I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 426 Mission Completed

Chapter 426 Mission Completed
For a moment, all eyes fell on the man in the purple robe, let's see how he makes a choice!

Sensing everyone's gaze, the purple-robed man also looked embarrassed. This matter is difficult! If Qin Feng and the others are just low-level guys, then he will help without saying a word!But the scene at this moment is beyond everyone's expectations. One person and one crab directly wiped out the Blood Refining Gate. Moreover, he can be sure that the pair of masters and servants looked relaxed and did not show their real skills at all. As for that The old man was ignored by him directly, just a soy sauce!Offending an unknown strong man for a third-rate sect is not worthwhile.

But if you don't save him, it will appear that he is very timid and afraid of the other party!It's all right now, it's not about saving, it's not about not saving!

Hey, if I knew this earlier, I wouldn't have come to see this poor priest even if I killed him.

With a light cough, the purple-robed man cupped his fists at the crab in the front row, and said, "This... brother beast, can you?"

"No." Frontline Crab said directly without waiting for the other party to finish speaking.

"Is that possible?"


Hearing this, the purple-robed man frowned slightly, and stared closely at the front crab. Seeing this, everyone thought that the purple-robed man was angry and was about to make a move. Even Mr. Xue thought so, as long as this If the master is willing to make a move, then his life is sure to be safe, but the next moment, this "father"'s actions not only shocked the onlookers, but even the front row crabs!

I saw the other party raised his hand with a serious face, moved his body a step to one side, made a gesture of please, and said, "Please go ahead."

The front row crab and the blood demon ancestor looked at each other blankly, and after a while, it came back to its senses, grinned at the purple-robed man, and said: "You are interesting, come to the store if you have time, I will buy you a drink. "

After finishing speaking, it walked towards the stupefied Mr. Xue. He never thought that the other party would sell him so directly!

It wasn't until the crabs in the front line raised the big claws that Master Xue came to his senses and shouted, "Daddy, help!"

"Bang" the watermelon burst.

"Another one." The crab in the front row shook the blood from the big turtle, and then said to the man in purple robe, "Don't forget."

After finishing speaking, it hummed a little song and walked towards Qin Feng's side, while the purple-robed man was speechless, because many people were looking at him in astonishment at this moment!This is a shame to throw it home!

Xue Sha was running away from being beaten by Qin Feng, when he suddenly heard Young Master Xue calling for help, he subconsciously turned his head to look, just in time to see the scene where Aiko was shot in the head, at this moment, he was stunned for a moment, with an expression of disbelief .

At the same time, the front row crab approached Qin Feng and said, "Boss, we've settled it over there, why are you so slow!"

Qin Feng glanced at him indifferently, and just about to speak, suddenly, Xue Sha let out a heart-piercing roar, looking at Qin Feng with red eyes, red hair fluttering all over his head, and red mist constantly drifting in the seven orifices out.

When the blood demon patriarch saw this scene, his expression changed immediately, and he subconsciously said, "The blood donation secret technique!"

Donate blood?Mystery?Qin Feng was speechless, what kind of skill is this?Shouldn't donating blood mean going to the hospital?What is the name of the ghost!
Seeing Qin Feng's suspicious gaze, the ancestor of the blood demon wanted to explain, but then he thought, forget it, let alone the use of secret techniques by the blood demon, even if the other party uses divine techniques, ghost techniques, and magic, they are not Qin Feng's opponent .

"To put it simply, it's a bloodletting technique! It's useless." The blood demon ancestor said seriously.

Bloodletting exercises?Qin Feng looked bewildered, turned his head to look at the increasingly solid red phantom, and blew up the main artery?

When the onlookers heard the explanation from the blood demon patriarch, they almost spat out a mouthful of old blood!This explanation really sucks.

But the next moment, everyone's expressions changed suddenly, because they discovered in horror that the essence and blood in their bodies were also slowly draining away. Looking down, as expected, the sunflower blood array had spread to their feet at some point.

"Xue Fiend, what are you doing?" One person said in horror.

"Death, you are all going to die." Xue Fiend had completely lost his mind: "Let's all be buried with Xue'er, haha."

"Stop it, or we'll be rude!"

"Blood sect master, we are innocent."

All kinds of hustle and bustle, some anger, some panic.The purple-robed man also frowned, his divine power was running, and the pattern was forcibly forced back by him.

As if Xue Sha didn't hear it, he kept laughing wildly, and after absorbing the blood essence of everyone, Xue Sha slowly emitted a faint golden halo.

Qin Feng didn't intend to stop him, and looked at the other party with great interest. What makes people most desperate?It's nothing more than being kicked down when you struggled to climb to the top floor.

But the first crab doesn't think so. He knows that no matter how much blood this guy bleeds, Qin Feng will kill him, just like crushing an ant. I've been hungry for a long time, a small shrimp, as for it!"

Seems to make sense!Qin Feng looked at the arrogant Xue Fiend. It took half a day to drain the blood, and he barely stepped into the King God Realm. Even if the other party drained all the blood, it would be good to reach the initial stage!Then you have to make sure that the opponent doesn't lose too much blood and rush to the street.

As soon as he thought of this, he felt a lack of interest, and he had no intention of continuing to wait, and said: "You are right, then let's end it."

After finishing speaking, he held the sword in one hand, looked at Xue Sha indifferently, and an invisible wave radiated out, and everyone who was terrified suddenly felt that the world had quieted down. The man in purple robe felt differently. At this moment, His hairs stood on end, as if being stared at by something terrifying, he looked at Qin Feng in disbelief.

The next moment, the latter did not see any big moves, but simply drew out the spirit sword in his hand, but the moment the sword was unsheathed, the world was completely white, and everyone subconsciously squinted their eyes.

"Chants..." A subtle sound of sword groans sounded, and this was the only sound they could hear at the moment.

For a moment, when everything returned to calm, Qin Feng stood calmly in the air. On the other hand, Xue Sha still kept laughing maniacally, but there was no sound from that mad face. Immediately, everyone's puzzled eyes gradually turned into horror, Because, the bloody ghost started to disappear slowly, like sand blown away by the wind, and the bloody ghost, who was close to the king god realm, was killed by a sword?
The purple-robed man subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and even felt grateful for the decision just now!
Xue Fiend would never have guessed that he died so quickly, only because of Qian Lixie's sentence: I'm hungry.

It wasn't until the blood evil completely dissipated that Qin Feng withdrew his gaze, turned his head to look at the onlookers whose faces were pale due to excessive blood loss, smiled lightly, and said: "Everyone is tired, drink more red date soup after you go back, and replenish your blood. Qi and blood."

After a slight pause, he continued: "Of course, if you want to take revenge, you can come to the black shop in Sin City and find me."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for everyone to come back to their senses, Qin Feng disappeared in place with the first row of crabs and the ancestor of the blood demon, leaving only the shocked onlookers, and after a while, one person said leisurely: "What is a red date? Elixir?"

And the purple-robed man looked thoughtfully at the place where Qin Feng disappeared, the black shop in Sin City, and the crab seemed to have mentioned the shop before!It seems that someone should investigate.

So far, the mission of Blood Refining Gate has been completely completed.

 Party A: I need a colorful black!
  Me: What is colorful black?

  Party A: It’s that kind of black, why did you ask me as a designer?
  At first, I thought it was just a meme!Oh, I'm still too young!
(End of this chapter)

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