I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 429 The little fat man who came back from the dead

Chapter 429 The little fat man who came back from the dead

Cole sat beside Qin Feng, with his head lowered, sneaking glances at Qin Feng from time to time, with a look of fear and uneasiness on his face.

"What are you looking at?" Qin Feng really couldn't stand Coke's "obscene" gaze, and said bluntly: "You didn't do anything wrong. On the contrary, you did it very manly, and you didn't embarrass your teacher."

"Really?" Coke looked at Qin Feng in disbelief. He thought that the other party would give him a hard lesson, but in the end Qin Feng actually praised him, which made him a little unbelievable!It won't be a flashback.

"Nonsense, do you think I'm in the mood to tease you now?" Qin Feng asked nonchalantly.

Hearing this, Coke smiled, no matter what, as long as he doesn't pick him up!

Seeing the other party's appearance, Qin Feng snorted coldly, and said: "Man, it doesn't depend on whether you are strong or not, but on how you can stand up bravely when your woman is being bullied. You have done this."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Qian Yueming, and proudly said: "How about it, this grandson-in-law is satisfied."

Qian Yueming's eyes twitched, how could Coke become his grandson-in-law?With the consent of his grandfather?But when he saw Qin Feng's indifferent eyes, he swallowed in horror, smiled coyly, and said, "Satisfied, satisfied."

Seeing this, Coke scratched her head cutely, while Qianyue Jiabing lowered her head, rubbing the corner of her clothes shyly.

While the few people were chatting, Ghost Wolf and Hong Kui came to the shop led by the blood demon patriarch. When they saw Qin Feng, they both clasped their fists respectfully and said, "Thank you, shopkeeper Qin, for your rescue."

Qin Feng didn't care about it and gave up, saying: "This time you are implicated by me, and I will not let you get hurt in vain! In the next few days, you can stay in the store, all the products, You all get [-]% off."

When the two of them heard this, their faces burst into laughter. It's a [-]% discount. The prices of the items in the store are terribly expensive. This time, they can save a lot of money.This is not the point, the point is that Qin Feng's move is tantamount to recognizing the two of them.

"How does shopkeeper Qin plan to deal with those people from the Dayang Chamber of Commerce?" Ghost Wolf asked curiously.

Hearing this, Qin Feng smiled lightly, squinted his eyes, and said: "The weather is getting late today, and I will come to the door tomorrow!"

Although Qin Feng said it lightly, but for some reason, everyone heard a strong murderous intent from his words. Thinking about it, it was not a simple walk.On the other hand, the first crab, after hearing Qin Feng's words, immediately regained his energy, and the genes of the militants were ready.

Just as Ghost Wolf and Hongkui were about to talk, they suddenly looked at the door of the store with horror on their faces. Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw little Annie walking out with a sad face, holding the panda Panpan in one hand, and holding the panda in the other. He kept rubbing his buttocks, looked at Qin Feng, and muttered, "Brother, can I hit another place in the future? It hurts."

Qin Feng:.
On the other side of Sin City, a fat figure was fighting fiercely with a middle-aged man. Not far away, a woman in a red shirt and a man in a green robe were floating in the air, staring closely at the two people fighting. Below, there is a group of young people watching with great interest.

Everyone was the same group of teachers and students from Shenwu Academy that Qin Feng met earlier, and they were completing the graduation task given by the academy at this moment.

"Hmph, what a waste, it takes so long to fight against the Martial Saint Realm."

"We shouldn't have brought him out this time, wasting our time."

"That's right, hey, can you do it? If you can't, just give up and don't waste time."

The fat figure seemed to hear the voices of the crowd, his hands stopped, his round face was full of unwillingness and anger, but the opponent seized this opportunity, his spiritual power surged, and the offensive instantly suppressed him.

Seeing this, the Sequoia woman frowned, and shouted to the voice below: "Shut up, all of you, and if you make any noise, your grades will be invalidated."

Hearing this, although everyone was dissatisfied, they didn't dare to speak out anymore, but discussed other things in a low voice.

"You have heard that Master Gongsun Yun from Dayang Chamber of Commerce has also come to Sin City."

