Chapter 453 Trading
Through Zhu Duiyou's introduction, Qin Feng knew that the special red dragon in front of him was called Long Yu, and it was a core member of the Red Dragon Clan, and also a strong man in the King God Realm.

Long Yu looked at the two Capricorn crabs in front of him, and there was a flash of heat in his eyes. If it was some ordinary Capricorn crabs, it would definitely not care, but the two in front of him can be seen to be unusual. This special animal pattern, Only monsters with high bloodlines will have them. Although they are tempted, the price offered by Lu Shan is a bit high. Once they let go, the loss will be a bit big.

But if they don't agree, the other party may really turn around and leave, and then lose these two Capricorn crabs with high bloodlines in vain. Do we have to force these people to stay?

But as soon as this idea appeared, it was denied by it. Although it was sure to keep everyone behind, it would make a lot of noise and deal a big blow to the reputation of the Red Dragon Clan , After this point, who would dare to make a deal with the Red Dragon Clan? The gains outweigh the losses!
Lu Shan looked at Long Yu's tangled appearance, sneered, and said, "How about it, have you considered it? After passing this village, there will be no such shop."

Hearing the words, Long Yu's face became even uglier, and he kept thinking in his heart. Just when it was in trouble, suddenly, a red dragon with the same pattern walked in slowly.

"Hehe, 30.00% is indeed a bit too much. Brother Lu, see if we can reduce it for the sake of our cooperation for many years."

The red dragon in front of him looked older, but Qin Feng keenly discovered that the moment the other party appeared, the atmosphere in the entire hall was suddenly suppressed a lot. Obviously, the strength of this old lobster had reached a terrifying height. And the shocked gazes of the crowd also confirmed his conjecture.

Zhu Duiyou looked solemnly at the slightly blackened figure of the red line, approached Qin Feng, and said, "This is the second elder of the Hong clan, Long Hui, and it is said that its strength has reached the late stage of the King God Realm , what I comprehend is the law of the thunder system."

Thunder system law?Qin Feng looked astonished. If this law is used in the water, the aquatic products in the whole sea will be scorched by electricity. Moreover, according to the law, electric fish is against the law and will destroy the ecological environment!
With this in mind, Qin Feng became more determined in his belief in eradicating the other party. It is everyone's responsibility to protect the bad environment.

When Lu Shan saw the other party, his original arrogance instantly subsided a lot, he cupped his fists in fear, and said, "So it's the second elder, Lu Shan is being polite."

Long Hui lifted Da'ao with a chuckle, and said, "Brother Lu Shan, can you lower your old face?"

Hearing this, Lu Shan fell into deep thought. The old guy in front of him is no different than others, but a substantive member who holds the power of life and death. He must think carefully about what the other party said, while other human race members also looked at Lu Shan nervously.

After a while, Lu Shan took a deep breath and said firmly: "Since the second elder has spoken, I must make some concessions. Let's do it, let's just 20.00% five. You know, our brothers are all working hard to complete the Red Dragon Clan's mission." Task."

Hearing the other party's words, Long Hui frowned unnaturally, looked at Lu Shan indifferently, and the latter looked at Lu Shan without any fear, and the atmosphere became a little heavy again.

When everyone felt oppressed and uncomfortable, Long Hui chuckled lightly, as if mocking herself: "It seems that the old man has not gone out for a long time, and this old face is really worthless!"

"Don't dare." Lu Shan didn't dare to take it seriously, and continued: "But this is related to our interests, so we must fight for it."

Long Hui thought otherwise and laughed, looking at the lines on the crabs in front of her, her face showed a hint of obsession, then she glanced at the crowd indifferently, and said: "You two Capricorn crabs are very good, so I agree with you. Require."

This time not only Lu Shan, but also other human races showed joy. Seeing everyone's joy, a cold look flashed in Long Hui's eyes, but it disappeared quickly. She sneered: "But, I am red!" The Dragon Clan is not a charitable hall, just catch some ordinary Capricorn crabs and the lions will open their mouths."

