Douluo: Yellow Spring Douluo

Chapter 430 Bai Chenxiang Was Taken Hostage

Chapter 430 Bai Chenxiang Was Taken Hostage

"Don't pretend, no mimosa can survive in this temperature, I know who you are!"

It seems that Bai Chenxiang made the right bet, after hearing this sentence, the fairy grass disguised as mimosa took the initiative.

"I didn't expect that I would hide so many people, but I didn't escape the eyes of you, a little girl. It's really good!"

Yuna carefully looked at the Contra-level girl in front of her. This little girl seemed to be the weakest enemy she had ever seen.

"You have nowhere to escape, hurry up and capture! If that fat man Ma Hongjun really catches you, he will definitely burn you!"

Bai Chenxiang is kind-hearted, but the 10-year-old soul beast in front of him is not simple.

"Hehe, little sister, since we are so destined, then let you send my sister out!"


"Ah! You~"

Before Bai Chenxiang could react, the vines that had entangled the little fat man earlier entangled her again, and the attack of the 10-year-old soul beast had no time to dodge!

"You funny little girl, you should be the person next to that adult, right?"

I have to admit that this Yuna is smarter than those 10-year-old soul beasts nearby, and she can even see that Bai Chenxiang's identity is different.

Just when this guy made a move, the powerful fluctuation of soul power had already attracted the attention of everyone around, but when everyone was about to launch an attack, they saw Bai Chenxiang's figure.

"You bastard, let go of Mrs. Bai quickly, or I will reduce you to ashes!"

Ma Hongjun was so angry, he clearly passed by Mimosa's location just now, but he didn't even look at it, unexpectedly this guy was just pretending!
"Haha, you guys, get out of my way. Have you seen the spikes on my vine? It's highly poisonous. If you don't want this lady to be in trouble, you'd better give me a way out!"

During the speech, the figures of Long Brahma and Bibi Dong also appeared in the air.

"What this guy said is right. Even Title Douluo may not be able to withstand these poisonous thorns. It seems that she is really going to let her go today!"

As Bibi Dong who has a lot of research on this fresh herb, the former pope's suggestion is still very pertinent.

"Let this woman go, no one is allowed to stop her!"

There was no other way, Long Fantian could only choose to compromise, and then watched helplessly as the other party took Bai Chenxiang away.

"It's best not to follow me, otherwise I'm worried about what will happen if my hand shakes!"

It seems that this 10-year-old ninth-grade crystal blood dragon ginseng is really not a fuel-efficient lamp, it is quite toxic in itself, and the heart of the woman transformed from it is also quite vicious!

"It seems that we can only do what it wants, otherwise you may really lose sight of Xiaobai!"

Bibi Dong also sent his men to search for this fairy grass before, but all of them never came back, presumably they were murdered.

"Boss Long, I was the one who caused this disaster. Leave it to me to save people. If I fail, I won't come to see you!"

It wasn't until the figures of the two disappeared on the horizon that Ma Hongjun ran to Long Fantian and volunteered.

Unexpectedly, these 10-year-old soul beasts are not fuel-efficient lamps, and a gentle and kind girl like Xiao Wu is probably just an exception.

"Okay! You are responsible for delivering the news. If you have any questions, you should report to me immediately. After all, this fairy grass girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and I don't want to include you in it!"

Although Ma Hongjun is a Level 96 Title Douluo at this moment, he is obviously not the opponent of that vicious woman, coupled with the opponent's various tricks, it is simply impossible to guard against!
"Obey, if I encounter something that I can't handle, I will definitely send a distress signal. Does this rotten grass treat everyone in Shrek Academy as a sick cat? Today, I must let her know how powerful it is!"

It seems that Ma Hongjun is really angry this time, this mistake is simply a stain in his life, if he can't rescue him with his own hands, he will really be ashamed to see others!
"Fatty, don't force it, I'll go there with you, we'll take care of each other!"

Perhaps because he was worried that Ma Hongjun couldn't handle it alone, Oscar also took the initiative to stand up. Under the guidance of Long Brahma, this kid also cultivated to the 94th level Title Douluo.

"Okay, the two of you going there together can be regarded as a help. Oscar, you have experienced a lot of time outside, and your mind is much calmer than this fat man. I can trust you!"

Although Ning Rongrong looked worried, this was obviously an opportunity for Oscar to make contributions, and everyone knew in their hearts that this was Long Fantian's intention to give these two young people a chance.

"Thank you, Boss Long, I guarantee that Mrs. Bai will not lose a single hair!"

Oscar's recovery ability is obvious to all, and it is indeed not a joke.

And not long after the two left, Long Fantian still followed Bibi Dong's advice, after all, Bibi Dong still knew very well about that Yuna's situation.

"What do you think? Do I need to send a few more people there?"

"Although it's a little dangerous, I think these two young people need to practice, especially that little fat man, who is too unstable!"

This is Bibi Dong's opinion, and it is also the best decision right now.

"Then let's do that, I'll let the people from Tianlongmen meet the two of them on the outside, so it should be safe!"

In fact, Long Fantian was also very worried about Bai Chenxiang's safety, but now there was a more important task before them, that is to find Tang San, after all this kid was the key to Xiao Wu's resurrection!
The original Tang San might have loved Xiao Wu very much, but now this guy has been completely blackened, even his biological father is just a tool for him to use.

This may be the price of love...

On the other hand, Yuna and Bai Chenxiang, this 10-year-old soul beast is running around like a headless fly, completely unaware of where it will go next!

"You, you can't run away. Now that the whole world belongs to Tianlongmen, where else can you hide?"

This girl Bai Chenxiang was spoiled before, but she still can't control her young lady's temper in such a dangerous situation?
However, Bai Chenxiang's words reminded Yuna instead, which was equivalent to pointing out a clear path for this woman.

"Hehe, Mrs. Bai, it seems that I want to thank you! Indeed, basically all the territory in the world has been touched by your Tianlongmen, but it seems that there is still an empire that has not been conquered!"

"You mean, you mean the Wuhun Empire? Are you crazy? Back then, the people from Wuhundian chased you thousands of miles away, and you still plan to go there and throw yourself into a trap?"

"Hehe, that's not necessarily true! If I offer you, Lord Long's little wife, with both hands, will they give me a way out?"

Great, as the saying goes, the most poisonous woman's heart, the 10-year-old soul beast Yuna in front of me perfectly interprets the true meaning of this sentence!
"You, you hateful crazy woman, you must die, you will definitely be eaten by Xiao Wu!"

"Hehe, little girl, you'd better shut up, we'll have arrived at our destination after we wake up from sleep!"

It was a feeling of dizziness, it was Yuna who did it, and directly anesthetized Bai Chenxiang with her poisonous sting...

(End of this chapter)

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