I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 456 The Fierce Battle Begins

Chapter 456 The Fierce Battle Begins

Looking at the densely packed Capricorn crabs, Long Yao frowned subconsciously. No need to guess, since the other party appeared here, the red dragons who entered the jungle were basically slaughtered!

Thinking of this, Long Yao suddenly felt his heart bleed, that is the future of their Red Dragon Clan, I can't say all of them, but seventy to eighty percent of the genius disciples have entered, but now they are all gone, can you not feel heartbroken.

But what puzzled them was that the Capricorn crabs in front of them were all intact, not even a wound, what is this?A unilateral massacre is impossible!You must know that many Capricorn crabs were injured when they were put into the jungle. This cannot be faked, but now they have all recovered strangely, so there must be something wrong.

Long Yao slowly looked at Qin Feng. Although he was angry, his rationality told him not to be impulsive. The young man in front of him was really too weird. He asked, "The patriarch is very curious, how did you heal the injuries of these beasts?" of?"

When everyone heard the words, they also stared at Qin Feng curiously. After all, on the court, no one would do that except him.

"You'll find out later!" Qin Feng didn't answer directly, but made a fool of himself, and then continued: "Also, in my eyes, to be honest, you are worse than animals. I don't know you Where does the sense of superiority come from?"

"You..." Hearing Qin Feng's words, Long Yao's face showed an angry look. He glanced at the Capricorn crabs on the ground, snorted coldly, and said, "In this case, there is nothing to say. Today, the patriarch wants you all die."

After finishing speaking, he turned to the warriors and said, "Everyone, if you kill a Capricorn crab today, you will get double rewards. This patriarch means what he says."

Rewards are doubled!All of a sudden, the eyes of the surrounding warriors showed a touch of excitement, but they were quickly suppressed by them. Normally, they would definitely do it without saying a word, but at this moment, they were a little jealous of Qin Feng's strength. The ghost knows if the opponent has any other tricks.

Moreover, Qin Feng's eyes at this time are like a calm sea without any waves, which is exactly the same as when he killed Lu Shan before. What does this mean?The opponent has strong self-confidence, even if they choose to stand in line with the Red Dragon Clan, they don't care.

The rewards are precious, but the price of a small life is even higher!It is not worthwhile to offend a mysterious strong man for a little profit.

Moreover, just as Long Yao wondered, they couldn't understand how these Capricorn crabs recovered from their injuries, it was so strange!Therefore, all the warriors just struggled for a moment, then made a choice, and said to Long Yao.

"Sorry Patriarch Longyao, we chose to be neutral in this battle, that is, we will not favor nobles, nor will we assist Capricorn crabs."


"You guys." Long Yao didn't expect that this group of mercenary guys would make such a choice, a wave of anger welled up spontaneously, but he couldn't do too much under the current situation, otherwise, he would force the other party to the enemy camp , then the gain outweighs the loss.

After thinking this through, he took another deep breath and said, "Forget it, I hope you mean what you say."

After finishing speaking, Long Yao stared at Qin Feng with cold eyes, and the other red dragons behind him also looked ready to go.



An icy voice came out of Long Yao's mouth. Suddenly, the members of the Red Dragon Clan shouted angrily. Immediately, like a red flame, they rushed towards the Capricorn Crab Clan. Long Yao also rushed towards Qin Feng the moment he opened his mouth. and go.

The division of labor was very clear. Long Yao held back Qin Feng, the great Buddha, and the rest of them opened fire with full firepower to wipe out the Capricorn crabs, and then worked together to kill Qin Feng.

After all, there are three strong kings and gods in the formation, and it is not a problem at all to deal with a group of ordinary Capricorn crabs.

But will the situation really be as Long Yao envisioned?of course not.

The moment the Red Dragon Clan made a move, Qin Feng's figure suddenly became blurred, and two identical figures appeared beside him. Then he drew out his long sword and rushed towards the Red Dragon Clan expressionlessly.

"What kind of exercise is this? Doppelgänger?"

The onlookers looked astonished, the aura emanating from the avatar was not much weaker than the main body, which also showed that the two avatars also had such terrifying fighting power, and it was unbelievable that there were such skills in the world.

All the warriors felt their scalps go numb, and even Long Hui and the Great Elder lost their minds for a while, but after only a moment, they came to their senses, looked at each other, and the two hurriedly changed their shapes to meet them. It is bound to cause great damage, God knows how many weird skills this guy still has.

The crab in the front line was relieved when he saw the two strong men of the king god state being restrained. Among the Capricorn crabs present, he was the only one who could resist the king god state. It's still a little bit reluctant, reaching this level, it's not as simple as one plus one.

But now that there is only one left, he has nothing to worry about. A golden halo exudes from the lines all over his body, and he rushes towards the last King God Realm with killing intent.


Just like the loud noise of muffled thunder in summer is constantly coming out of the void, many people's ears are numb from the shock, Qin Feng and Long Yao are already glued together, the two sides have not hidden their clumsiness at all, and the exercises are frequent, one after another can be seen by the naked eye The air waves spread, and even the surrounding space was covered with cracks.

The surrounding warriors looked at this scene in shock. They did not expect that Qin Feng would be able to fight Long Yao on a par. Not only that, but what was even more frightening was that Long Yao's power of law was directly forcibly resisted. What is this? What skills.


With another stronger impact, Qin Feng and Long Yao stepped back, stopped in the void, and looked at each other.

Although Long Yao's face was calm, his heart was like a tsunami, unable to calm down for a long time. Qin Feng felt like a rock to him, making him unable to do anything, even the powerful power of law was helpless. Feeling irritable and aggrieved.

"My God, what is that?" Suddenly, an exclamation came from below.

Hearing the sound, Long Yao subconsciously lowered his head and looked back. The next moment, his eyes suddenly showed an incredulous look, and even a hint of fear. He stopped fighting, and looked at the battlefield of the two ethnic groups in astonishment.

Down below, the fight between the Capricorn Crabs and the Red Dragons was also very fierce. Although the Red Dragons have a numerical advantage, the Capricorns and Crabs completely use a desperate attack method, directly exchanging lives for lives, not caring about their own strength at all. injury.

If this is the case, it will not cause everyone's shock. What makes them astonished is that the Capricorn crab, who was only breathless after completing the life change, suddenly took out a bottle of strange red liquid and swallowed it. Immediately, the terrifying The injury was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in just a moment, he returned to his peak state, and then continued to join the battle.

Not only that, but some Capricorn crabs experienced a qualitative leap in speed and strength after swallowing the unknown potion, directly knocking the red dragon of comparable strength into the air or crushing its hard shell.

Although the Capricorn Crab side also suffered losses, compared to the Red Dragon Clan, it was negligible. As one went down, the Red Dragon Clan slowly revealed its disadvantages.

Long Yao swallowed in horror, turned his head to look at Qin Feng stiffly, and said, "What the hell is this?"

Qin Feng flicked Jianhua casually, and said with a light smile: "Didn't you ask me how their injuries recovered earlier? Well, you have seen it with your own eyes now, haha."

(End of this chapter)

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