Chapter 469
The cultivation base of the dominator realm, the opponent must be the cultivation base of the dominance realm, Zhuang Xuanming can conclude that the white-haired man in the cloak on the roof must be the cultivation base of the domination realm. The other part of the scare is that all the divine power in his body has been sealed by the cold black breath, that is to say, he is an ordinary person at the moment.

But why is there such a wild place as the Mythical Continent that there are strong people who dominate the realm?If he had known this earlier, he would not have come here if he was killed. Now that he was arrested, Zhong Ming was directly slaughtered. Even his soul was swallowed up, and he would never be able to recover. When he thought of this, he sighed in despair.


"Why are you sighing? Why are you pretending to be deep?" Qian Duoduo said with an unhappy face, "Is there any reason for you to find fault?"

"Scholars can be killed and cannot be humiliated, how dare you beat this protector? It is really unreasonable." Zhuang Xuanming felt the pain on the right side of his face, and stared angrily at the few people in front of him. Normally, the other party could see him already It was a great honor, and now he dared to touch him.

When Luo Tianqi and the others heard the other party's words, their faces were astonished. This old guy's consciousness is very low. They looked at each other, and the next moment.

"Crack. Crack. Crack."

"You have to admit when you make a mistake, and you have to stand at attention when you're beaten. You don't understand that at all ages?" Qian Duoduo crossed his arms and said carelessly.

"That's right, I should hit you, and I'll be sad if I don't hit you." Luo Tianqi crossed one leg and said, "I don't even look at what's going on now, I'm still chattering."

After finishing speaking, he immediately stood up straight, pretending to be fierce and said: "Next, you can answer whatever we ask, otherwise, don't blame us for disrespecting the elderly."

Zhuang Xuanming looked at several people contemptuously, and said with disdain: "You think this Dharma protector is the kind of person who is afraid of death? Even if you ruthlessly trample me and whip me, you will never expect this Dharma protector to give in."

Not afraid of death?In an instant, everyone squinted their eyes. This old guy opened his eyes and was talking nonsense. Did he forget the way he knelt in front of Alsace half an hour ago and begged so hard?
Seeing Zhuang Xuanming's appearance, the Nine-Winged Heavenly Bird smiled, and said to Luo Tianqi and the others: "Brothers, go and sit for a while, the scene will be very bloody and violent."

Hearing this, Luo Tianqi and the others nodded, then turned and went back to the door of the shop.

To tell the truth, when it comes to torture, the miscellaneous bird on the field takes the second place, and no one dares to take the first place. Everyone has also researched this matter in private, and finally came to the conclusion that it may be a long-term illness who became a good doctor. Qin Feng and the frontline crab have abused a lot, and learned a lot of knowledge.

Seeing a few people leaving, the Nine-Winged Heavenly Bird turned around and looked at Zhuang Xuanming, and said with a smile: "I haven't encountered any difficulties for a long time, I hope you can hold on longer."

Seeing the cold gaze of the other party, Zhuang Xuanming swallowed in horror, and said, "What do you want? Don't come here, come here again and call for help."

The Nine-Winged Heavenly Bird looked indifferent, and said: "Scream, no one will pay attention to you if your throat is broken, so just obey."


Luo Tianqi and the others glanced at the Nine-Winged Heavenly Bird, and then continued to chat indifferently, and laughed loudly from time to time, which was in stark contrast to Zhuang Xuanming's screams.

After a while, the Nine-Winged Heavenly Bird came over with an unsatisfied expression, picked up the Lingquan and gulped it down a few times, and then said comfortably: "Okay, go ask, now even if you ask what the hell you are wearing He won't hesitate about underwear."

real or fake?Luo Tianqi and the others looked at each other suspiciously, so they suddenly walked towards Zhuang Xuanming, and when they came close, compared with the trembling before, the latter's pupils were very dizzy at this time, and his face was extremely pale , his mouth was still drooling, and he kept muttering: "Don't...don't."

Are you sure this is torture by words and deeds, not QJ?
"What shameful thing did you do?" Qian Duoduo couldn't help asking.

"What can I, a bird, do to a bad old man?" Nine-winged Heavenly Bird asked nonchalantly: "Besides, if I have any weird hobbies, can I still live to this day? Can you still be so safe?"

"That's right, then what the hell is he?" Luo Tianqi asked.

