I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 463: All Beings Are Equal

Chapter 463: All Beings Are Equal
"You mean, the two of them pretended to be public servants and used their power for personal gain?"

"That's right." Little Annie held a lobster that was taller than her, took a big bite, and said, "Now there are 99 customers who come to me to complain."

Qin Feng was holding a lobster pliers, knocking on the table continuously, his eyes were fixed on the two fellows, the blood demon ancestor and Qian Yueming, the two of them lowered their heads at the moment, not daring to look into his eyes, even He also looked at Coke and the others for help.

Coke and the others dare not care about Qin Feng's affairs, they looked at other places directly, and Li Muwan was even more magnanimous and turned a blind eye.

It turned out that since the opening of the Shenyao Garden, the two of them squatted outside other people's medicine gardens every day. As long as they were ripe, they would be the first to rush in to pick them.

At first, the two enjoyed this kind of life very much, but then they went too far and stopped planting by themselves, because they found that the speed of stealing was faster than the speed of planting. This move immediately made some customers unable to Accepted, and jointly filed a complaint with Annie.

The blood demon patriarch was confident at the beginning. In his opinion, little Annie should not be able to take care of Qin Feng to protect his weaknesses. But what he didn't expect was that Annie would directly say: "We can't let some pests ruin the reputation of the store." , directly blocked their access to the Shenyao Garden, and this time, the two old guys were immediately cornered.No matter what you say, it doesn't work at all, and you even make various promises, but Little Annie still looks like a businessman.

Qian Yueming looked at the blood demon patriarch who was dripping with sweat, rolled his eyes, and hurriedly said: "Shopkeeper Qin, I'm not an employee in the store, so it's not considered using power for personal gain!"

"Huh..." Before Qin Feng could react, the blood demon patriarch had already looked over with angry eyes. The time they knew each other was not long, but it was not short. It's very clear, so with one word and one look, you can tell what the other party wants to do.

"Old guy, if you dare to abandon me, I will never end with you."

Qian Yueming coughed lightly, and said: "Brother Xue, if you are not a poor fellow, you should die bravely. On the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, this old man will definitely offer you a stick of incense."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the blood demon patriarch to refute, he stood up directly and said to Qin Feng: "In the final analysis, the old man is also a customer, but he has been in and out of the store all the time, causing them to misunderstand. Not a violation."

Qin Feng looked at Qian Yueming, who was speaking righteously, in astonishment, and didn't know how to refute for a while. Although he knew that the other party was deliberately trying to sell his teammates, but what the other party said was indeed the truth.

"I think what you said is quite right." Qin Feng turned his head to look at the blood demon patriarch, and said, "If you know the law and break the law, the crime will be aggravated. Are you going to hang it yourself, or should I do it myself?"

"Don't dare bother Shopkeeper Qin. I know that I have committed a serious crime and needs to be judged by the masses." The blood demon patriarch hurriedly stood up. He didn't dare to let Qin Feng do anything, otherwise, he wouldn't be hanging up for public display at that time.

Looking at Qian Yueming, who was sitting upright, with red eyes, he gritted his teeth and said, "The only thing I'm not reconciled to is careless making friends."

With a cold snort, the Gorefiend Patriarch walked towards Taishan Stone frankly, brushed it a few times, tied himself up, and looked at the void with a depressed expression.

When the onlookers saw this scene, they were all stunned. How could this be a song?

Seeing everyone's puzzled look, Qian Yueming stood up, faced everyone, and said: "Everyone, the blood demon ancestor abused his power and did a lot of things that made everyone angry. Now that the shopkeeper Qin is back, our light is here. Come back, shopkeeper Qin is back, and our Qingtian will be back."

The blood demon patriarch had accepted his fate, but after he heard Qian Yueming's words, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, what is this?Saying that Qin Feng is the savior is fine, everyone has done this kind of flattery, but the other party actually called him a heinous beast in front of everyone.

Uncle can bear it, but aunt won't let it. He wants to resist, but he is imprisoned on the Taishan Stone at the moment, and he can't use all his powers. He can only struggle like a mummy, but this move has been completely ignored. .

Qian Yueming praised Qin Feng for about half an hour. What's even more frightening is that none of the words were repeated. The eyes of Coke and Qianyue Jiabing on the side were all dull, and even Li Muwan, who was calm about things, also had a look of astonishment. He held up his teacup and looked at each other in shock.

One of the principals of the Qianyue Chamber of Commerce, even his father would call out for the existence of the senior when he saw it, and now he has become a humanoid licking dog, which is shameless, obscene, despicable, and a beast
Li Muwan used all the swearing words she learned, but it only took less than ten breaths. After all, she thought it was impossible for her to learn these vulgar words, but let her praise someone's words, then less!A realm like the other party's is not the same for a strong Dominant Realm. After trembling for a while, Li Muwan directly drank the tea in her cup.

Coke touched Qianyue Jiabing and said, "Your grandfather's cultivation is getting higher and higher."

"Ah!" Qianyue Jiabing nodded unconsciously, and said in shame, "I don't even know if this is my grandfather!"

Only the front row crab glanced at the other party, sneered, and muttered: "You have to be scared when you are about to die, you are a talent."

Qian Yueming took a deep breath, and finally finished speaking the words of praise that she had learned recently. Then, she looked at Qin Feng adoringly, and said, "Next, please tell us a few words from Shopkeeper Qin. Everyone is welcome."

After speaking, he applauded first. Qin Feng didn't want to pay attention to this guy at first, but what he didn't expect was that the onlookers actually applauded together and looked at him expectantly, which made it hard for him to get off.

Qin Feng stood up helplessly and motioned for everyone to be quiet, then he coughed lightly and said, "That's great, but Senior Qianyue is right about one thing, as the shopkeeper, I must be fair and fair, regardless of Is it for the customer or the staff, so."

Speaking of this, Qin Feng paused slightly, turned his head to look at Qian Yueming who was smiling, patted the other party on the shoulder, and looked at the other party with a smile.

Seeing Qin Feng's gaze, Qian Yueming was taken aback for a moment, and asked in confusion, "What's the matter, Shopkeeper Qin?"

"It's nothing, what did you say, be fair."

ah?fair?He just said it casually, and for some reason, Qin Feng's smile made him feel a little scared.

The next moment, there was another mummy on the Mount Tai stone. If you observe carefully, it is the Qian Yueming who was talking about before.

Qin Feng ignored the other party's struggle, clapped his hands, and said: "This is fair, let's continue shopping."

The onlookers came back to their senses when they heard Qin Feng's voice, and looked at Qin Feng in disbelief, what a righteous way to kill relatives!

"How is it? Is this shopkeeper very fair?" Qin Feng raised his chin at Li Muwan.

Li Muwan rolled her eyes at the other party. If others can't see it, it doesn't mean she can't guess it. It's obvious that she has to protect her shortcomings, okay?Putting down the teacup, he said, "I have something to tell you, come with me."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Qin Feng to ask, he got up and walked towards the side of the shop.

Have something to say?Qin Feng was slightly taken aback. Could it be that he wanted to confess his love to him again?Although puzzled, he followed.

(End of this chapter)

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