Immediately, he pointed to the front row crab and another Capricorn crab, and said: "These two are different, they belong to high-level Capricorn crabs, and belong to the royal family among Capricorn crabs, so they are worth the price. As for the other common ones, they are at the original price. "

Everyone became anxious when they heard it, and looked at Lu Shan eagerly, who also frowned at the moment, and said, "But."

"No but." Before Lu Shan could finish speaking, Long Hui interrupted the other party directly, and said with a firm attitude: "This is the bottom line, if you want to trade, if you don't want to, hehe, then you can't force it."

After finishing speaking, Long Hui looked at everyone calmly, and Lu Shan didn't expect that the other party would be so decisive and wanted to say something, but Long Hui said to him: "Brother Lu, I think you are a character, so you are patient." I've told you so much, just accept it when it's good, don't go too far."

Hearing this, Lu Shan immediately swallowed what he wanted to say, feeling very entangled in his heart. If the argument continues, the other party will definitely be angry. At that time, he will not get his own share, and this year's hard work will be in vain up!

But if he just gave up like this, he didn't know how to explain it to everyone. For a while, he fell into a fierce struggle in his heart. Long Hui didn't disturb him, but waited for his decision indifferently.

After a long while, Lu Shan breathed a sigh of relief, and under the expectant eyes of everyone, he said slowly: "In this case, I accept the second elder's opinion."

Hearing this, everyone showed disappointment, but Long Hui smiled gratifiedly and said: "You can teach me, remember to stay and participate in the hunting meeting tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Long Hui ignored the other party, turned around and left with a light smile.

Seeing that the matter had been settled, Long Yu immediately revealed a relaxed expression, and said to everyone: "Everyone, you have heard what the Second Elder said. You are free to decide how you choose."

Everyone looked at each other helplessly. They thought they could get more rewards this time, but they didn't expect that it would end up like this in the end. They sighed helplessly and handed it over, otherwise, they wouldn't get any money.

Someone led the team, and the others stopped insisting, and handed over the captured Capricorn crabs one after another. For a while, the stone hall fell into noise again.

Qin Feng looked at Long Hui's leaving figure with admiration, sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot, originally he wanted to use the hands of everyone to disgust the Red Dragon Clan!Unexpectedly, it was resolved by the opponent in three or two strokes.

"Qin Shaoxia, what shall we do next?" Zhu Duiyou asked with a depressed face when he saw that everyone handed over the Capricorn crabs.

"People's hearts are gone, what else can I do?" Qin Feng said nonchalantly: "Forget it, you guys go too, other matters will be discussed later."

Seeing what Qin Feng said, several people sighed helplessly. What a great opportunity. It's a pity. They glanced at each other and walked towards the trading desk.

It was night, and the beach of the Red Dragon Clan was full of fires, and there were bursts of laughter. Since the next day was the day of the hunting meeting, no one chose to leave.

Qin Feng stood by the seaside with his eyes closed, some distance away from the crowd. Behind him, Zhu Duiyou and others were eating and drinking, and praised his craftsmanship from time to time, but Qin Feng ignored them and kept his eyes closed.

Seeing that Qin Feng didn't respond, the few people stopped looking for boredom, started changing the subject, and started complaining about what happened during the day. Undoubtedly, Lu Shan became the biggest winner this time, but the rewards for these people are still small Pitiful.

Just when several people were complaining, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Qin Feng's mouth, which was motionless. He slowly opened his eyes, turned around, and said to several people: "Everyone, I have a mission, are you interested? Of course , the rewards are quite generous.”

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Duiyu and the others stopped talking and looked at him in astonishment. Is there a mission at this time?What do you want?Wouldn't it be to catch the red dragon?

Seeing the worries of several people, Qin Feng chuckled and said, "Don't worry, we won't do anything illegal, there is no danger."

After finishing speaking, Qin Feng showed a meaningful smile, and several people in Zhu Duiyou felt a bad premonition in their hearts when they saw this.

(End of this chapter)

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