The Nine-Winged Heavenly Bird chuckled, and said, "I got a few enhanced versions of the "Nightmare Scrolls" some time ago, and then used them on him."

"That's it?" Shangguan Tuo looked at the other party suspiciously, how many scrolls can scare the strong man like this?Don't diverge: "Be lenient when confessing, and be strict when resisting."

Seeing the gazes of several people, the nine-winged bird's eyes drifted away, and he hesitated and said: "Actually, it's nothing, it's just a few enhanced soul and spirit spur scrolls."

Several people gasped subconsciously when they heard the words, the soul and spirit spur scroll, is it an enhanced version?

"Are you planning to make him an idiot?" Shangguan Tuo looked at the other party in surprise, and said, "Finally, a guy from that plane came here. Are you going to ask some news about the old man, grandson and son-in-law?"

The Nine-Winged Heavenly Bird smiled awkwardly when he heard the words, and said, "Don't worry, I won't. I'm sensible. If you have any questions, please ask."

Gazing at the other party, Shangguantuo turned his head and asked, "Tell me about your origin and identity first."

"Zhuang Xuanming, from the Heavenly Demon Continent, one of the protectors of the Tiandao Pavilion, with a cultivation level of the King God Realm."

It turns out that that continent is called the Heavenly Demon Continent!

"160 seven years old, single, like."

"Stop, stop." Luo Tianqi interrupted the other party, the first two sentences were okay, but the latter became more and more wrong, and said, "What are you doing here?"

"Investigate things about Qin Feng."

"Qin Feng? Shopkeeper Qin?" They were taken aback for a moment, and then, excited expressions appeared on their faces, finally hearing about Qin Feng.

Taking a deep breath, they suppressed their restless hearts and said, "What's wrong with Shopkeeper Qin? What are you going to investigate?"

Zhuang Xuanming opened his mouth slightly, and was about to say something when suddenly, he realized, Shopkeeper Qin? , could it be
"Isn't the one on the top floor the shopkeeper?"

"Of course not. That's our big brother. You still want to investigate us with your IQ? Who are you insulting!"

"That's right, I'm still a master, damn it."

"You guys." Zhuang Xuanming took a deep breath and felt the blood in his body reverse rapidly. Then, he rolled his eyes and said with a sneer: "Hmph, I advise you to let go of this protector quickly, because your treasurer Qin has fallen into trouble now." It is in the hands of my Tiandao Pavilion, and he told us this address, if this protector can't go back, then your shopkeeper Qin will die too, haha."

Luo Tianqi and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then they also laughed together.

The laughing Zhuang Xuanming looked at this scene with a blank face, what was the other party laughing at?Could it be that the other party has an enmity with that shopkeeper Qin?But it's not right, didn't the old guy in front of him just now say that the surname Qin is his grandson-in-law?
Just wanted to ask, but the next moment, his eyes were full of horror, and he started to tremble, and Luo Tianqi and the others took out a bunch of scrolls and handed them to the nine-winged sky bird, saying: "Come on, these are the scrolls we used before. The scroll that was drawn, this senior is worthy of being a master of Tianmo Continent, it is resistant to C, you continue, if it is not enough for us to draw again."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Zhuang Xuanming's horrified gaze, turned and left directly.Nine-winged Skybird looked at a large pile of scrolls in his hand, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, don't go, I just made a joke when I saw the tense atmosphere." Zhuang Xuanming said anxiously, he really didn't want to try the feeling just now, he was too ecstatic.

"You idiot, shopkeeper Qin's strength is no worse than that of big brother, and he is accompanied by Brother Xie, so you still want to catch him?"

After finishing speaking, he looked up and down at Zhuang Xuanming: "I still have the strength to make a joke, it seems that Master Bird is too lenient, come on, let's continue to have fun."

"Ah!" An earth-shattering scream resounded through the world.

Ignoring the screams behind him at all, Qian Duoduo looked at them and said, "There is news about Manager Qin, do we need to notify the three proprietresses?"

Shangguan Tuo pondered for a while, then nodded. Seeing this, Qian Duoduo picked up a purple jade talisman and crushed it vigorously under the expectant eyes of everyone. The next moment, several waves that were invisible to the naked eye quickly flashed in all directions. .

Done, now we're all here.

(End of this chapter)

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