red flame dragon leaped out angrily, and greeted it with a roar. The speed was so fast that it was engulfed before the blood wolf and others could react. It turned into fly ash in a blink of an eye, so far, the fire dragon did not dissipate, but rushed towards the blood fiend.

Seeing this, Xue Sha frowned, the power of the law surged, and with a "bang", the fire dragon was instantly shattered, turning into little sparks and dissipating.

The first crab didn't find it strange to see that the fire dragon was scattered. After all, it was just an ordinary concentration of divine power and could not compete with the law. These bastards are here to give away the head? You are not ashamed, but I feel ashamed."

After finishing speaking, he snorted coldly, and said without distraction: "Boss is right, the more rubbish people are, the more they like to waste time. The real strong people only trust their own hands and never rely on others."

Hearing the words, the man in purple raised his eyebrows slightly. A person who can say such a thing is definitely a strong person. Not to mention anything else, he himself believes in this theory.Everything is illusory, only oneself is the definite number.

"Hey, are you here to kill people or to chat? It's been a long time, and I haven't settled it yet. If you keep haggling, I'll come by myself!"

Suddenly, a sound came from one side, and everyone turned their heads to look, only to see a young man dragging his chin with one hand, sitting cross-legged on a long sword with his legs cross-legged, his face was full of boredom!
Seeing this scene, everyone was in a state of palpitation. No one felt the appearance of this person. What was even more strange was that the long sword was floating in the void. The other party, and the latter seemed to have sensed it, turned his head and looked at him indifferently, and then his eyes fell in the direction of Xue Fiend again.

"Interesting!" the purple-robed man muttered softly.

When the first crab heard Qin Feng's words, he became nervous for a while, and said anxiously: "No, I can't grab it, it's all mine!"

After finishing speaking, it stared straight at Xue Fiend, and before the other party could speak, the front row crab took the lead in attacking, and shouted: "Old loach, look at the trick, I will kill you for three thousand."

The opening remarks were all finished by the frontline crab, and Xuesha didn't even have time to say a word, so he was attacked and fought with the frontline crab.

Everyone watched this scene quietly. At the same time, the blood demon patriarch walked over with a smirk on his face, cupped his fists at Qin Feng, and said coquettishly, "Treasurer Qin."

Qin Feng glanced sideways, smacked his lips, and said, "Be careful next time, lest I have to collect your corpse."

The blood demon patriarch hurriedly nodded and said, "There will be no next time!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng just nodded and said no more. Seeing this, the blood demon patriarch stood aside, took out a pill and swallowed it casually. The next moment, the blood puppet secret technique was instantly cleared, and the familiar Strength filled the whole body again.

This change was seen by many people. In the eyes, the blood puppet secret method was lifted like this?You must know that any technique that can be crowned with the word "secret technique" is a technique that is difficult to undo, but now, a elixir is done, it's done. It's done.

The vampire looked at the one person and one crab fighting together, and his heart was full of anxiety. Looking at the postures of both sides, the blood fiend was obviously at a disadvantage. If it continues like this, it will undoubtedly lose. few.

His eyes wandered around, and suddenly, he saw the blood demon patriarch chatting with a young man. Seeing this, the blood ghost took heart, winked at the other elders, and then walked towards Qin Feng unkindly. .

The blood demon patriarch didn't seem to notice it, he stood alone, as a qualified follower, he must know what the boss thinks, seeing Qin Feng's bored face, he obviously wanted to have some fun, now Fun is delivered to your door, if he snatches it!It is estimated that the other party beat him together.

When Qin Feng saw the people walking towards him, a look of joy appeared on his face, but when he saw the strength of the people coming, he let out a depressed sigh, and returned to his previous boring look, a group of rookies, the strongest god Realm, the weakest one is actually the Emperor Martial Realm, for this, he doesn't even have the desire to make a move.

With a thought, two identical clones appeared beside him, and then they walked over indifferently. In an instant, snowflakes were flying and the sky was scorching, while the members of the Blood Refining Sect screamed again and again, and some even screamed. If he couldn't get out, he rushed to the street.

Everyone else looked at this scene in shock. What kind of skill is this?Unheard of!The power is even more astonishing, killing people is like cutting leeks!
Just as the massacre on Qin Feng's side was about to end, the frontline crab's side also came to an end. Xue Sha's chest collapsed at this moment, one leg showed an irregular bend, and blood flowed out of his mouth like spring water.

On the other hand, there is no change in the front crab, and there is no confusion in the breath. It is just a rudimentary law, and it is not difficult for it!

It was another heavy blow, and Xuesha flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and sprayed "full of blood" along the way.Finally, he fell to the ground, twitched a few times, and then gave up struggling.

"Is this the end?" The crab in the front line looked unsatisfied, and then sighed: "It's boring, it's really boring!"

After finishing speaking, it turned around and walked towards Qin Feng. This is not a fight, it's clearly abuse!But within two steps, suddenly, a strange aura came from behind it, and Qin Feng and others looked behind him in astonishment!
Seeing this, the crab in the front row turned around, only to see that the blood fiend who was about to die was actually wrapped in red light and floated up, and the broken leg was still intact!His eyes were strangely red looking at the front crab.

"You are the first to push the old man to such a point, are you happy? Next, it's the old man's turn to make a move!"

(End of this chapter)

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