I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 451 The speed of a man

Chapter 451 The speed of a man
Qin Feng looked at this "Tarzan the Ape" curiously. The younger brothers behind him also had their own merits, and even one's nose hair almost touched his lower lip!They are all demons and ghosts, can't we have some good-looking villains!
But different from Qin Feng, when Zhu Duiyou and the others saw the hairy-chested man, their complexions suddenly changed, and they blurted out: "Lu Shan, why is it you?"

Hearing the words, the hairy man sneered, and said, "Why can't it be me? It's you, Zhu Duiyou, long time no see, but you've come back more and more! You even brought the garbage from the Martial Saint Realm with you!"

Sensing the shocked looks of several people, Qin Feng looked at the two sides with great interest, as if they were old acquaintances!

But when he heard the other party call him rubbish, he frowned subconsciously. Why did the other party always set fire on him every time he didn't want to cause trouble? Could this be the so-called "protagonist halo"?But what is the effect? ​​It attracts hatred so much.

"Lu Shan, don't talk nonsense, Qin Shaoxia is not something you can offend." Zhu Duiyou immediately retorted when he heard the other party's words, he had personally experienced Qin Feng's terror, and he still had lingering fears about the sword at the inn.

However, Lu Shan, the hairy-chested man, didn't take it seriously at all. He exaggeratedly showed horror at the others, which made everyone laugh, and then sarcastically said: "Zhu Duiyou, are you stupid in cultivation? How dare you call this kind of bastard?" For the young man, what good will it do you to laugh at me to death?"

After finishing speaking, he even laughed a few times, and immediately, his face froze suddenly, and he said sharply: "Zhu Duiyou, if you are sensible, get the hell out of here. I'm not targeting you. If you continue to babble, I will throw you into the sea."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Zhu Duiyou's rebuttal, he turned his head to look at Qin Feng, and said, "Boy, don't keep grandpa waiting too long, otherwise, it's not just the Capricorn crab that you want to catch, even your If you count your life, I will take it all away, and if you count your head, this time the arrest will be exactly one hundred."

"What? One hundred?"

This time, not only the onlookers, but even Qianlie Xie and Qin Feng were astonished, unexpectedly arresting so many.

"This time the first prize seems to be Lu Shan and the others!"

"It is said that the first prize this time is a very powerful weapon, even those who are strong in the King God Realm will be moved." The person who spoke was envious.

Seeing everyone's envious looks, Lu Shan showed a smug look on his face, folded his hands on his chest, and said arrogantly: "I'll tell you another secret. Not long ago, I broke through to the King God Realm, and I just need a hand." weapons!"

"What? King God Realm."

Hearing this sentence, everyone gasped again, Zhu Duiyou looked at him in shock, if that was the case, then they were in danger.

In the past few days of contact with Qin Feng, he has deeply discovered that although the other party looks young and easy to talk, he is a person with a strong sense of self-respect, and you want to hand over the other party to the prey that has been kept for a long time. , Is it too whimsical? It seems that today's battle is inevitable.

But Qin Feng's next words made several people puzzled. He looked at Lu Shan calmly, and said indifferently: "Hehe, if this is the case, then my crab will belong to you!"

Everyone looked at Qin Feng suspiciously, so he was so cowardly?Anyway, say a few words on the scene to save face!
"You just gave it to me like this?" Lu Shan couldn't turn the corner, and looked at Qin Feng in astonishment. It was too easy to talk.

"Otherwise? You can't fight and you can't run, why bother to offend someone who shouldn't be offended for the sake of so-called face?" Qin Feng said with a smile.

When Zhu Duiyu heard the words, his face immediately showed anxiety, and he said: "Qin Shaoxia, don't you still have us! Don't worry, you are not fighting alone."

"That's right, Shaoxia Qin, let's resist." The other person also took advantage of the situation and said, "You, a Capricorn crab, will definitely be able to exchange for a very high reward!"

Qin Feng didn't expect these people to come forward under such circumstances. He glanced at them gratefully and said, "It's okay, let's go on a trip."

"Hahaha, boy, I suddenly found that I like you a little bit, and I know the current affairs." Then, Lu Shan turned his head to look at Zhu Duiyou and the others, and said: "It's you who are stubborn, hmph, usually the one who dies the fastest It's also people like you, if you talk nonsense, I will kill you on the spot."

Zhu Duiyou and the others were angry when they heard the words, and they were about to refute, but they were pulled down by Qin Feng. Seeing this, Lu Shan's face flashed a look of confusion, not understanding why Zhu Duiyou and the others would be so angry. This "garbage" young man was so respectful, but before he could think deeply, Qin Feng's voice continued to ring out.

"Okay, I'll give you everything you want, so don't show off your power here! Consider how I feel as a victim."

Consider your mood?The onlookers were speechless. You look very happy with a smile on your face. Is there anything wrong?Of course, several people in Zhudui also thought so.

With a sneer, Lu Shan took out a gray cloth bag, directly sucked the front row crab into it, looked contemptuously at Qin Feng and the others again, and left with a big smile.

Seeing that there was no good show to watch, the onlookers looked at Qin Feng with the same contempt, then turned and left.

Zhu Duiyou and the others saw everyone leaving, so they approached Qin Feng suspiciously, and said, "Qin Shaoxia, why did you hand over the Capricorn crab?"

Qin Feng curled his lips with a chuckle, and said, "Because I'm easy to talk to, since he wants it, just give it to him!"

Easy to talk?Hearing these words, Zhu Duiyou took a deep breath, the scene of being knocked into the air in the morning was still fresh in his memory, and he knew that Qin Feng's cultivation as a martial sage was a lie.

"No, you must have some plan?" Zhu Duiyou said firmly. Qin Feng is carrying such a miraculous pill, no matter who is stronger in his cultivation, if he wants to escape, Lu Shan and others may not be able to escape. He was left behind, but the latter handed it over with a natural face, without even saying a word of rebuttal.

Sensing everyone's suspicious gazes, Qin Feng chuckled and said, "You still understand me."

It was really so, this time, they all looked at Qin Feng with hope, waiting for his explanation.

"Don't look at me like that. I can't tell you the specifics right now. Anyway, just wait and watch the show." Speaking of this, Qin Feng showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and muttered: "I wanted to let the other party see the man's speed. I didn't expect that orangutan to give me such a big gift, it's interesting."

Seeing Qin Feng's smile, Zhu Duiyou and the others suddenly felt trembling in their hearts. They didn't expect the other party to be so thoughtful and resourceful at such a young age. It seemed that Lu Shan was going to be in trouble.

"Qin Shaoxia, what is a man's speed?" One of them asked curiously, and the others also looked at Qin Feng curiously after hearing this.

Hearing the question, Qin Feng was slightly taken aback. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer. He hesitated for a long time before he said perfunctorily: "A man's speed is a man's speed! Why are there so many questions?"

After finishing speaking, ignoring the bewildered looks of several people, he continued: "Okay, I'll go to sleep for a while, and wake me up when I arrive at my destination."

Zhu Duiyou and the others looked at Qin Feng's leaving back, their faces showed a look of innocence, let us wake you up, only a fool would do this!
(End of this chapter)

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