"Gongsun Yun? That Lord Gongsun who has comprehended the law of time?"

"Nonsense, is there a second Gongsun Yun in Dayang Chamber of Commerce?"

"What is he doing?"

"It is said to be for a shop."

"Really or not? What kind of shop can let Mr. Gongsun Yun come here in person."

"How would I know."

"Isn't Master Lin somewhat friendly with the Dayang Chamber of Commerce? Ask him then."

"That's right, it is said that Lord Gongsun Yun taught Master Lin back then, so he is considered a half-disciple."

When the woman in red shirt heard the words, she glanced at the man in green robe in astonishment. She didn't expect that the man in front of her had something to do with such a strong man.It was the first time she had heard of this rumor.

Sensing the other party's gaze, the green-robed man smiled indifferently, but there was a hint of self-satisfaction in those eyes. After all, not everyone can get the other party's advice. To receive this honor undoubtedly proves his outstanding aptitude.

At this moment when the few people were communicating, the battle on the little fat man's side also came to an end. At this moment, he is completely desperate, with knife wounds all over his body, and blood flowing down like a stream, like walking out of purgatory. Like a Shura, exuding a strong smell of blood.

And the other party was also inspired by him. Both sides didn't care about the injuries on their bodies at all, they were all supported by an idea. Every time they confronted, new wounds would appear on their bodies.

Seeing the tragic appearance of the two, the onlookers swallowed their saliva in horror. They couldn't see that the little fat man who usually seemed submissive and willing to be bullied by others actually acted so tough!

The woman in the red shirt and the man in the green robe also looked dignified, but they had no intention of stopping them unless they gave up or were about to die.

But at the next moment, the expressions of the two of them suddenly changed, and they rushed forward at the same time, because the little fat man and the warrior gave up their spiritual power directly, and swung the weapons in their hands to directly stab each other's vitals.

But the two were obviously slow, and only heard two "puffs", the weapons of both sides pierced into the bodies of both sides, and after a slight pause, the two fell straight down.

The green-robed man came up close, supported the little fat man's fallen body, took out a pill and gave it to him directly, but the effect was negligible, and blood foam kept gushing out of the little fat man's mouth and nose.

"How is it?" Sequoia woman asked anxiously.

Hearing this, the green-robed man sighed lightly and shook his head, saying: "The heart vein is directly broken."

Hearing the words of the man in green robe, everyone's expressions changed.

Feeling the life force passing away in his body, the little fat man smiled miserably, only feeling his eyes getting heavier and heavier. Is this the feeling of death?It's a pity, I haven't married a daughter-in-law yet, so I can't be reconciled.
"This bottle of elixir is for you. When necessary, it can save your life."

Just when he was about to lose consciousness, he suddenly remembered the bottle of elixir that the young man had given him back then. Anyway, he was dead, no matter what.

Just when everyone gave up, suddenly, the little fat man tremblingly took out a transparent bottle, and the golden-red liquid looked extraordinarily eerie in the dark night.

The green-robed man was slightly taken aback when he saw this, remembering that it was a gift from the mysterious young man back then, and also vaguely remembered what the other party said, hesitated for a while, and finally opened the bottle for him and poured the liquid into the little fat man's mouth, now, It can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

After taking all the liquid, the little fat man's aura continued to weaken. Sure enough, unless it was the legendary elixir, it was impossible to heal such a serious injury.

Just when the green-robed man was about to make an announcement, suddenly, a faint red light enveloped the little fat man. Immediately, under the horrified gazes of everyone, the terrifying injury healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it took only half a cup of tea time. , all the injuries have healed, and even the breathing has returned to normal. The little fat man blinked his eyes and looked at the shocked crowd with cuteness.

"I didn't die? Wow, this elixir has gone to heaven!"

Not far away, a man with a long gun stuck in his chest was watching this scene without hesitation. I chose to die together, but this fat man took a bottle of medicine and was rescued?If he had known this before, he would be a fool, if he had the holy medicine for healing, his life would be cheap.

In the end, after the sentence "GNN", his eyes were turned upside down.

(End of this chapter)

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