I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 472 Pre-War Layout

Chapter 472 Pre-War Layout
In the room, Qin Feng was leaning back on the chair, with a look of contemplation, and the other hand tapped the table regularly, making a "beep" sound, while the front row crab looked at the empty space in his hand with a bitter face. The storage bag, he used to be considered a local tyrant at any rate, since he rescued the Capricorn crabs, he has returned to before liberation.

After a while, he sighed helplessly, put away the storage bag, now he had to tighten his belt to live, otherwise, he would not be able to chase the female crab in the future.

Seeing the appearance of Qin Feng next to him, the front row crab smacked helplessly, and said, "We should join forces to force that little boy to stay during the day."

Although the first crab was in the pet space before, he still knew everything about the outside world, so he also knew why Qin Feng was troubled at the moment.

Hearing the sound, Qin Feng paused when he tapped on the table, squinted at the crab in the front row, and said without hesitation: "You treat the other party as the usual stinky fish and rotten shrimp."

I gave this guy a blank look, and continued: "I'm a bit powerless to deal with the guy in the King God Realm, let alone the Dominator Realm. Moreover, since the other party dares to come, he must have enough confidence and certainty."

"That was in the past." The first crab didn't take it seriously, and said, "Boss, didn't you get that special reward a while ago? It's enough to make up for your shortcomings."

Hearing this, Qin Feng did not refute, touched his chin, took a deep breath, and said: "Although that is the case, I have not fully grasped it, and I am not sure enough to keep the other party. Once I let the other party go away, it will be troublesome." , Now we have to make complete preparations, judging by their posture, the other party will deal with not only us, but also people related to us, so we are a little bit pressed for time now."

The front crab nodded. Since the other party sent people to the Mythical Continent, they must have been investigating Qin Feng and eradicating the roots. After all, a soft-hearted person cannot become the master of the Mythical Continent.

"Then what shall we do next?" the front crab asked.

Qin Feng thought for a while, and said: "Fortunately, we have not been in Tianmo Dalu for a long time, and we have not established many contacts. In this way, you should start now, go to your parents and tell them, let them take precautions in advance. As for the in-store Others try not to go out."

"You mean they will take action against my people?" Qianqian Xie said solemnly.

"If you are not afraid of accidents, you are afraid of accidents. It is never a bad thing to plan ahead." Qin Feng frowned, and said: "Even if we send someone to attack, the strongest will only be the King God Realm, and there will be no Domination Realm. After all, our side That's the highlight, so with the treasure you gave and your father and others, self-protection is definitely no problem."

Qian Lianxie agrees with Qin Feng's words very much. He thinks that the other party already has some information about the shop, such as the "third killing formation", so the other party will not disperse their combat power, so as not to be defeated one by one.

"Then I'll go now."

After finishing speaking, the front crab turned and left, but within two steps, he suddenly thought of something and said, "Boss, what about Miss Li and the others?"

This time Qin Feng didn't even think about it, and said directly: "They should be fine, otherwise, Dao Wuji wouldn't let her leave as soon as possible."

"That's right." The next moment, the front row crab took out a city return scroll and tore it open. Finally, the huge body disappeared in the space-time formation. Fortunately, when he left, he left a teleportation stone in the Capricorn crab family. , otherwise, the day lily will be cold in the time it takes to go back and forth.

Qin Feng watched the disappearing figure of the crab in the front row, turned around and came to the window, looked at the bright moon in the sky, and let out a deep breath. After a while, he put his mind on his attribute panel and stared at one of the lines in a daze. .

Ultimate mission: Enemy all over the world.

The final test is about to come, the siege of Tiandao Pavilion and Daluo Immortal Domain, please kill the coming masters.

Mission failed: dead.

This task appeared on the task bar after Gu Dao left. To be honest, this is the strangest task Qin Feng has ever seen. There is no reward for success, only punishment for failure.

For this reason, he also asked the system what it meant, and the explanation given by the system was simpler: literal meaning.What's the difference between that and don't say?No matter how bad it is, I still know these words.

Gradually, Qin Feng's gaze became firmer, and he clenched his hands into fists. Regardless of the reward, he would not accept the consequences of this failure, nor would he accept it. There are still people waiting for him in the Divine Fantasy Continent.

Tiandao Pavilion, Da Luo Xianyu, let us decide who is the final master.

A few days later, at the door of the store, Li Muwan looked at Qin Feng apologetically, and said, "I'm sorry Shopkeeper Qin, we really can't do anything about this matter."

Qin Feng chuckled nonchalantly, and said, "Miss Li is worrying too much. I can understand this matter. After all, your family members are all in the Heavenly Path Pavilion."

"Thank you." Li Muwan looked at Qin Feng gratefully. To be honest, this incident made her feel very guilty. After all, Qin Feng was also her lifesaver, but at this moment, she couldn't do anything. This sense of powerlessness made her very uncomfortable.After giving Qin Feng another apologetic look, he turned and left the shop.

Qian Yueming stood behind Qin Feng, looked at the other person's back, and didn't know what to say. He was very contradictory. In terms of kindness, he was only superior to Li Muwan, not to mention that his granddaughter was married to Little Coke.

But the Tiandao Pavilion alone is not something they can mess with, not to mention the Daluo Immortal Territory. If he is alone, he will definitely stand behind Qin Feng unswervingly, but his identity is a bit sensitive, and the representative It is the Qianyue Chamber of Commerce, once he chooses Qin Feng as a team, the Qianyue Chamber of Commerce behind him will inevitably be implicated.

Just when he was in a dilemma, Qin Feng in front of him suddenly said: "Master Qianyue, please do one thing."

"Shopkeeper Qin, please tell me that this old man will die forever." Qian Yueming said firmly.

"You don't need to die." Qin Feng turned around with a light smile, and said with a smile, "You just need to take the Coke away."

Hearing the words, Qian Yueming was slightly taken aback. She didn't expect Qin Feng to ask for such a thing, but Ke Le kept a straight face and said, "Master, I won't leave. I will stay and advance and retreat with you."

"Get back your head." As soon as Coke finished speaking, Qin Feng slammed directly and mercilessly: "What else can you do with your little cultivation other than shouting cheers from the sidelines? If you stay, when the time comes to fight, I will still score Take care of you with all my heart."


"No but, is it possible that you still want to sacrifice your life for benevolence? Childish, if you continue to babble, I will drive you out of the school." Qin Feng hit again, and then, without giving Coke a chance to refute, he said to Qian Yueming: "Qian Yueming Senior Yue, please take care of the villains."

Qian Yueming nodded and said, "Don't worry, shopkeeper Qin, as long as the old man survives, he will be safe."

"With that, I feel relieved." Qin Feng smiled, and then said directly: "Farewell, I won't see you off."

Qian Yueming opened her mouth, but finally found that she didn't know what to say. In the end, she could only sigh helplessly, and clasped her fists and said, "Treasure."

After finishing speaking, he turned around directly, but just as he was about to leave, suddenly, a figure covered in blood stumbled over, and Qian Yueming's complexion changed drastically when he saw the person coming, and hurried to meet him.

(End of this chapter)

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