Douluo: Yellow Spring Douluo

Chapter 23 Star Dou Great Forest Distress

Chapter 23 Star Dou Great Forest Distress

What Long Fantian didn't know was that from the moment he left the palace, an assassination operation against him had already begun.

In the first three days, all the palace guards in charge of the reception that day were replaced, and then disappeared one by one out of thin air.

Then the maids and officials on duty also disappeared without a sound.

After all this was done, it was the turn of Dragon Brahma.

Of course, it is impossible for the other party to commit murder in front of so many masters. After all, if he is caught, it will not be easy for the chief envoy.

But because the other party concealed it very well, Long Fantian didn't realize how big a crisis he had fallen into!

And this kid is not thinking about it at all now.

After the test of practice, if he wants to quickly upgrade his martial soul in the gate of the underworld, he must continue to experience battles.

But where do you send Long Brahma to continue the fight?

There is only one answer, and that is the Star Dou Great Forest!

Whether you are looking for a hundred-year-level spirit ring or a ten-thousand-year-level spirit ring, you can find the corresponding spirit beast here.

And it is said that in the depths of this forest, there are two soul beasts with a lifespan of more than 10 years.

Essentially speaking, the power of a soul master comes from these soul beasts.

Therefore, the gate of the underworld can also be upgraded by absorbing the power of the soul beast.

What's more, this place doesn't belong to any force at all, even if he kills inside, no one will interfere.

But on the other hand, the Star Dou Great Forest is also an extremely dangerous and ominous place.

Some of the soul masters who go in every year will never come out again.

This is also recognized by everyone in the entire Douluo Continent.

Over time, this huge forest has also become a paradise for some people, such as the Wuhun Temple.

In fact, Long Fantian discovered something was wrong just as he stepped into the outer area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest.

Quiet, quite quiet!

Even the chirping of the birds is gone, can it be okay?
What does this mean?
The experience of fighting two Title Douluo once made our dragon Brahma very sensitive to danger.

After walking a few steps, the guy felt that he was being watched.

There is nothing unusual about the surrounding environment, which only proves that the peeper is super powerful.

How to do?
Is it to quickly exit this dangerous place?Or find that peeper?

The answer is naturally the latter!
Because it goes without saying that Long Fantian knows who wants to deal with him.

He caused such a big loss to Wuhundian before, will the other party let him go so easily?
But now that Long Fantian is in the clear, the other party doesn't know where he is hiding.

So it's better to pretend that you don't know anything, but you have to secretly set a trap.

It's up to who's patience next!

"The first soul skill, Touch of the Underworld!"

"The third soul skill, Netherworld Asura Field!"

Pretending to be completely ignorant, Long Fantian started his own journey of fighting monsters and upgrading.

With the cooperation of the first and third soul skills, those century-old and thousand-year-old soul beasts outside the Star Dou Great Forest were not beaten at all.

All of them, like puppets on a string, walked towards the gate of the underworld, contributing their strength.

And the guy hiding in the dark seemed to be touched at the moment.

This guy didn't seem to have a body, and his whole body was wrapped in a cloud of pitch-black smoke.

Just like that, it suddenly appeared above Long Brahma's head.

"Boy, take your life!"

It's you who are waiting!
On the surface, this angle is very unfavorable to Long Brahma.

But in fact, this situation was deliberately done by him, in order to make the other party paralyzed!

And when this cloud of black smoke was flying down towards Long Brahma's head.

Suddenly, a large piece of beautiful flower petals floated on the ground under the boy's feet.

Spinning, jumping, with a strange aroma, and yellow pollen...

This, isn't this the flower of the other side of Huangquan?
Because the Star Dou Forest itself is full of flowers.

These flowers on the other side of the underworld are dormant in the green grass, even if you have the best eyesight, you can't tell them apart!
After the previous competition with Chrysanthemum Douluo, the iron-like facts have proved that this Huangquan Bianhua is strong enough to fight against Title Douluo!
Although this smoky guy's movements are quite weird, he remains the same.

Even if this guy is a Title Douluo, the smog around him is also made of energy!

"What? You..."

(End of this chapter)

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